Who is Katie Siegel ?

I hate Cam....dude can dress though. He has had some sharp suits/outfits over the years.
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I think her dad created Superman....

or was famous for kicking people in the balls when they weren't looking.

I forget...
Hah I was thinking the same person. She played the crippled guy's GF on Lost as well. Man that dude was scary disturbed.

She also played Jemma on Sons of Anarchy. and originally started as a back up singer for Bette Midler back in the 80's.
It's possible that after her stint as a back up singer she formed the musical group Flock of Segals
I still have no idea who Katie Siegel is.

she is a woman who went on her now deleted Twitter account and put photos of Peyton and Cam side by side from their interview with ESPN about the Superbowl and called Cam a "thug" because he was dressed in a sweatshirt and a winter hat and Peyton was dressed in a suit. It turned into a race riot of sorts and ended in her deleting her account.