OT: The Pothole Season Has Arrived


All American
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2001
It looks like a rough one here in Hunterdon County, especially on the local roads. $$$$
I feel like a Nascar driver under a yellow on the roads. 22 in Union is a monster, but some of these side roads have frickin' craters that hurt your chest if you hit them. I am driving very deliberately these days, since I did three tires in one winter about five years ago, including a rim. Haven't done a tire since due to my new driving habits. Now that the snow is melting, some parking lots have horrendous potholes, and I no longer take my eyes off the road to even change the tunes.
My wife blew a tire on 295 after hitting a pothole yesterday. The roads are rough in NJ right now.
This drives me crazy. I travel to Europe a lot and the condition of our highways is so much worse than theirs its infuriating. I can understand Germany, which is an economic powerhouse and about as efficient as you can get, but even Italy has better road conditions on their highways than we do. As far as I can tell, it seems that they actually repair sections of road rather than just patching pot holes.
Italy, a place I love by the way, has all kinds of economic and political problems, endemic corruption, paralyzing bureaucracy and a culture of avoiding taxes. If they can find a way to keep their f'n roads in good repair, then we are doing something wrong.
America is a greedy country...they do the roads half ass every year so they can do the exact same thing the following year and make more money
Posted from Rivals Mobile
And our governor - is he in Des Moines or Iowa City today? - has allowed the Transportation Trust Fund to operate on fumes.

This post was edited on 3/12 3:52 PM by CornerTavern
He was actually hanging with Mets criminal owner Fred Wilpon at spring training today in Florida. Wearing a Princeton shirt to boot. Saw it on a Mets beat writer's Twitter.
Got stuck in a delay on I-287 north between exits 26 and 30 this morning as the roving pothole repairs closed the center and right lanes. I knew what it was so I figured it was a necessary inconvenience
I'd wager that most roads in worn-torn Afghanistan have far less potholes than Morris Avenue in Summit. Need a Humvee to navigate the road near Overlook Hospital.
Originally posted by RU-ROCS:
I'd wager that most roads in worn-torn Afghanistan have far less potholes than Morris Avenue in Summit. Need a Humvee to navigate the road near Overlook Hospital.
I realize you were using hyperbole, but just for discussions sake...

Depends. Parts of Helmand have great roads because they want to make it tough on terrorists who will have to use heavy machinery to dig and place IEDs in the roads.

Kabul has persistent over watch which makes placing stuff in the roads difficult. Without the anti-terrorism angle, (and lower rates of speed) they dont have much funds for road repair. Many of those roads (I promise) are MUCH worse than New Jersey.
676 east and west is really bad. I have a few craters I have to maneuver around once I get into Camden heading into work each morning. Going to be a minor miracle if I don't pop a tire in the next couple weeks.
Canal Rd between 518 and the Griggstown Causeway has to be the worst road in the state.
I recall reading years ago that European road construction standards were much better than ours while we seek bids for the lowest cost. I would be interested if anyone knows the details on this or can verify.