Yahoo: How to revive New York area's struggling college hoops scene


All Conference
Jan 19, 2013
Pat Forde:

If the bigger New York schools aren't looking hard at the Hurleys - Danny first, Bobby second - they should be. Because someone else outside the metro area inevitably will.
Danny Hurley can afford to be more selective if he so chooses - he has Rhode Island on track to be an annual NCAA tournament team, which it hasn't been since the late 1990s. Bobby, too, should have his best Buffalo team next year.
As a coaching candidate, Danny may have outgrown his home state - he almost assuredly can get a better job than his alma mater, or the sinkhole that is Rutgers. St. John's would be the intriguing one for him.
Starting to believe the athletic department, even if temporarily at the time run by Kirschner, were absolute fools for not giving Danny Hurley the seven years he wanted. He's got frieken URI headed to the one year!! I'm not one to usually side with Forde who is usually a d-bag in his writing but we really are just a toxic sinkhole.

I hope we don't regret not hiring Hurley years from now. Hell, give me Kevin Boyle and I'd be thrilled.
Originally posted by RUKeystone:
Starting to believe the athletic department, even if temporarily at the time run by Kirschner, were absolute fools for not giving Danny Hurley the seven years he wanted. He's got frieken URI headed to the one year!! I'm not one to usually side with Forde who is usually a d-bag in his writing but we really are just a toxic sinkhole.

I hope we don't regret not hiring Hurley years from now. Hell, give me Kevin Boyle and I'd be thrilled.
This is his third year at URI.
I hope we don't regret not hiring Hurley years from now.
I have regretted it for 2 years.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by ruman:
I hope we don't regret not hiring Hurley years from now.
I have regretted it for 2 years.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
He wanted to be at Rhode Island over Rutgers.

Maybe if we offered seven years, but even then I'm starting to have my doubts.
I do not see Danny a St Johns guy or Bobby for that matter. Too much scrutiny, you are almost set up to fail

If Danny was here last season RU probably got to 500 and this year would still be painful but we would look better but more importantly its recruiting where we would be ahead of the game compared to where we are now. He could have brought hope the program and fanbase and sold a vision, right now we are selling a mausoleum.

I think Bobby is our next target. Danny could end up at a ACC school down the line
What about if Willard is let go at Seton Hall? Danny Hurley played there. Would they go after him?
I just do not see SHU as an attractive job, the A10 is not all that far off from the BE and he could stay at URI win a few more years and get a better offer
7 years wouldn't get it done. The program is so underfunded, and won't be MAYBE properly funded, until we get full B1G shares. There is your 7 years. Then the real building can begin, which is no guarantee in and of itself.

I really think they should suspend the program until there comes a time when they are truly willing to do what it it takes to be competitive.

What this is right now is not acceptable on any level to anyone involved.
I have said this before. Stanford has a good basketball program. Took Johnny Dawkins 5 years to make the tourney. Eddie needs to get shooters in here.
He needs a lot more than shooters. The basketball IQ of these guys is horrendous.
True but tonight it was 27% last game they shot around what 32%? Terrible.
Four more games. Three more years.

This post was edited on 2/19 9:51 PM by ruman
Recruiting at Rutgers is probably like finding a date with no car, but a scooter; and no apartment, but your mom's basement.