On their donations page they have set things to donate to where you can also leave comments for customization. But as far as I know there is no where they allow for others to donate to the same custom cause (without everyone creating their own custom cause which is just cumbersome and not user friendly). This is a significant oversight imo.
Their whole donation UI is also not very user friendly. You need to click many times to do anything. To keep customers interested you need to reduce the clicks/interactions needed to get the desired result.
There are no goals setup to inform donors of what their money is doing or how far a certain milestone is. It gives NO ONE an incentive to donate because there is no finish line in sight. Poor design. Gameification of the entire process with rewards for certain donation levels (like with many kickstarter campaigns) would be something they should pursue. Their current approach is very outdated.
Their whole donation UI is also not very user friendly. You need to click many times to do anything. To keep customers interested you need to reduce the clicks/interactions needed to get the desired result.
There are no goals setup to inform donors of what their money is doing or how far a certain milestone is. It gives NO ONE an incentive to donate because there is no finish line in sight. Poor design. Gameification of the entire process with rewards for certain donation levels (like with many kickstarter campaigns) would be something they should pursue. Their current approach is very outdated.
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