Gorgeous Female Twins leaving NJ for our B1G Peers

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought to myself why is RUAL so concerned with a couple of breasts leaving NJ.
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I can certainly understand those who would ask their kids to go to an in-state school do to financial constraints. But if parents who can comfortably afford to send their kids elsewhere are forcing their kids go to RU just because the parents went to RU... that's seems a bit self-absorbed of the parents.
mine was strickly a fiscal response. If I am footing the the cost to get a first rate education in your home state (and it doesn't have to be RU and in my two kid's cases it wasn't/isn't) If you can do it for less, you share the extra savings. If you can go away for the same..fine. But if you decide to go elsewhere just for the fun of it. etc... you got skin in the game. Is that so bad? Being invested? There's plenty of good debate for the ROI of college in general these days.. building wealth is about making smart choices of value and sacrifice.

And yup..where this two people go is none of my business...but doesn't mean I can't have a position on the subject in general. In the end my kids are gonna get it anyway. Their 2nd gift after the gift of learning how hard work beats out entitlement in the long run.

( the soap box)
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To the guys who will demand their kids stay home if they're paying....holy shite fellas

What exactly is wrong with that? Assuming the family can even afford to pay the ridiculous premium for an out-of-state school, why should they, assuming the school is on par with RU for the specific major? That's a good life lesson - don't pay double for the same product just because the grass looks a little greener. If the kid has a real reason, like a better program for a major, that's one thing. But that's not the case in the OP.

That's how I ended up at RU, and I consider it a very good move on my parents part. I had my heart set on going to school in Colorado ... because of snowboarding and biking. My folks said they'd pay my way through RU or I could go to CO on my own dime. CO suddenly didn't look so attractive - or possible. In the end, RU was a considerably better school and a better all-around experience. It was the right move on their part, and a good lesson for me.

Really don't understand why people would be so judgmental about it. Do you also teach your children that they should be sure to pay way more for cars, homes, and other goods and services when there's an easy way to get them for way less?
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Not sure how Penn State is ranked significantly higher than RU. Going through the college search and soon application process. Right now, my daughter is on the bubble for an RU acceptance but will get in fairly easily at Penn State. Doesn't quite match up with US News and World Report. According to them, it should be the reverse.

A former student of mine wanted to go to RU badly, but was not admitted. So...she's going to PSU. (she was joking around and said she'd buy me a PSU shirt, but I told her I use newspaper to start my firepit. LOL)
So, you would rule out:
Cal Tech
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Cal Berkely?

You could conceivably get in to Rutgers and Michigan and not get into any of these.
As an undergrad I got into Cornell but knew I didnt stand a chance at MIT or Stanford or Duke
I did consider Berkely but wasnt sure I wanted to b that far from home (NY)
I actually "chose" Cornell because they recruited me for football AND would also let me swim

RPI is a perfectly good school but not the same quality or experience of an MIT, Caltech or a Stanford
and not sure why it would be on the above list
RPI is a perfectly good school but not the same quality or experience of an MIT, Caltech or a Stanford
and not sure why it would be on the above list

lol, this.
must be the op's or op's child's alma mater.
What exactly is wrong with that? Assuming the family can even afford to pay the ridiculous premium for an out-of-state school, why should they, assuming the school is on par with RU for the specific major? That's a good life lesson - don't pay double for the same product just because the grass looks a little greener. If the kid has a real reason, like a better program for a major, that's one thing. But that's not the case in the OP.

That's how I ended up at RU, and I consider it a very good move on my parents part. I had my heart set on going to school in Colorado ... because of snowboarding and biking. My folks said they'd pay my way through RU or I could go to CO on my own dime. CO suddenly didn't look so attractive - or possible. In the end, RU was a considerably better school and a better all-around experience. It was the right move on their part, and a good lesson for me.

