A Raritan River boardwalk? Rutgers plans major campus makeover

Here is the presentation. Very detailed and thorough.

32MB file.

Includes details on dedicated bus routes, technology park, faculty housing, walking paths on college ave, transit hub, and some designs of pedestrian bridges that should look a little familiar...

AND a hotel/conference center next to the RAC.

On slide 11, what's in the bottom left corner near the visitor center?

This post was edited on 2/5 5:46 PM by RUseaweed

Physical Master Plan
I'd love to see them use the parking lots behind College Ave gym, the entire Bartlett/Morrell block between College Ave and Sicard, and rest of the student center space to create a Greek Village. You could build something very special there that would provide excellent housing for a healthier and more productive Greek community.
Some other takeaways from studying these drawings:
- Hurtado Health Center appears to be gone (good riddance!)
- as someone above mentioned, at least one of the drawings shows the Barn without the Barn Annex along Senior St.
Originally posted by Scarlet Pride:
I'd love to see them use the parking lots behind College Ave gym, the entire Bartlett/Morrell block between College Ave and Sicard, and rest of the student center space to create a Greek Village. You could build something very special there that would provide excellent housing for a healthier and more productive Greek community.
I would be surprised if the university wanted to establish a Greek Village. But perhaps some kind of residential village can be created, even if not associated with the fraternities and sororities. That would really change the feel of the campus.
Originally posted by RUseaweed:
Here is the presentation. Very detailed and thorough.

32MB file.

Includes details on dedicated bus routes, technology park, faculty housing, walking paths on college ave, transit hub, and some designs of pedestrian bridges that should look a little familiar...

AND a hotel/conference center next to the RAC.

On slide 11, what's in the bottom left corner near the visitor center?

Not sure but in the upper right it looks like a new Soccer or LAX complex?

And has the Track been turned as well?

Noticed quite a few parking decks too?
Do people think that part of the aim is for a smaller student body? I have not studied this in detail the way some of you have, but I like the idea of the campus not turning its back on the river.
That is a pretty radical remake of Cook to the point where I actually wasnt really sure what was going on there. They tear down the Newells and replace them with newer, but similar apartments, and sports fields? And replace alot of the current sports fields with sparse woods?

The new complex shown there is further back than the Starkeys - which already had the longest walk to the bus of any on campus housing. These seems to be basically the opposite of the densification and infill that is happening everywhere else on campus.

If anything I would do the reverse - put new apartments in the field area across from Nicholas/Woodberry, and move the fields to where the Newells are now.

I guess the good news is - this is probably the least likely part of the plan to get built. It would be hard to justify the expensive of tearing down existing garden style apartments to build new functionally similar garden style apartments further away.

Unfortunately, the previous design of Livingston and Busch has made them hard to connect. In an ideal world the proposed research park area would be a student place - (maybe move all intercollegiate athletics to Busch and move the student athletics for both Busch and Livingston to that area (i.e. a new gym, new fields, etc) with dorms or something). But given that they clearly arent doing that, I think a research park there is a good idea.

Also note that on the overhead of CA they seem to have tress in the middle of CA in front of the new quad as well as the Bishop quad area.

And it seems that they had the same idea as me as far as one waying George and Neilson and dedicating a lane on each to busses.

Also like the idea around Foran Hall to cut off the road there and make that a kind of quad.

Note - along with other campus monstrocities - Hickman Hall also appears to get the axe (although again - that almost surely wont happen due to finances). (Also on the same page - notice that someone didnt double check the image - the layer with the trees is shifted about a half a mile to the right.)

Of course again - most of this will never pass. If they even get the highlighted stuff done, it will be great.
This post was edited on 2/6 8:56 AM by derleider
Lot's of good stuff. Sure some is awfully pie in the sky. Still cool.

The concept I'm most excited about is the "Heart of the Campus" - building a quad where Records Hall and Brower are and surrounding it with new buildings.
As I have been saying on this board for years, RU needs to have a plan- they need to think long term. It's great that that is finally happening.

