“Campus Eats” on BTN and “Stuff Yer Face”


Gold Member
Aug 1, 2001
They literally just said a “5-minute DRIVE” from campus...:Eyes: :See::ThumbsDown:chairshot:
I didn't see the piece but I assume they mean 5 minutes from stadium and RAC?
They literally just said a “5-minute DRIVE” from campus...:Eyes: :See::ThumbsDown:chairshot:
Technically, that's true. Could be more if you get caught driving during a class change. I have seen this segment a couple of times and I admit I was surprised at Marco's favorite Boli choice.
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Technically, that's true. Could be more if you get caught driving during a class change. I have seen this segment a couple of times and I admit I was surprised at Marco's favorite Boli choice.

Me too, gross, but it is not a “five minute drive “when you can walk in less than five minutes to about 10 different campus buildings including the all important one “Old Queens.”
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Me too, gross, but it is not a “five minute drive “when you can walk in less than five minutes to about 10 different campus buildings including the all important one “Old Queens.”
Try driving anywhere around College Ave. when class gets out at 5:50 and another one is set to start at 6:10 p.m. with people leaving work in the area. You are not going anywhere in five minutes! But all kidding aside, I think saying that it's a five-minute walk is more accurate.
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No. They very specifically said “from CAMPUS.” Weird.

They're probably confused as to where exactly the campus starts and ends. I remember the first time I ever came to RU. My boys and I were trying to get to the RAC. We ended up in New Brunswick, near the train station. We stopped a guy on the street and ask him "Hey man, where's Rutgers?" and he said something to the effect of "It's all around you."
They're probably confused as to where exactly the campus starts and ends. I remember the first time I ever came to RU. My boys and I were trying to get to the RAC. We ended up in New Brunswick, near the train station. We stopped a guy on the street and ask him "Hey man, where's Rutgers?" and he said something to the effect of "It's all around you."
That's very deep and it could be a good tagline for an ad campaign.
Technically, that's true. Could be more if you get caught driving during a class change. I have seen this segment a couple of times and I admit I was surprised at Marco's favorite Boli choice.

Is it the Corbett Boli? Because I don't care what anyone says that boli is delicious.
I could see a cool ad highlighting the diversity of campus settings at RU. There really is something for everyone (urban, suburban, rural...).
Something like that or going from campus to scenes out in the world impacted by our research, student outreach, etc. I probably saw that somewhere else with all the college games I watch and now I'm stealing!
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Yup- guess I have to try it now. I always kind of go toward the red sauce family when getting bolis.

It's a natural selection keeping it close to a traditional stromboli. The Corbett has always been delicious to me but I do get weird looks from my dining partners.

Edit: Maaaaaan! Now I'm jonesing for one and I just found out my buddy is taking his KID to the game tonight so no shot at satisfying the urge. Rotten kids.
It's a natural selection keeping it close to a traditional stromboli. The Corbett has always been delicious to me but I do get weird looks from my dining partners.

Edit: Maaaaaan! Now I'm jonesing for one and I just found out my buddy is taking his KID to the game tonight so no shot at satisfying the urge. Rotten kids.
Maybe they can get one to go for you, but I know it's not the same.
This is one ofour more important threads. I should know. I have laid my portion of eggs. :WideSmile:
Zero chance of making it from SYF to the Hale Center or the APC in under 5 mins if that’s what they call campus.
They literally just said a “5-minute DRIVE” from campus...:Eyes: :See::ThumbsDown:chairshot:
Well they are the same people doing a show at 6pm tonight highlighting the Best Pizza in the B1G...while traveling from Minneapolis to Columbus..yeah, good luck with that.

Maybe by Pizza - part 4 they'll realize they should have just started and ended in Jersey. Fools lol.
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Well they ate the same people doing a show at 6pm tonight highlighting the Best Pizza in the B1G...while traveling from Minneapolis to Columbus..yeah, good luck with that.

Maybe by Pizza - part 4 they'll realize they should have just started and ended in Jersey. Fools lol.

I don't know if its changed, but I can't recall any good pizza places in New Brunswick or Piscataway (graduated in 1990). NJ in general has tons of great pizza places, but on campus it was mediocre in my opinion. Has anything changed in that regard?
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I don't know if its changed, but I can't recall any good pizza places in New Brunswick or Piscataway (graduated in 1990). NJ in general has tons of great pizza places, but on campus it was mediocre in my opinion. Has anything changed in that regard?
You're asking a 84 grad ? Lol.
I remember GREAT pizza in the late 70s and early 80s. Patties, place on other back side of barn, places up and down Easton. ( but they also had a couple of strip dancing joints then too lol)
I don't know if its changed, but I can't recall any good pizza places in New Brunswick or Piscataway (graduated in 1990). NJ in general has tons of great pizza places, but on campus it was mediocre in my opinion. Has anything changed in that regard?
Krispy at the Yard is very good. It is a chain but so what. Olive Branch is good, although I wish they could find the old sausage recipe from Patty’s. Greg is aware of this.
Show is not geared for locals. Tell out of state visitor, it's five minute drive and they are fine with it. Our B1G visitors are driving to campus anyway.
Krispy at the Yard is very good. It is a chain but so what. Olive Branch is good, although I wish they could find the old sausage recipe from Patty’s. Greg is aware of this.

There are 3 or 4 of them now hardly a chain lol.
I don't know if its changed, but I can't recall any good pizza places in New Brunswick or Piscataway (graduated in 1990). NJ in general has tons of great pizza places, but on campus it was mediocre in my opinion. Has anything changed in that regard?
Skinny Vinny’s still around? That was the splurge for a pizza place. Remember those $4.25 sand pies from Pizza City were the norm!
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Apparently they forgot to mention a few things—
It is a five minute drive if the driver is from Manchester
Driver must have his left blinker on at all times, especially when making a right turn
Frequent short breaking for no apparent reason is required
If the green light has even a speck of yellow, expect an immediate stop
Driving over curbing is allowed
I just remembered that Fillipos would deliver a pie and two litre soda for $3.75. You can't get two slices for that now
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I was always a fan of Kings Pizza and Tata's Pizza. No clue if either still exist.
I just remembered that Fillipos would deliver a pie and two litre soda for $3.75. You can't get two slices for that now
They are still on George and still good. I saw a Skinny Vinny's reference in another post- there is another pizzeria there in its place. I thought they were solid, but they were also around the corner from my places on Morrell and Ray, so proximity probably played a role with that choice.
Man I haven't been to Stuff yer Face in years...
It's still just as good - ate there on Sunday - had the pepperoni/sausage boli and wife had the 4-cheese. As I just said in another thread, I've eaten there more than any other place, by far (guessing over 600 times)...