On both sides of the ball. I'm gonna bet that there hasn't been an RU game where so may players saw their first game action in quite some time.
yeah..I cant help but think they are trying to bring James back little by little...They should have let Greg Jones run a few carries late in the 4th instead of risk injury to our 3 backs.
Groh was such a windbag.Adams had a few big hits in the first half as well. After one tackle I had to pull out the roster to see who he was. Unfortunately Groh was going on and on about nothing in particular so we didn't get a lot of play by play that would have told me who made the tackles.
Jarius Adams played a lot in the 2nd half and played well. Also saw Anthony Folkert and Deonte Roberts hit the field in the 4th qt.
I think I saw Folkerts line up in the backfield as a h-back or fullback.Folkerts...doubtful