My Thoughts on Neb

I agree with it all except draws and crossing routes. The A gaps were completely taken away by their interior linemen.

Crossing routes were eliminated because of their match up zones. We had to attack the edges, and they gave us the edges.
Yea I didn’t mean that should have been the plan. I meant try something different to take away the pin the ears back and run to the qb that we saw by their front 3. When they brought the pressure from deep. The underneath routes and outlet to flats would have been open. Drag a tight end across the middle. The middle of the field would have been open of you brought the zone deep.
I disagree with the top talent. We are building a pretty damn elite WR room, and we have gotten them before never running a true spread offense. Our youngest and incoming QB are legit QBs.

Honestly I still want us to go back to the stretch zone play action game. Give me a fullback/H, a TE, a RB and two WR with 3 wr packages. I would even be happy under center.
You’re lips to gods ears with your second paragraph. Team strengths are such better suited to this style of play.
Nebraska fan here who was up from Texas for the game and sat in the South Stadium... Y'all have something special brewing over there that's for sure! If you're a fan of Defense like I am THIS was the game to watch on both sides! Y'all definitely have some Dudes on that team! I could tell that just by watching your warmups! Thank you for a Great Game!

Oh, and @Knight Shift, on behalf of the other Huskers in the SS, I apologize for the Jackasses that may have given you a hard time... it's not the way Nebraska likes to represent ourselves but there's always a couple... and yes, our South Stadium is in drastic need of renovation which will soon be remedied... Please come back when it's completed!
Nebraska fan here who was up from Texas for the game and sat in the South Stadium... Y'all have something special brewing over there that's for sure! If you're a fan of Defense like I am THIS was the game to watch on both sides! Y'all definitely have some Dudes on that team! I could tell that just by watching your warmups! Thank you for a Great Game!

Oh, and @Knight Shift, on behalf of the other Huskers in the SS, I apologize for the Jackasses that may have given you a hard time... it's not the way Nebraska likes to represent ourselves but there's always a couple... and yes, our South Stadium is in drastic need of renovation which will soon be remedied... Please come back when it's completed!
Thanks for the words.
It’s a shame you couldn’t see our best Defensive player- LB Mo Toure who tore his ACL in summer practice and is out for this season.
I also find it completely unacceptable with how we gave up the fake punt. For a coach that micromanages everything, to not be prepared for a fake is unacceptable. I was watching our gun stoppers on blocks earlier this year and we just let the gunners go. That being said it was a nice throw by their punter.
The thing that annoyed me so, so much about that play was that it was an utterly stupid play by Nebraska. Up 14-0, in a game you've absolutely dominated defensively, in the fourth quarter, on 4th and 8, from your own 33. There is no way the risk/reward on that makes any sense. And I do understand that they've had lots of problems with their punting but even so... if I were a Nebraska fan I would be very unhappy with that play even though they managed to convert it.
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Why didn't RU go for the block on 2 of those late punts, especially the one from the back of the end zone?
Couple things from the NU side of things just for the conversation.
The fake punt- NU said after the game that they had noticed some things about the gunners on film from previous games and had installed the fake for this game. They even went into the indoor facility and practiced it a few times to make sure everyone was on the same page. If the gunner cover man man reacted(as he did) to the punter taking steps towards him when he got the ball he would throw it. If he didn’t react he would just punt it. They were 95% sure it would play out the way it did.
On your fake field goal- NU was positive it was going to be a fake with the wind and knowing Schiano and your kicker. They were in kick safe for it with all gap coverage.
On stopping your run- NU in the first quarter played their normal line play to see how RU would attack them. Once they learned that NU switch how far the d-lineman would go upfield on obvious run downs. They also switched to a 52monster type of defense with 5 lineman and 2 backers. NU has not shown it this year and RU didn’t get good adjustments when NU lines up in it.
Tell-NU said they had figured out some “tells” for run or pass plays but wouldn’t share them. They also knew that RU likes to shorten the games so when you folks were lined up the first look on defense was not what they were going to be in. After RU made calls being lined up NU would change coverages and line stunts with extra guys blitzing. There was too much time from when RU made their final play call to when they snapped the ball and gave NU a chance to switch because they knew they would run play clock down.
NU did care if QB ran the ball. They didn’t think he could beat them with his feet so RPOs were to attack the RB. They wanted the qb to have to move in pocket even just a little because he would only throw short then.
NU was not afraid of the receivers going deep and getting beat. They didn’t think your qb had the arm and thought NUs dbs were faster than recievers.

