Flood's biggest problem, before his email ways were exposed and players became police blotter fare, was his handling of qb's and whether he was unfair or perceived to be so, and how this impacted the program. Sure, there will be the NFL win and no one cares small percentage, but in the college setting, the coach is purported to also be a role model.
The treatment of Dodd always smacked of unfairness, and a strong argument can be made that it was every bit that. Winning a bowl game and then not starting the next year---and only being put in to handoff-for someone who may have better "upside" but wasn't as game ready. We all know the lengths Flood went to stay with Nova.
Now we come to this year and without explanation, the "upside" option is shunted for someone allegedly more game ready. The exact opposite of what was floated to use Nova. Nova and Laviano being "Flood guys", have received jerry rigging of the standards to support their starting position.
But wait
http://www.app.com/story/sports/col...o-s-time-rettig-conspiracy-theories/72506072/ , we were lead to believe that laviano won the purported "competition". Turns out that may not have been so at all, and if the eye test is used, hard to see how that would have been. So the fairness of the leader again comes in full blown.
Yes Flood needs to win and the posts indicating he only wants to win all assume one thing--that he has good judgment, and that judgment will overcome his desire to play favorites. He may want to win and his judgment tells him he can go with his guy and make it work-or hell, maybe he sees merit in losing his "way" as the best shot. It's not real relevant either way--favoritism and/or bad judgment.
Bad judgment I think we now have proof of off the field, and the 6 picks and VT etc have been our proof. on the field. Now we have the media who attended practices outright raising the absurdity of the situation. One is that Rettig showed better in practice. Second that favoritism exist for "his guy" even when it may hurt RU.
That's no way for the ceo of the fball program to conduct himself. The actual or perceived favoritism has infected the alumni and fans. Whether it has moved to the tram is not fully known but we know it cant be far off. It's a cancer, real or perceived, of course worse if clearly real. Our current coach has provided ammo that he is biased and plays favorites trying to win his way and prove his initial choice was right.
Reasoned steadfastness is a good quality in a leader. Stubborness, combined with bias and/or ignorance, is a killer. Today we have the news flat out calling Flood biased. When it becomes so that the regular observers and B10 conference network talk of a foundation crumbling, someone needs to take a look at what is going on. An AD with some level of power would want explanations. I don't get the feeling that this is being done. What we are left with is a biased suspended coach clinging to "his choice". Captain Queeg Flood. Not what many want to be their representative. Cant imagine those fundraising calls are yielding year over year results or anything close.