we need a guy who can at least threaten to kick a 50 yard field goal...bonagura is not a D1 talent
Aplus-in case you aren't joking.
1) It seems Ash first offered Bridgewater kicker Justin Davidowicz a preferred walk on or 3/4 of a scholarship (the latter according to a player I met a 1-2 weeks ago. Davidowicz (ranked in the top 16 as a KICKER by one service, lower as a punter). Has offers from Harvard, Army and someone recently said Maine?
Supposedly preferred Rutgers over Harvard who doesn't offer scholarships per se (Ivy league doesn't) but aid packages. The word early in September was that Harvard would be tough because Davidowicz' parents have "some money" (thus the aid package might not be enough).
2) Not knowing about a Davidowicz offer I ran into some Bridgewater cheereladers at Stop N Shop in Raritan on Friday night after their game. Tired of all the hate here and the season I half jokingly asked if Bridgewater had any D1 prospects for Rutgers/ They informed me about Davidowicz and basically told me Davidowicz to Rutgers was basically a done deal. However Ash to date last I heard has not offered Davidowicz a full ride. I told the cheerleaders if they could land Davidowicz to Rutgers I'd give them my own version of the "Big Ten Aid Package"-basically a "full ride." ;>)
3) Within the past week or so Ash offered Tennessee Punter/kicker Tucker Day. In one service Day is the #1 punter. He's basically rated a higher punter than Davidowicz but I believe it was 5-star vs 4-star. Davidowitz, I believe was rated the overall #16 kicker by Kohls kicking service. I believeKohls had him as a 5-star kicker (better than Day who was rated only a 3.5 star kicker).
4) Before the Day offer I heard from a fellow Bridgewater player that Davidowicz (though perhaps Rutgers still leading) is now "considering other offers".
5) AshSaturday, trying to be helpful and bring a story to the table like I did with Schiano's house sale in East Brunswick (I had the same realtor and he was a no show at my house the "day before" he closed on Schianos house. Bought me off with a $20 and a promise he'd let me use his Audi Club seats for a game but never did) has incessantly been harassed and maklighed with no love here for 2 months.
6) AshSaturday is on the hunt for new info including now at the Somerset County library.