

Gold Member
Nov 11, 2002
Where were you?

I wasn't born yet but I would be very interested to hear from our older Alums and posters on what they recall from that fateful day.
I was in elementary school and they let us go home early. (Thanksgiving in 1963 was the following Thursday, November 28). I do remember the horse drawn casket on the TV but otherwise, not many details. But at Rutgers......

Rutgers postponed both its football and soccer games with Columbia scheduled the day after the November 22, 1963 Kennedy assassination. The Rutgers Glee Club and Douglas Voorhees Choir combined to form the Rutgers University Choir and was asked to come to Philadelphia and perform Brahm’s “Requiem” with the Philadelphia Orchestra that was recorded and shown to a grieving nation on CBS that weekend. The University chaplain, assisted by Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergy, conducted memorial services for JFK Saturday afternoon in Kirkpatrick Chapel and WRSU remained on the air indefinitely. The school closed that Monday for the first time since the 1959 inauguration of Rutgers president Mason Gross.

The postponed season finale for Rutgers and Columbia was played in Piscataway on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1963 and 5,000 attended. Rutgers was down 28-0 when they made a comeback to tie the game. But they eventually lost 35-28.
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I was in 7th grade in Queens. Our home room teacher told us before class was dismissed. Everyone my age (70 or above) remembers where he or she was upon hearing of the assassination, just as our parents remembered where they were when they heard about Pearl Harbor, and just as many of our children remember where they were when they heard about 9/11.
Interesting and not funny social media trend today:

"And former President Jimmy Carter remains in hospice care, following the death of his wife Rosalynn earlier this week.
However, the reason the phrase is trending is because the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred 60 years ago today − Nov. 22, 1963

I was in 7th grade in Queens. Our home room teacher told us before class was dismissed. Everyone my age (70 or above) remembers where he or she was upon hearing of the assassination, just as our parents remembered where they were when they heard about Pearl Harbor, and just as many of our children remember where they were when they heard about 9/11.
I was in my 10th grade Latin class when the principal announced on the PA that Kennedy had been shot.
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6th grade on safety patrol at a street crossing (retirees hadn't taken over yet) as school was letting out. My kindergarten sister ran up and told me. I told her she must be nuts. Then other kids came around and were saying the same thing. One was a friend who lived virtually next door and we went to his house to watch the coverage.
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Interesting and not funny social media trend today:

"And former President Jimmy Carter remains in hospice care, following the death of his wife Rosalynn earlier this week.
However, the reason the phrase is trending is because the assassination of President John F. Kennedy occurred 60 years ago today − Nov. 22, 1963

I was in elementary school and they let us go home early. (Thanksgiving in 1963 was the following Thursday, November 28). I do remember the horse drawn casket on the TV but otherwise, not many details. But at Rutgers......

Rutgers postponed both its football and soccer games with Columbia scheduled two days after the November 22, 1963 Kennedy assassination. The Rutgers Glee Club and Douglas Voorhees Choir combined to form the Rutgers University Choir and was asked to come to Philadelphia and perform Brahm’s “Requiem” with the Philadelphia Orchestra that was recorded and shown to a grieving nation on CBS that weekend. The University chaplain, assisted by Protestant, Catholic and Jewish clergy, conducted memorial services for JFK Saturday afternoon in Kirkpatrick Chapel and WRSU remained on the air indefinitely. The school closed that Monday for the first time since the 1959 inauguration of Rutgers president Mason Gross.

