Am I the only one to


Apr 21, 2010
See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or (2) miss the shot. Neither of them passes the ball to an open player.

See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or
(2) lose the ball or (3) miss the shot. Neither of them passes to an open player. Why does the coach allow their selfish play to continue.
nobody passes. Watch Bailey and Sommerville. Acuff and Jmike do sometimes.
See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or
(2) lose the ball or (3) miss the shot. Neither of them passes to an open player. Why does the coach allow their selfish play to continue.

Not selfish, just not smart and poorly coached
See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or
(2) lose the ball or (3) miss the shot. Neither of them passes to an open player. Why does the coach allow their selfish play to continue.
He has no replacements that are better.Williams performance this season has been deeply disappointing and Derkack is out of control with his drives to the basket.
See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or (2) miss the shot. Neither of them passes the ball to an open player.

Difference being that Williams avoids contact tries to get acrobatic around defenders, and Derkack goes directly into defenders and draws a lot more fouls. One also manages to keep his feet underneath him more of the time.
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See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or (2) miss the shot. Neither of them passes the ball to an open player.

The whole system encourages selfishness. That's why the whole staff has to go. While many of the players aren't great, Pike makes them appear worse than they are.
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Lathan is selfish but the guy makes a lot of his shots

Derkack and JWill do not
With Dylan out and Ace having the worst game of his life, I'm surprised we didn't try to get Lathan going offensively

He can create his own shot when almost no one else can
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With Dylan out and Ace having the worst game of his life, I'm surprised we didn't try to get Lathan going offensively

He can create his own shot when almost no one else can
Bingo! We are looking for a third option for scoring yet we have one in Lathan yet we don’t go to hiM enough. People calling him selfish when he touches the ball for about 4 shots per game…wtf

Lathan is our most efficient scorer based on % I bet. Where is @fluxotine?

Also Jwill cannot stay on his feet. So out of control.
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See that Williams and Derkack are selfish players. They continually drive to the basket and far more than three quarters of the time (1) get stripped or (2) miss the shot. Neither of them passes the ball to an open player.

No it’s obvious ! I love the ppl telling us Jwill was our PG and one of our best players and scorers before the season and even still now
Can’t stay on his feet doesn’t play good defense. Pouts when he is not scoring.

Let him come off the bench but I have had enough Jwill
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