Your defense made great adjustments at the half that NU didn’t adjust to well at all.
RU took advantage of a new left tackle and right guard for NU. They knew NU was on their 3rd team LT and backup RG.
NU expected a scrap and that’s what it was.

Hope nobody got hurt on your side and good luck going forward!
Thank you for the feedback. There's gotta be some accountability on the staff.

Unfortunately none of that is shocking to hear. We are basic and fairly easy to scout.
I’m not taking anything away from Nebraska but Rutgers had 9 opportunities to win this game and the proof is there , we know it’s hard to win on the road in this league and for some strange reason it just wasn’t there day . Hopefully they will play better at home against Wisconsin like Washington did against Michigan and not win or lose by one score or a field goal.
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The Nebraska defense did a very good job. I didn't see a lot of opportunities for AK to have success.

GS talked about how the weather was absolutely crazy and here we are throwing the ball 37 times with a game manager.

From my view, KC screwed the pooch on the 1st 4 drives of the game. we were either in 4 down territory or right on the cusp on all 4 drives.

GS's special teams lost to their special teams despite blocking 2 kicks.....
Botched fake fg attempt (wtf)
Missed fg
Allow a punt to bounce 61 yds
Give up a 30 yd play on a fake punt
Allow the last punt to go 69 yards

KC and GS should have had to walk home. They have to do better and GS needs to see a therapist about his fear of TO's. Name another program that refuses to participate in the punt catch/return
Agree, not catching and returning that punt was really inexcusable. We have to start returning punts.
And wind gusts. Wind was persistent and strong.

The thing that annoyed me so, so much about that play was that it was an utterly stupid play by Nebraska. Up 14-0, in a game you've absolutely dominated defensively, in the fourth quarter, on 4th and 8, from your own 33. There is no way the risk/reward on that makes any sense. And I do understand that they've had lots of problems with their punting but even so... if I were a Nebraska fan I would be very unhappy with that play even though they managed to convert it.

I mean - the rate that they get blocked at is pretty insane. Are you suggesting maybe they should’ve just gone for it with their regular QB?
Why didn't RU go for the block on 2 of those late punts, especially the one from the back of the end zone?

I assume because we got busted when the P successfully threw the pass. The Nebraska punter sure had one those, ‘It was the worst of times, it was the best times’ (yes I switched the order in purpose) days.
Yea I didn’t mean that should have been the plan. I meant try something different to take away the pin the ears back and run to the qb that we saw by their front 3. When they brought the pressure from deep. The underneath routes and outlet to flats would have been open. Drag a tight end across the middle. The middle of the field would have been open of you brought the zone deep.
My thoughts on Nebraska. Should have won t'mmm
I mean - the rate that they get blocked at is pretty insane. Are you suggesting maybe they should’ve just gone for it with their regular QB?
If they are really so terrified to attempt a punt that they would consider going for it with their normal QB then that play probably makes sense.. but they attempted all those other punts.. it just seems like a bizarre choice to me but to be fair it worked out for them.
If they are really so terrified to attempt a punt that they would consider going for it with their normal QB then that play probably makes sense.. but they attempted all those other punts.. it just seems like a bizarre choice to me but to be fair it worked out for them.

Their kicker is bad to begin with. We had already blocked a couple (and came close on the one before I think) at that point so their coach probably figured what the heck, worst case this one is a turnover on downs but then maybe Rutgers wouldnt sell out for the block on punts after that. The latter part held true and they also converted but I’m not sure that was even the primary goal. They wanted to force us not to sell out on the blocks.
Can’t ever get through a game it seems without a jackass or 2. Sorry
You must have been in south stadium(sec 19 or 20). I think them are the only troughs left but not positive. South stadium is coming completely out and a new one being put in. It’s the only side that hasn’t been redone. Prepping for a $600mil redo with screens on both ends and new smaller ones along with new south stadium with new skyboxes and terrace.

Hope you enjoyed your time there.
I always liked the trough urinals.....lets a guy see how he measures up to his fellow fans.
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