The postponed season finale for Rutgers and Columbia was played in Piscataway on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 1963 and 5,000 attended. Rutgers was down 28-0 when they made a comeback to tie the game. But they eventually lost 35-28.
Source,there was a notice in the next day's Daily News that Harvard was taking us off of their 1964 schedule in favor of Bucknell.Since we had yet to go bigtime,I wonder what was their concern?Can you get any info on this?
I check the local paper headlines a couple of times per day, and I shook my head that they bothered to even report that, but many people run with "stories" that they get from trending items on social media. That aside, the significance of the day is not lost 60 years later. There was one attempted assassination of a President after President Kennedy that fortunately failed.
Jr High math class. Knock on classroom door, teacher goes out and comes back in crying. Announcement over speakers a few minutes later. We were dismissed almost immediately.
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I check the local paper headlines a couple of times per day, and I shook my head that they bothered to even report that, but many people run with "stories" that they get from trending items on social media. That aside, the significance of the day is not lost 60 years later. There was one attempted assassination of a President after President Kennedy that fortunately failed.
And that one I definitely remember. Pope John Paul II’s assassination attempt wasn’t too long after that if I remember correctly. I know people don’t like the S-L but they had good coverage today of the sad anniversary.
I check the local paper headlines a couple of times per day, and I shook my head that they bothered to even report that, but many people run with "stories" that they get from trending items on social media. That aside, the significance of the day is not lost 60 years later. There was one attempted assassination of a President after President Kennedy that fortunately failed.
Two. There were two attempts to assassinate President Ford, both by women and both in California, in addition to the attempted assassination of President Reagan.
10th grade 7th period history class, knock on the door our teacher Mr. Sermons, went out and came back in noticably shaken and told us the news. They started playing the news over the intercom system. Last period was band. Eventually our band director called office and told them to can the intercom. Had a football game scheduled that weekend and he told us we still were having practice after school, we all went but we’re so out of it he decided it wasn’t a good idea and had us go home. Game was postponed anyway.
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I was 5 years old and in my afternoon kindergarten class. I remember a teacher opening the door and calling our teacher to the hallway. She came back in very upset. You can tell something was very wrong. Later we were sent home early. My memories of that day and weekend are a little foggy because I was so young but I do remember the event pretty clearly. A real tragedy for the US. Over the years, I’ve read a number of books on JFK and it was a great loss. While flawed in his personal life, his intelligence, knowledge from voracious reading , candor , public leadership and personal charm left a great void. When compared to some of our “leaders” today, it is a sad, almost unfathomable comparison.
Two. There were two attempts to assassinate President Ford, both by women and both in California, in addition to the attempted assassination of President Reagan.
I have no memory of that. I was very young when those attempts happened.
I looked them up, and they were within two weeks of each other in 1975, the first one being a Charles Manson follower. Perhaps the Reagan attempt was bigger news because he was actually shot, but I remember that fairly well .
True. Forgot about that.
See above. I don't recall them being talked about in history class, and perhaps the events were too new to discuss in history class, or perhaps because they missed. They certainly would not have discussed them in current events when they happened in grammar school.

That being said, none of those attempts compare to the Kennedy assassination. There is a lot of discussion on social media of the day the assassin and the investigation.
I have no memory of that. I was very young when those attempts happened.
I looked them up, and they were within two weeks of each other in 1975, the first one being a Charles Manson follower. Perhaps the Reagan attempt was bigger news because he was actually shot, but I remember that fairly well .

See above. I don't recall them being talked about in history class, and perhaps the events were too new to discuss in history class, or perhaps because they missed. They certainly would not have discussed them in current events when they happened in grammar school.

That being said, none of those attempts compare to the Kennedy assassination. There is a lot of discussion on social media of the day the assassin and the investigation.
Let’s put it this way, they weren’t close to succeeding. I think one of the attempts was made by Lynette Squeaky Fromm. Need to double check that though. Going on memory. Edit: yes she was one of the would-be assassins and she was initially part of Manson’s crew. Last name is correctly spelled Fromme.
Where were you?

I wasn't born yet but I would be very interested to hear from our older Alums and posters on what they recall from that fateful day.
I was 5 years old..I remember the Saturday morning cartoons were pre-empted for the funeral. Also remember how upset my mother/grandmother were.
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I have no memory of that. I was very young when those attempts happened.
I looked them up, and they were within two weeks of each other in 1975, the first one being a Charles Manson follower. Perhaps the Reagan attempt was bigger news because he was actually shot, but I remember that fairly well .

See above. I don't recall them being talked about in history class, and perhaps the events were too new to discuss in history class, or perhaps because they missed. They certainly would not have discussed them in current events when they happened in grammar school.