You need a plan to get investment. No one wants to donate to anything and then not see a tangible result.

These are tangible. These are good, sensible, plans.

I agree particularly with one low cost idea of the bus lanes on George Street and making it one way, which will really boost downtown.
Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
As I have been saying on this board for years, RU needs to have a plan- they need to think long term. It's great that that is finally happening.

You need a plan to get investment. No one wants to donate to anything and then not see a tangible result.

These are tangible. These are good, sensible, plans.

I agree particularly with one low cost idea of the bus lanes on George Street and making it one way, which will really boost downtown.
They had a plan before. In fact the produced a Master Plan with similar level of detail and lots of new buildings, lots of parking lots removed and replaced with decks, etc. In fact the research park and conference center might have been in that one too. Hell - it even had a light rail.

It had another set of plans with the CA Greening - some of which is finally being implemented or worked into this plan.

The real key is getting the money to do it, and sticking to it.

I will say - this Master Plan seems to be much more ambitious in its level of demolishing existing buildings. The 2003 version was MOSTLY about infilling around existing buildings except for basically trailer level buildings.
Originally posted by derleider:
That is a pretty radical remake of Cook to the point where I actually wasnt really sure what was going on there. They tear down the Newells and replace them with newer, but similar apartments, and sports fields? And replace alot of the current sports fields with sparse woods?

The new complex shown there is further back than the Starkeys - which already had the longest walk to the bus of any on campus housing. These seems to be basically the opposite of the densification and infill that is happening everywhere else on campus.

If anything I would do the reverse - put new apartments in the field area across from Nicholas/Woodberry, and move the fields to where the Newells are now.

I guess the good news is - this is probably the least likely part of the plan to get built. It would be hard to justify the expensive of tearing down existing garden style apartments to build new functionally similar garden style apartments further away.

Unfortunately, the previous design of Livingston and Busch has made them hard to connect. In an ideal world the proposed research park area would be a student place - (maybe move all intercollegiate athletics to Busch and move the student athletics for both Busch and Livingston to that area (i.e. a new gym, new fields, etc) with dorms or something). But given that they clearly arent doing that, I think a research park there is a good idea.

Also note that on the overhead of CA they seem to have tress in the middle of CA in front of the new quad as well as the Bishop quad area.

And it seems that they had the same idea as me as far as one waying George and Neilson and dedicating a lane on each to busses.

Also like the idea around Foran Hall to cut off the road there and make that a kind of quad.

Note - along with other campus monstrocities - Hickman Hall also appears to get the axe (although again - that almost surely wont happen due to finances). (Also on the same page - notice that someone didnt double check the image - the layer with the trees is shifted about a half a mile to the right.)

Of course again - most of this will never pass. If they even get the highlighted stuff done, it will be great.
This post was edited on 2/6 8:56 AM by derleider
I agree about Cook. I lived in the Newells and Perry Hall on Cook and honestly I don't understand why you would tear them down for similar looking apartments. Perry was the best Freshman dorm on Cook if not one of the best at Rutgers when I was there. There is no need to get rid of those apartments of which work perfectly on Cook and are quite nice.

I'm glad they are planning to get rid of Hickman and Loree, two of the most ridiculous looking buildings I've ever seen on a college campus.
Der...when was the LR plan...I don't recall that one.

I definitely remember the CA Greening plan, but that was limited to CAC and not nearly as far reaching as this one. I think this plan is much more inspiring.

Also this plan doesn't wade into the traffic implications of the CA plan.
Originally posted by derleider:

That is a pretty radical remake of Cook to the point where I actually wasnt really sure what was going on there.

First time I saw it (from just a pic, not the RU power point) I didn't even know it was Cook. And I went to Cook.
Originally posted by NotInRHouse:
Der...when was the LR plan...I don't recall that one.

I definitely remember the CA Greening plan, but that was limited to CAC and not nearly as far reaching as this one. I think this plan is much more inspiring.

