And we beat them senseless this year.
I'm not going to get into it because I don't want to slight any team who has beaten us over the past few years. What I will say is that *s matter and over the next several years I expect the macro view of Penn State's results will show that.
To begin with Penn State did not beat Temple (with their 2* recruits) senseless this year.
Penn State beat Temple by a score of 34-27 (maybe your interpretation of senseless is different than mine).
Stars do not insure winning records, if that was the case then Texas, Notre Dame, LSU etc. would have had fantastic seasons.
Stars are someones assessment (subjective) of the talent (potential) a particular recruit has.
Other than stars I am more impressed about the schools who have offered a recruit because those schools are all doing their own evaluations.
The 3 Star player from Florida (above posts in thread) that you somewhat mocked had offers from Alabama, Oklahoma, LSU, Tennessee, South Carolina, Pitt among others.
Those schools recognize (in their assessment) that this player has great potential even though he is only 3*.
My previous example citing Aaron Donald (who was also a 3*) had significant offers from good football schools. In his last year playing for Pitt, Aaron Donald goes on to win almost every NCAA award that can be awarded to a Defensive Linemen. In the NFL, he is already a pro bowler.
Pitt is making significant progress in elevating their football program whether you want to believe it or not (it really doesn't matter).