Our top five referee nemeses of all time


All American
Gold Member
Nov 4, 2002
Seeing good ol Barb Smith ref our game today reminded me of her worst of many bad calls against us. Remember years ago, we opened the season at the RAC against Stanford, games was tied in the final seconds, she calls a phantom foul on Epiphany thirty feet away from the basket with one second left. Made me think who are our top five bad refs of all time. Here's mine:

Tina Napier
Barb Smith
Dennis Demayo (Geno's boy)
Mark Zentz
Susan Blauch
Seeing good ol Barb Smith ref our game today reminded me of her worst of many bad calls against us. Remember years ago, we opened the season at the RAC against Stanford, games was tied in the final seconds, she calls a phantom foul on Epiphany thirty feet away from the basket with one second left. Made me think who are our top five bad refs of all time. Here's mine:

Tina Napier
Barb Smith
Dennis Demayo (Geno's boy)
Mark Zentz
Susan Blauch
I believe the foul you are referencing was called by Melissa Barlow. She is a national level PAC12 ref, that game had all west coast ref's, must have been a deal. That sort of thing doesn't happen any more.

Barlow, Michael Price that someone else mentioned and any other PAC ref will not favor RU because of style of play issues. I assure you, and I attend at least some U of A games every year, that they ref differently than the east refs.

As to the various lists, yeah, Enterline, Smith, Napier, Zentz all don't tend to be good for RU to have, nor was Wesley Dean referenced in the article or the retired DeMayo (his was a style thing). I don't think any of them deliberately are screwing RU, just that they have preconceived notions about Rutgers style or other factors.

Blaugh I wouldn't single out, nor the retired Sally Bell. Rutgers often plays - and especially historically - on the border-line between "ok" and "too physical". I can accept not getting every call right, it is just when you start getting more wrong than right . . .

Oh, and the late Bonita Spence was never an issue. She called them as she saw them, and as someone said, sometimes she was seeing things, but there was never an apparent or actual RU bias.
The tall bald guy that looks like an alien. Also the short nerdy guy who looks like he’s 30 (just did the RU-Purdue game)
New years resolution. Number 1...Accept the things we cannot control.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seeing good ol Barb Smith ref our game today reminded me of her worst of many bad calls against us. Remember years ago, we opened the season at the RAC against Stanford, games was tied in the final seconds, she calls a phantom foul on Epiphany thirty feet away from the basket with one second left. Made me think who are our top five bad refs of all time. Here's mine:

Tina Napier
Barb Smith
Dennis Demayo (Geno's boy)
Mark Zentz
Susan Blauch
I remember that play, and it was an awful call to end the game. It was Candice Wiggins no she brought her hand up and caused what little contact there was. The game should have went into OT.
I remember that play, and it was an awful call to end the game. It was Candice Wiggins no she brought her hand up and caused what little contact there was. The game should have went into OT.
Along those lines, who was the ref that made the call against Myia McCurdy with 0:00.2 secs left against Duke with up by one in Greensboro?
God, there's been so many especially when we've played Tennessee, UCONN and any other higher seed in the NCAA Tournament. Officiating in women's BB is terrible to begin with, but many of you above nailed down some of the culprits that have really screwed us at the most unfortunate time of the game.
Who were the refs in the infamous "clockgate" game in Knoxville? They would certainly rank up there in my book. Couldn't they have done a review of the clock stoppage and declared the game over prior to the foul being called after 40 minutes of game time had already passed?

Their failure to act denied RU the opportunity to have defeated the #1 teams in the nation in two consecutive games - #1 UConn first + #1 Tennessee second - since those games occurred in two different poll weeks with the Vols climbing to #1 after UConn's loss to us. That would have been (and in reality, was) quite a feat that I believe has never been accomplished.
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Memory fails me on the name, but I believe one of the refs in the Tennessee game tried to convince the others to check the replay and failed, so you may not be able to blame them all.
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Memory fails me on the name, but I believe one of the refs in the Tennessee game tried to convince the others to check the replay and failed, so you may not be able to blame them all.
It was Tina Napier (mentioned above), Bob Trammell and Bonita Spence. I believe Bonita wanted to go to the video replay but Tina would not agree.