Also this plan doesn't wade into the traffic implications of the CA plan.
THe document I linked is the 2003 Master Plan with the LR.

The CA Greening plans presented by the various firms were certainly as, if not more far reaching than this plan, and in fact many of the recommendations basically end up in this plan. What RU actually ended up publishing as Phase 1 of the whole thing was far far less inspiring, obviously, and even that never came to pass.

I think the traffic implications are minimal. Traffic tends to work itself out.
If this is the only part of the plan that gets done, I would considering it a MASSIVE success. This is what College Ave desperately needs in addition to the new buildings on Holy Hill. It wipes out the biggest eye sores on campus all in one fell swoop (Records Hall, the smoke stack, Brower). It's very BIG!!
I could see this makeover done in phases. The greening/pedestrian improvements to College Ave. would be relatively inexpensive compared to everything else, and that would have a huge effect on the beauty of the campus. That would be coupled with the demo of a river dorm and the creation of the transit hub. I would also couple this phase with two smaller projects:

1. Replace the blacktop paths on the Old Queens campus and Voorhees Mall area with stonework.

2. Demo the Hurtado building and build a new med facility behind the student center. The Hurtado building will be more visible once the Honors college and new academic building on Holy Hill are opened next year. It will stick out like an eyesore because the new pathway from Voorhees Mall will lead right to it.

Now we are into the big $$$ project - the new quad in the center of College Ave. It may be difficult to fund such a grand vision, but I would settle for ripping out the power plant and replacing it with a residence hall/academic mini quad that would overlook the river. That would clean up the biggest eyesore on campus.

Finally, I would like to see some artwork/signage that recalls our history and brand. I imagine a large block R statue that would be placed near the new mini quad, similar to what Penn did when they renovated the area outside of their student center. See above.

-Scarlet Jerry
Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

So long in coming. But this looks like a 30 year plan and very ambitious for a poor university. I hope they sell College Ave. naming rights to our long sought $200 Million donor. Surely, there is someone out there.
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Originally posted by rutgersnyc:

So long in coming. But this looks like a 30 year plan and very ambitious for a poor university. I hope they sell College Ave. naming rights to our long sought $200 Million donor. Surely, there is someone out there.
Just like the last one - this one is probably mostly not going to get built. Maser plans are more of a guide to future buildings than an actual plan. Its basically - hey, when we need a new chemistry building on Busch, it should squeeze into this space on the plan, or if we build a new classroom building on Cook, it should go here and have these kinds of dimensions and this general look. Long before they could ever build all of this stuff they will have another master plan that takes into account changing trends in overall and specific college design and the realities on the ground since the last one.

I would say if they build the new quad and the research park, that would be a major achievement. The research park should be relatively easy to fund - as it has its own source of funding to pay back the bonds (leases on the office space.)

The quad will also have some funds - dining and housing are near guaranteed income streams for a college and these will be two major buildings of the four. Of course given the scope, thats only part of the situation - so we would need major fundraising or another state higher education bond.
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Given Barchi's and the NSL Editorial's talk of "Private-Public partnerships" to get the project going, I think we will see DEVCO involved in building the new quad on College Ave. Same sort of deal as the Holy Hill and Lot 8 development.

I'd actually be very surprised if this doesn't happen within the next decade.
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Originally posted by Scarlet16E:
Given Barchi's and the NSL Editorial's talk of "Private-Public partnerships" to get the project going, I think we will see DEVCO involved in building the new quad on College Ave. Same sort of deal as the Holy Hill and Lot 8 development.

I'd actually be very surprised if this doesn't happen within the next decade.
I think that this too may be the case. With the redevelopment of the Seminary, the Grease Truck lots and development at other NJ schools (such as Campus Town at TCNJ) a Private-Public partnership will help speed up redevelopment
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

What is DEVCOs role in the current projects. I mean I know their name is attached - but what exactly are they doing for the projects and how would they be leveraged in a PPP for the new quad?
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Originally posted by derleider:
What is DEVCOs role in the current projects. I mean I know their name is attached - but what exactly are they doing for the projects and how would they be leveraged in a PPP for the new quad?
From Devco's mission statement:
Devco accomplishes it mission through the development of mixed-use projects seeking critical mass to address significant public policy challenges. With each redevelopment effort conceived and implemented Devco has achieved extraordinary success in reclaiming a quality urban lifestyle and setting a tempo that is characteristic of many of America's great cities.

