Are We Doing The Yahoo College Bowl Pick-Em This Year?

I'm in! It read picking by confidence points not straight up. Is that how you set it up for this year? I believe last year was straight picks.
I just got an email invitation to this lol. I guess I was in last year.
I'll go in later today. After the Bowl season and fantasy football is over I'm thinking of deleting my yahoo account. Been hacked a few times over the years with friends getting phony emails from me touting some product to buy. I have a gmail account and will get around to notifying my cc's and friends and end yahoo all together. A good site in many regards but the numerous security breaches is awful.
Let's make this interesting:

Winner gets a night of (good)blow and (hot Asian)hookers on Mildone!
I successfully submitted my picks a few hours ago. I just hit the link in the email I was sent. I guess I was in this last year.