Hysteria, Hysteria

Remember the good old days when we had nothing to fight over except if RU needed 1 or 2 more wins to get in the tourney? Ah, simpler times.

What about the question of whether it is proper for someone to recline in an airline seat? Problem solved -- planes are empty so recline all you want.
I remember the time, before Fox news, when every single issue wasn't translated into an us vs. them political war. When acts of god and natural disasters were covered as news, with facts and experts, and nary a liberal hoax or conspiracy was to blame. When someone could say: "Hey look, the sky is blue." And a person from another political party could just agree with you without having to decide how that fit into their ideological world view and check in with some low rent cable or online demagogue.

If you included MSNBC and CNN along with FoxNews in your condemnation you might get some respect here.
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I took a "distance learning" position on Monday at a university here in Florida(read: a Univ Prof who teaches/mentors online)...most of the big universites are sending students home.Face to face classes will be almost non existent.

I just got tested and I am 100% ok

The testing MD says the C-19 virus will likely touch 1/3 of the USA..meaning 100 million people.And most will be OK...but 3-6% death rate is anticipated.

This is no small thing.

That said,,I hope the NCAAs are not cancelled. Heck,,all Ivy League sports have been cancelled...incl my CORNELL lacrosse....there will be nothing left !
The death rate is going to be lower than that but when taking about a third of the US population it could reach a million or more. I havent seen any experts predicting less than 6 figure deaths in the US though.

I researched this a bit and found studies showing the death rate in countries who are prepared and equipped to handled the situation have around 1% death rate and could be lower. Places they aren't prepared have higher death rates bc hospitals run out of beds, supplies, meds, etc and those areas may be more around the 3-4% range.

This is the argument for social distancing etc. We need to flatten the peak or else the healthcare system is in danger of being overrun and that's when the death rate would be worse
I find it a little absurd that one athlete getting the virus has now caused the cancellation of every sport in this country. There is no doubt in my mind if Gobert didn’t test positive and the NBA season carried on so would March Madness.

Out of 58 Jazz players and personnel tested after Gobert’s Diagnosis...1 other person contracted the virus. The rest were negative. And they spend a ton of time together in closed areas. I am not a scientist or doctor but that does not strike me as super highly contagious. Am I ignorant? Or do people not test positive until they show symptoms?
Even though I don't agree with you politically, I always pegged you as rational. But I guess I was wrong. The issue is not where we are, but where we could be headed. That's the way pandemics work. This is a highly contagious virus (up to 3 times more transmittable than the Flu) and with a mortality in severe cases that has been measured close to 5% in China Studies. People using the Flu, which deploys a vaccination, as a 1-1 comparison or using mortality rates are the ones who need to get a grip.

Crying and complaining about shutting down large sporting events even if only as a preventative measure.........seems infantile in the face of what potentially can come.

Thanks for the initial compliment. But I still think this is an over reaction. As some one mentioned in another thread why aren't movie theaters, bars, restaurants, public libraries , etc also closed.
I'm not a doctor nor scientist but it would seem to me that "mortality in severe cases" would be high for any illness. It's not all about sporting events for me it's the whole the sky is falling syndrome that bothers me in general. History shows that panic is the most rapidly spread disease.
I find it a little absurd that one athlete getting the virus has now caused the cancellation of every sport in this country. There is no doubt in my mind if Gobert didn’t test positive and the NBA season carried on so would March Madness.

Out of 58 Jazz players and personnel tested after Gobert’s Diagnosis...1 other person contracted the virus. The rest were negative. And they spend a ton of time together in closed areas. I am not a scientist or doctor but that does not strike me as super highly contagious. Am I ignorant? Or do people not test positive until they show symptoms?

you are not ignorant. You have been told how danger this is. How easily it spreads. Then you see numbers like 1 in 58 and as a reasonable person you have to acknowledge something doesn’t add up.

also again no guarantee that Mitchell got it from gobert
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How valid is my anecdotal evidence?

My wife and I visited friends to watch the B1G tournament today.

We are all in the most susceptible group.

One of our friends works part-time in a job that requires her to fly every few weeks to other cities for consultation. She is scheduled to take a flight Monday for her next meeting.

Her son and daughter-in-law called her last night to tell her to not get on that plane, even if it meant she gets fired from her job. The coronavirus is so contagious that she would be taking a serious risk in such an environment.

Her son is a surgeon at a prominent DC hospital. Her daughter-in-law is an anesthesiologist there.

Apparently some of you missed the comments last night by the epidemiologist in charge of the federal response made right after our president made his remarks..

He explained the coronavirus is far more lethal than most flu viruses. He mentioned that 80% of the population who contract the virus will be OK. I leave it to you to interpret what that means for the other 20%.