They got the players together (RU, Hillell, NBTS) & created a creative solution.
The mixed-use thing is important to them and I think is a requirement to get the funding they have access to (urban development tax credits, Public transit funding and bond issues). So, while RU gets new facilities, The Lot 8 development includes residential and retail space.

With the projects in the master plan - Rutgers gets to redevelop the "Heart of Campus" (New CA Quad) and some other things, but the plan also includes a new faculty housing village on Cook and the research park on Livingston, as well as major changes to the transit (RU Bus) system. The combination of these things is where DEVCO can come in and secure funding that Rutgers alone would not have access to.
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Originally posted by Scarlet16E:
Originally posted by derleider:
What is DEVCOs role in the current projects. I mean I know their name is attached - but what exactly are they doing for the projects and how would they be leveraged in a PPP for the new quad?
From Devco's mission statement:
Devco accomplishes it mission through the development of mixed-use projects seeking critical mass to address significant public policy challenges. With each redevelopment effort conceived and implemented Devco has achieved extraordinary success in reclaiming a quality urban lifestyle and setting a tempo that is characteristic of many of America's great cities.

They got the players together (RU, Hillell, NBTS) & created a creative solution.
The mixed-use thing is important to them and I think is a requirement to get the funding they have access to (urban development tax credits, Public transit funding and bond issues). So, while RU gets new facilities, The Lot 8 development includes residential and retail space.

With the projects in the master plan - Rutgers gets to redevelop the "Heart of Campus" (New CA Quad) and some other things, but the plan also includes a new faculty housing village on Cook and the research park on Livingston, as well as major changes to the transit (RU Bus) system. The combination of these things is where DEVCO can come in and secure funding that Rutgers alone would not have access to.
I dont think DEVCO will have anything to do with projects in North Brunswick or Piscataway.

I get how they are involved with Lot 8. But the Honors College is less clear. Were they just an intermediary to negotiate between the parties, since they have unique abilities that the other three wouldnt have?

Also - wait - the new housing on Cook is for faculty (is there really a demand for on campus housing by faculty)? Where are the 1000 students who live there gonna go?
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

Originally posted by derleider:

I dont think DEVCO will have anything to do with projects in North Brunswick or Piscataway.

I get how they are involved with Lot 8. But the Honors College is less clear. Were they just an intermediary to negotiate between the parties, since they have unique abilities that the other three wouldnt have?

Also - wait - the new housing on Cook is for faculty (is there really a demand for on campus housing by faculty)? Where are the 1000 students who live there gonna go?
DEVCO has already been involved in a Newark project with Rutgers & NJIT. I don't see why something tied to a New Brunswick Development, that happens to be in Piscataway or North Brunswick would be out of bounds.

More from their website:
New Brunswick Development Corporation (Devco) is a private, nonprofit urban real estate development organization created in the mid-1970s to initiate redevelopment projects and to serve as the vehicle for public and private economic development investment in the City of New Brunswick, the State of New Jersey and other New Jersey communities.

I could be wrong, but I think the Lot 8 development and the Holy Hill development are tied together. The funding was available for Holy Hill because of what's being done at lot 8.

And the Master Plan talks about a "faculty housing village" near Rt.1. I assume their is a need for affordable housing for faculty. I have no idea about student housing. Edit: I must have read the reference to a "Faculty Housing Village" in one of the articles about the master plan.

This post was edited on 2/11 2:03 PM by Scarlet16E
Re: Just the improvements in College Ave would be wonderful

My mistake. I thought they were limited only to New Brunswick.