Golden is not on any other college must interview list. No other P5 college will hire him. He is a commodity and you know what you get. No other non P5 D1 colleges have reached out. He will not be a head coach in 2016, Unless? The ONLY college who some how sees something different. "Continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results"! "Rutgers" and gives him the keys to the football team. About 20 percent of Rutgers Fans Love him? Do you watch any other team play football besides Rutgers? This is a man who is not a good coach who has gone out of his way to degrade Rutgers, Is only talking to Rutgers becouse nobody else will talk to him. If any other P5 school offered him along with RU he would go there. And dis Rutgers while going. Honestly I don't Understand some of Rutgers fans, Do you love being mediocre? Looking forward to the glory days of playing Bucknell and Lafayette. Rutgers is a new member in the BIG10. Lets act like it.