I am definitely taking all of this very seriously now, but maybe that is because I am the most susceptible group

What does your common sense tell you about this input? Just share with me the number of people who will have to die to make you pay attention.
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The level of ignorance on this thread is incredible. Look at what is happening in Italy. Italy thought they were fine a few weeks ago. Now there are no hospital beds available, doctors and nurses don’t have proper protection. If you think the USA healthcare is so much better than Italy’s you are wrong. We are completely unprepared for this.
That's not true at all.

Also, how come no big countries that border Italy are anywhere near that level of lockdown?

Italy doesn't have the medical infrastructure we have here and they were late to react to china travel ban whereas Trump acted in January in regards to China (and was called a racist by the political left)

Well he is a racist....but that’s for another

I know this Corona is worse but this is how the swine flu turned out..they thought there would be massive circumstances are different, already its way worse and playing out in ways the swine flu never did but just interesting to relook

However, the pandemic, which some experts estimated at the time could infect 50 million to 60 million Americans, never unfolded. Only about 200 cases of swine flu and one death were ultimately reported in the U.S., the CDC said.

The science wasn't there back then. But keep in mind that Swine Flu struck with a vengeance in 2009, killing an estimated 200K worldwide.
I never heard of Covington kids. Mike Flynn was breaking the law and got caught. Not sure what you are saying there. Carter Page rings a bell but that's it. I'm not sure how any of this stacks up to the big picture. I read the transcripts of Trump's phone call, saw the emails. Saw his public statements. He is trying to subvert our election by coercing foreign governments to interfere using the US government. I also read the conclusions of the actual Mueller report. That's all impeachment worthy and some of it criminal.


Flynn was proven innocent.

It's demented that left wingers thought otherwise
I never heard of Covington kids. Mike Flynn was breaking the law and got caught. Not sure what you are saying there. Carter Page rings a bell but that's it. I'm not sure how any of this stacks up to the big picture. I read the transcripts of Trump's phone call, saw the emails. Saw his public statements. He is trying to subvert our election by coercing foreign governments to interfere using the US government. I also read the conclusions of the actual Mueller report. That's all impeachment worthy and some of it criminal.

Want to rethink some of these things?

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This is completely untrue, how do you frame some one who commits perjury, the President and VP both admitted he lied to them. So who is lying?

ignore him...Forrest Gump would beat that guy in tic tac toe...
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This is completely untrue, how do you frame some one who commits perjury, the President and VP both admitted he lied to them. So who is lying?

He plead guilty "to making false and misleading statements to the FBI".
Had nothing to do with what he did or did not say to the President or the VP. He plea bargained to avoid the FBI from pursuing his son.

So to clarify it's a crime to lie to the FBI but the FBI (see James Comey) is allowed to lie to the American people with impunity?

Also once this is all settled General Flynn is going to be a very rich man when he files suit against the government for withholding evidence from him.
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He plead guilty "to making false and misleading statements to the FBI".
Had nothing to do with what he did or did not say to the President or the VP. He plea bargained to avoid the FBI from pursuing his son.

So to clarify it's a crime to lie to the FBI but the FBI (see James Comey) is allowed to lie to the American people with impunity?

Also once this all settled General Flynn is going to be a very rich man when he files suit against the government for withholding evidence from him.

Wow, did you take a look at your page 1 comments?
Wow, did you take a look at your page 1 comments?

I'm a little confused. Page 1 of this thread? I looked and all my posts were regarding COVID. I made statements 4 months ago which weren't accurate. Still the death rate is dramatically lower then the models predicted.

I don't see anything about Flynn.
I'm a little confused. Page 1 of this thread? I looked and all my posts were regarding COVID. I made statements 4 months ago which weren't accurate. Still the death rate is dramatically lower then the models predicted.

I don't see anything about Flynn.

Well its pretty embarrassing to be one of those people who compared numbers 30 days in for Covid to Flu numbers for a full year.

But not as embarrassing as @Bob Chaewsky who said the numbers would be down to zero soon.
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Well its pretty embarassing to be one of those people who compared numbers 30 days in for Covid to Flu numbers for a full year.

I was wrong. Thank God I don't work for the CDC. But still the numbers for now are way below initial predictions.

Chop, why did you quote my Flynn post if COVID was the subject?

p.s. I'm not that easily embarrassed over an incorrect analysis.
I was wrong. Thank God I don't work for the CDC. But still the numbers for now are way below initial predictions.

Chop, why did you quote my Flynn post if COVID was the subject?

p.s. I'm not that easily embarrassed over an incorrect analysis.

I just picked your last comment and responded. I should have mentioned that I was referring to your covid comments on page 1.
Hey right wingers, could you guys provide some links to some of the sources of info you use? I hear about the right wing internet fantasy land fever swamp. But I'd like to check it out myself.
Who was it that said it would take 150k deaths to pay attention??

Some posts didn't age well over the past 4 months. Whoever it was must still have his or her head buried in the sand and perhaps for a few more weeks. After that, I'm guessing it'll probably be time to get serious.
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