Anybody have contact info for any of the guys involved w/the cannon?

No but last I heard they park in the front left part of the Scarlet lot on gameday.
Don't give the OP any information.I suspect that he is a Princeton undercover agent looking to set up another cannon caper,
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I suspect he's looking for a more efficient way to launch Sour Patch Kids into section 121 and beyond after an RU score.
I suspect he's looking for a more efficient way to launch Sour Patch Kids into section 121 and beyond after an RU score. cool would that be..great idea Mike.

Hoping to get my Swedish Fish product for next game and saving the mini Toblerone Choc for one of the colder days. Although those could take an eye out. :flushed:
One of the cannon guys used to post on here. I think his handle was RUcannon or some other obvious moniker. I remember him posting when they are expanding the stadium and people were concerned about the cannon survival and placement.