Really don't understand why people would be so judgmental about it. Do you also teach your children that they should be sure to pay way more for cars, homes, and other goods and services when there's an easy way to get them for way less?
I'm glad it worked out well for you, I know kids who were given that same ultimatum and transferred out of Rutgers because they couldn't stand it.
If I had the resources, I would take schools tours and we'd come to a joint decision.
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That's fine, nothing wrong with going that route. But nothing wrong with saving a whole lot of money and going in state. So I'll ask more directly, why so judgmental?
That's fine, nothing wrong with going that route. But nothing wrong with saving a whole lot of money and going in state. So I'll ask more directly, why so judgmental?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with staying in state, I just think if your kid is a good student and the money is there, an ultimatum of staying in state or your on your own is a bit much. I think James Madison would be a good alternative, you get away yet it's not a gazillion $ private.
One of my kids, not the greatest student in HS, was nonetheless offered almost full rides to Northeastern and Seton Hall. RU didn't offer any money at all.

He really likes Boston (which is why he applied to Northeastern, I guess). But he opted to go to RU because he loves history and philosophy, felt that RU was better than the other schools at both of those subjects, and knew he could complete the required coursework quickly enough to have plenty of time to prep for the LSATs.

So I'm in the unusual position of having to spend more for in state full tuition at RU than if he gone out of state (Northeastern) or private (Seton Hall). Sigh.

At least he's straightened his academic act out at RU. He wants to get into a reasonably good law school, so he's finally motivated. For now. I guess.
People in other states take pride in where they live. You're taught to warship the state of Texas as a toddler, it's gods country to them, it's ingrained and bred into them It's that way in the majority of states.
Here we're Jersey tough, that's about as positive a statement we make about where we live, we walk around defending our state constantly because everyone makes fun of it, yea I know your going to say intelligent people don't talk about us poorly, but like it or not we all know that's BS, everyone dumps on us.
The perception and the people of NJ are what we are, it's not gonna change. The greatest thing we can do for our state pride is win football game at Rutgers University, most of you disagree I know...but if were great in football the whole perception of our state would change, that's how big, BIG time college football is.

zappaa - I agree that RU football winning would go a long way, but we really need a new breed/generation of politicians to replace the current crop of bozos who preside over Trenton and are both corrupt and incompetent. The latter may not help Rutgers reputation nationally as much as success of the football program, but it certainly would make things better for us who choose to make our homes here. It's hard to take pride in a state that has such dysfunctional government leaders. I can't stand Christie, but the NJ Dems are so corrupt and anti-taxpayer I would vote for Christie for a 3rd term (not that that is possible) over any standing NJ Democrat.

If NJ had no state income tax like TX does, it would be a whole lot easier to have state pride!

Sorry for the OT tangent.
Since everyone was asking, Al sent me this pic to post since his computer is down:

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I think rutgersal should serenade them like he did Savon Huggins... crooning a few verses of "Only Rutgers has Jersey Power" should do the trick.
zappaa - I agree that RU football winning would go a long way, but we really need a new breed/generation of politicians to replace the current crop of bozos who preside over Trenton and are both corrupt and incompetent. The latter may not help Rutgers reputation nationally as much as success of the football program, but it certainly would make things better for us who choose to make our homes here. It's hard to take pride in a state that has such dysfunctional government leaders. I can't stand Christie, but the NJ Dems are so corrupt and anti-taxpayer I would vote for Christie for a 3rd term (not that that is possible) over any standing NJ Democrat.

If NJ had no state income tax like TX does, it would be a whole lot easier to have state pride!

Sorry for the OT tangent.

Tenneessee has a huge football program. Do they attract a lot of the best of the best?
I may be wrong, but I don't think a university's academic ranking is a top three determining factor for most elite football recruits.
I lay this on the parents more than the kids, as they should have set their expectations from the beginning. As you said, if they were choosing Brown, MIT, UPenn, etc. over RU than there's no argument to be made. But if they're choosing Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Michigan, etc., well.....

You're really going to lump Michigan (and Wisconsin) in w/ Nebraska there?
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