Basketball PREVIEW/LIVE THREAD: Rutgers Basketball versus Iowa Part II

Better four minutes there, but new guys in the game are now also a step slow. Think we'll see Joe Toussaint out of the timeout, but he did not play well at all yesterday. We need good Joe to even this game up before the next media timeout.

Can we ban this guy???
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zone D from Iowa neutralizing cliff, other guys required to finish just not completing the play
We missed 4 bunnies so far. And 3-6 on FTs.

Leaving too many points on the floor.
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Problem on going against zone we dont move well w/o the ball and do not roll anyone to basket
Offense playing pretty well by our standard not worried about that.

Our perimeter D needs to tighten up that’ll make or break us I think. Can’t rely on a bad shooting night from Iowa
We don’t even bother with a guy at the foul line vs the zone and instead we run a high screen with 5 seconds left on the shoot clock…smh