Funny note about this- several games ago this year Tina was working at the RAC and there was a persistent problem with the game clock and shot clock. Tina went over and spent some time reviewing it at the scorers table. My first comment (which Barb Smith (who was officiating with Tina) heard was, “What’s Tina doing? She doesn’t know anything about clocks”. It got a chuckle from her.
I have to disagree with Bonita being listed. Over the course of all the games she ref'd for us, I found her fair the vast majority of the time.
I also realize that most RU fans despised Sally, but I kind of softened to her after she ref'd an RU win vs Uconn at the RAC ( could have been the game where we had a monstrous comeback via the 55....Chelsea was a senior). Sally didn't take any crap from Geno, and surprisingly called a lot of touch fouls on Uconn. You know...the ones that RU usually gets called for.
Anyway, going in the opposite direction, one of my favorite refs was Angela Lewis. She didn't do many of our games, but she was consistent for both teams (also was liberal with her T's, which I loved).
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I have to disagree with Bonita being listed. Over the course of all the games she ref'd for us, I found her fair the vast majority of the time.
I also realize that most RU fans despised Sally, but I kind of softened to her after she ref'd an RU win vs Uconn at the RAC ( could have been the game where we had a monstrous comeback via the 55....Chelsea was a senior). Sally didn't take any crap from Geno, and surprisingly called a lot of touch fouls on Uconn. You know...the ones that RU usually gets called for.
Anyway, going in the opposite direction, one of my favorite refs was Angela Lewis. She didn't do many of our games, but she was consistent for both teams (also was liberal with her T's, which I loved).
Oddly enough, UConn fans were waxing poetic about the good ref's in their last blowout win - and one of them was Angela Lewis. I agree about Bonita and never had an issue with Sally. At the time, everyone hated her because she called it pretty fairly.
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How about the game versus Tennessee in NCAA where RU had like 10 fouls to 0 for Tennessee in first half. Horrible job by refs.
How about the game versus Tennessee in NCAA where RU had like 10 fouls to 0 for Tennessee in first half. Horrible job by refs.
I was trying to remember who the ref was that called most of those fouls. It was either Lawson Newton or Wesley Dean I believe. Does anyone remember? That was the absolute worst overall unfairly called game I have ever seen. It completely took RU out of their game.
One of the worst calls I have ever seen was made by Denise Brooks, although I like her as a ref. She is the one who called Cappie for a phantom time out that resulted in a technical as we were out of them and caused us to lose the game. I believe it was in the game against SW Missouri State in the second round of the NCAA tournament at the RAC.
One of the worst calls I have ever seen was made by Denise Brooks, although I like her as a ref. She is the one who called Cappie for a phantom time out that resulted in a technical as we were out of them and caused us to lose the game. I believe it was in the game against SW Missouri State in the second round of the NCAA tournament at the RAC.
It was actually Angie Lewis who made that call against Miami in the Big East Tournament at the RAC.
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I was sitting 3 rows up from that Cappie with the laryngitis call. Thought that was also Bonita, but I won't argue with the NYT. I think that may be the most irate I was ever at an RU game(although there were some other doozies as well). My poor cousin had to drag me by my sweatshirt to sit me down.
All this talk about bad calls is making me nervous about the game tonight....bad karma!!!!
I was sitting 3 rows up from that Cappie with the laryngitis call. Thought that was also Bonita, but I won't argue with the NYT. I think that may be the most irate I was ever at an RU game(although there were some other doozies as well). My poor cousin had to drag me by my sweatshirt to sit me down.
All this talk about bad calls is making me nervous about the game tonight....bad karma!!!!

Bryan Enterline did the Seton Hall game last night, would not be surprised to see him in the RAC tonite.
Thanks for the clarification. My memory isn't what it used to be! I knew it cost us to be eliminated from a tournament but wasn't sure what one. Glad to know it wasn't Denise. I have always thought she was one of the better refs.
Agree that Denise is one of the best refs. She's played the game. She understands it. Glad she is feeling well again.
When I watched the replay and saw Enterline, and Blauch were 2 of the refs I almost died. I figured someone read this thread, like Dee Kantner, and punished us. But they called a good game and behaved.
Don’t know which ref it was but early in the game their ball handler shoved Hill twice trying to go by her, Hill got called for foul.
I was trying to remember him and can't but he is for sure on there.

Bryan Enterline???
I try to size-up the opposing team as they enter the floor. Who is tall, who is solid and unmovable, etc.? Then, the refs enter the floor (like who is behind Door 3?) and I either (1) breath or (2) say "oh boy". When Bryan Enterline entered, it was "oh boy". He tends to anticipate calls before they occur and he is often in error. With 100's of college games each week, it's not surprising the ref's are so uneven.