That being said, none of those attempts compare to the Kennedy assassination. There is a lot of discussion on social media of the day the assassin and the investigation.
They don't compare because (a) they weren't successful; and (b) there had been no assassination of a President or other major American figure for sixty years before Kennedy and so his assassination came as a huge shock. Kennedy and his family were also personally popular in a way that few other presidents and presidential families have been.
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Let’s put it this way, they weren’t close to succeeding. I think one of the attempts was made by Lynette Squeaky Fromm. Need to double check that though. Going on memory. Edit: yes she was one of the would-be assassins and she was initially part of Manson’s crew. Last name is correctly spelled Fromme.
The other was Sara Jane Moore in San Francisco. She missed by only inches although she shot from 40 feet away. A bystander knocked away her pistol. Publicity about him revealed that he was gay, something his family had not known and that estranged them from him for a long time.

As for Squeaky Fromme, there was no bullet in the chamber when she shot at Ford.

Both Moore and Fromme were eventually paroled and are still living.
I was in 4th grade and we just came inside from being outdoors for Gym class on a bright sunny day. Upon returning to our classroom out teacher informed us of what had happened. The whole school was quiet. Later I was sent down to the janitors room to have our classrooms' chalk board erasers cleaned and the janitors were all listening to the radio for reports.
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Where were you?

I wasn't born yet but I would be very interested to hear from our older Alums and posters on what they recall from that fateful day.
Drove through Dealey Plaza during a business trip to Dallas, was shocked how small the area is. Way more compact that I expected.

This news report gives a good size perspective:
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The other was Sara Jane Moore in San Francisco. She missed by only inches although she shot from 40 feet away. A bystander knocked away her pistol. Publicity about him revealed that he was gay, something his family had not known and that estranged them from him for a long time.

As for Squeaky Fromme, there was no bullet in the chamber when she shot at Ford.

Both Moore and Fromme were eventually paroled and are still living.
There are over 100 recorded attempts to kill a president throughout US history (actions taken, not just planned). Obviously, only 4 were successful.
I had just turned 5 and was playing at home when my best friend came over and told my mother. Even though I was so young I was well aware of JFK due to my big brother owning and playing The First Family comedy album, which made me interested whenever I saw JFK on the TV news. I remember my mother and the neighbor mothers crying.
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Drove through Dealey Plaza during a business trip to Dallas, was shocked how small the area is. Way more compact that I expected.

This news report gives a good size perspective:

See that and the argument that you had to be a sniper quality shot to pull that off disappears. The Zapruder film is very misleading on that score, though nothing else.
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Before this gets off toward the assasination, I would like to offer this segment of an interview after JFK’s 2 years as President. Although this is a different era and questioning is much different, I think the man’s intellect and decency comes shining through
There were a couple of other assassinations or attempted assassinations of presidents or presidential candidates in the 20th century.
The most obvious is RFK in Los Angeles in 1968. Also George Wallace in 1972.
In addition TR in 1912 when he was shot in the chest in Milwaukee. His life was saved as the bullet struck his eyeglass case and then his folded up speech in his pocket. The bullet was lodged in his chest but he gave his speech anyway.
In 1933 an assassin attempted to shoot FDR in his car in Miami. He failed but one of his shots killed the mayor of Chicago who was with the Preseident-elect.
Another one that history has seemed to forgot was the attack against Harry Truman in 1950 by Puerto Rican nationalists which resulted in the death of a Secret Service agent. Truman was living at Blair House while the WH was being renovated when two terrorists attempted to storm the home.
I wasn't even 3. Many years later in my mid teens I heard my mom and Aunt talk about that day. My mom mentioned to my Aunt that she heard it on the radio first, then turned on TV. She saw my neighbor out in her yard and went out to tell her. I literally stopped dead as I was passing them in the kitchen. I asked my mom if she was carrying me as she went to tell Mrs Rice (who was turning her garden into her compost area for the winter, old school stuff). The look on my mom's and Aunt's face was just pure astonishing. I asked my mom if she was running to the neighbor and crying and Mrs Rice and began crying as well, they were. I don't remember anything else. Was too young to understand what was going on and what was being said. However it's weird the mind works at that young age and is part of you memory bank.
Who does everyone think killed JFK?

Oswald ?
Mob ?

Solo or could have been any combo of above?
Could give laundry list for any, all or some. Super complex, been dissected ad astra. Fascinating stuff.

-James tague
- Oswald a CIA asset
-James files
- still thousands of unreleased documents
- bullet deformation of “single bullet” not congruent with impacts
- differences in Texas autopsy and dc autopsy and condition of body.

Very complicated-but was all made pretty simple when Ruby pulled that trigger.

I tend not to go all in on government answers however and never with the attitude of my opinion is the only one possible and discounting competing (non endorsed by federal) theories as idiotic. That’s how you get a dictatorship 🤣

However, what you cannot deny is the decade that followed of extreme CIA interference with foreign policy actions and the decades that followed. It’s almost irrelevant who pulled the trigger-it was but a means to an end that continues to this day.
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Who does everyone think killed JFK?

Oswald ?
Mob ?

Solo or could have been any combo of above?

Epstein, JonBenét Ramsey, Jimmy Hoffa et al - I always avoid wasting time on popular mysteries that seem destined to go on for decades.

I used to assume Oswald was the lone killer based merely on fact his family thinks he did it .

Recently I've completely changed after listening to a few experts and even RFK Jr who believes JFK's murder was a US gov hit (his father believed the same). I only recently learned of things like a CIA stoked coup in S Vietnam and the assassination of the president of South Vietnam (Ngô Đình Diệm) as he was being taken to airport to escape. The CIA involved hit was Nov 2 1963. Boom boom..yeah there was a lot of murky business going on around JFK hit
"RFK Jr. claimed to remember that his father’s first call after receiving the news of his brother’s assassination was to CIA officials, asking them if they were responsible.

“It was my father’s first instinct that the agency had killed his brother,” said Kennedy."

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Oswald was the shooter. Beyond that nothing conclusive. But remember,. RFK vigorously pursued the mob as a Senate aide in the 50s. And he continued it as AG when it was reported that the mob allegedly helped JFK in the '60 West Virginia primary and Illinois in the general at Joe Sr's request That would be a betrayal.
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Was 4 years old and all I remember is that there was nothing on TV for days except everything about JFK. However I do remember Ruby killing Oswald on live TV.
6 years old in first grade. All the teachers were crying. Our Family was glued to the TV all weekend. I vividly remember coming home from Mass on Sunday and watching in real time Ruby kill Oswald.

Documents released over the years have revealed assassination plots to kill JFK in Chicago, Tampa and Miami all within eight weeks of Dallas, and all not involving Oswald.

As a freshman I attended a lecture by Mark Lane, a nationally renown lawyer and author and leading critic of the Warren Commission. Extremely compelling multi-media presentation.
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The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in 1979 that they believed that it was a conspiracy on the basis of evidence available to it. However they couldn't identify any other gunman or the scope of the conspiracy.
To have a conspiracy you have to have at least two people so the U.S. House believes that Oswald did not act alone.
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Middle school in Sayreville. Everyone shocked. Unbelievable weekend watching Jack Rudy shoot Oswald on live TV. Never forget 60 years later.
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The House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded in 1979 that they believed that it was a conspiracy on the basis of evidence available to it. However they couldn't identify any other gunman or the scope of the conspiracy.
To have a conspiracy you have to have at least two people so the U.S. House believes that Oswald did not act alone.
Oswald acted alone. After 61 years, still no facts or evidence to prove differently.
There were a couple of other assassinations or attempted assassinations of presidents or presidential candidates in the 20th century.
The most obvious is RFK in Los Angeles in 1968. Also George Wallace in 1972.
In addition TR in 1912 when he was shot in the chest in Milwaukee. His life was saved as the bullet struck his eyeglass case and then his folded up speech in his pocket. The bullet was lodged in his chest but he gave his speech anyway.
In 1933 an assassin attempted to shoot FDR in his car in Miami. He failed but one of his shots killed the mayor of Chicago who was with the Preseident-elect.
Another one that history has seemed to forgot was the attack against Harry Truman in 1950 by Puerto Rican nationalists which resulted in the death of a Secret Service agent. Truman was living at Blair House while the WH was being renovated when two terrorists attempted to storm the home.
The FDR assassination attempt was a little more complicated than that. FDR was speaking to a crowd in Miami from the rear of an automobile. As he concluded speaking, a would-be assassin fired six shots from about 35 feet away. One shot mortally wounded Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak, who was standing on the running board. Four others were wounded. A woman standing near the assassin was credited with grabbing his arm and spoiling his aim. The link is from a story filed before Cermak passed away.