Are we recruiting a kicker?

It's true though. We literally had the worst offense in the country. 215 lb. linebackers. Quarterbacks who couldn't start at Monmouth, etc. I'm not trying to be a jerk but it's the truth.
Yes we get it..I often say the same thing. But I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but this thread had absolutely nothing to do with that. It's the same as you coming in here and posting "I like pickles". Did you ever read the thread? One word of it?
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And she is worth $350M.
Ok, I'm greedy, if one of them is a highly rated kicker and an ok punter, and the other is a highly rated punter and an ok kicker, why not both?
Yes we get it..I often say the same thing. But I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but this thread had absolutely nothing to do with that. It's the same as you coming in here and posting "I like pickles". Did you ever read the thread? One word of it?
I like pickles. . . .
As I said to the last sc*ewd up girl I liked (addicted to muscleheads) "At least I make you laugh (though it's when I talk about my "prowess". Awaiting the reports from Knigthshift on those MILFS in Hillsborough. I'm hoping CHilfs...
I am also a yellow lot and section 125 guy. Keep the updates on your gals coming.
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I am also a yellow lot and section 125 guy. Keep the updates on "your gals" coming.

Cicero, RU will probably win the B1G-in football-first! My new mandatory social worker? is smokin but she tried to s*RU me off the bat (a hot Latina w the temperament when angry I bELieve). Ditto the new co-anchor on the ABC overnight news at 3? AM.
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I was slightly incorrect in my previous posts, Day can do both kicking and punting. I believe his strength is punting.
I agree. However when I posted Davidowicz' "stats" and commented on here about such I was flamed. Haters sad a kickers size doesn't matter.

It sure as hell matters to me. There are plenty of scenarios where the kicker/punter is the last man standing on a botched return coverage wise and we need someone heavy enough to tackle opposing players.
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I was slightly incorrect in my previous posts, Day can do both kicking and punting. I believe his strength is punting.

To play devil's advocate both can punt and kick. However the "Lowest common denominator"/rating of the two between both punting and kicking is Day as a kicker (3.5 stars). However the one service has him as the best punter in the country. remember davidowicz is a local guy who was leaning RU from the start. Day has (so far) 1-2 more "logical" offers than Davidowicz (has to serve if Navy and Harvard is seemingly too expensive for the family) who has been a RU lean (at worse) from the start)) and has yet to take an official visit.
It sure as hell matters to me. There are plenty of scenarios where the kicker/punter is the last man standing on a botched return coverage wise and we need someone heavy enough to tackle opposing players.

I agree completely. I already gave an example with my buddy Gary Liska. Grant is also a great player but he didn't do much for RU hurt!
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Cicero, RU will probably win the B1G-in football-first! My new mandatory social worker? is smokin but she tried to s*RU me off the bat (a hot Latina w the temperament when angry I bELieve). Ditto the new co-anchor on the ABC overnight news at 3? AM.
I will assume when you say she tried to S*RU you off the bat you either prefer to take it slow or are playing hard to get. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
I will assume when you say she tried to S*RU you off the bat you either prefer to take it slow or are playing hard to get. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

Missed two meetings-the 2nd one a last minute cancellation due exhaustion and comng off a stomach virus. AFTER the scheduled appointment (told her if she wanted me to come in I would) she tells me I needed a medical excuse (remember I just lost almost all and on total support). had to Run down to the ER (luckily I passed on my buddys ER) to see a physician and get "a note". Friendlier yesterday and a babe but I know what she can be like...

I'm not so sure some/much of my "requirements" R due to a b*tchy young social worker 5 years ago. Was in a meeting with her-hopefully to get a training grant (county requirements for food assistance was checking in twice a day at the Employment center "One Stop career center" and a written 35 hour job search per week)-the goal of pretty much all who frequent the place. Anyways: 1) it was the 4th of July week and I was feeling "giddy" and 2) I am by nature a bit carefree and maybe a flirt as the 1st girl I really liked was the cheerleader captain of the class before me and was a flirt-of sorts (future RU pharma grad). Anyways I flirted with the social worker-and she wrote me a note saying I was acting irrational, unemployable (thus kicking me out of system-good for coming in requirements but eliminating me from training grant consideration) and directing me (I had no choice) to see a crock psychologist who proceeded to give me a false diagnosis of schizophrenia (just found out about it 5 years later in joint meeting with my town/county) that nobody agreed with. Remember I was in and out of my required psych evaluation with social security in 10-15 minutes.

All I know now is that I have (probably because I lost all-thanks indirectly to no training grant as a job would have saved my house) 2-3 social workers (this new program extends help for those whose benefits are running out), my town housing person, a county housing person, and soon a psychiatrist (maybe just because they are still having me trey for social security disability as a cost shifting measure to save my butt from the streets (yet there is a stupid law I have to look into changing that as soon as I work and make $210 a month
I lose my assistance check (fine with that) AND HOUSING. That means that I have to
take a full time job that works out no matter what (most jobs aren't a match to begin with). Scary stuff. All of this due to a b*tchy young inexperienced social worker who probably wasn't "getting it" at that point!
Pardon me if this sounds paternalistic, AshSaturday, but I think you would do better to focus your time and energy on putting yourself together than on posting here. Please also remember that one has to be careful whom one flirts with, and when.
Pardon me if this sounds paternalistic, AshSaturday, but I think you would do better to focus your time and energy on putting yourself together than on posting here. Please also remember that one has to be careful whom one flirts with, and when.

Camden-already met with my township person and county this week. Though I need a job by May see below) I was told my priorities by Jan 10th R: 1)Meet with a program rep (did that Thursday AM), 2)Appeal my social security disability decision and 3) get my initial medical visit (and then referrals) as there's nothing wrong upstairs while the rest of the body is frankly a 53 year old mess (though I jog/walk as much as 6.1 miles per session at the gym) and I've said all along IF I was to get ss it wll be due to physical issues (not mental).

If you want to help PLEASE use your resources and contacts to get me the name/number of the INCREDIBLY STUPID I ASSUME STATE LAW I WAS JUST TOLD ABOUT!!! that take away housing of the "homeless" (and General Assistance-no problem with) at $210 a month (2-3 days of work per month) RIGHT AWAY. This means:

1) I can't work part time (thank God I haven't)
2) Can't take a risky job and frankly have to plan for all while accepting a job (ie.
Flexibility for Friday nights and Saturdays for RU football).
3) Have to ht a "home run" in maximzing pay (and out long term my 2 masters degrees are pretty much worthless for now at least politically) right off the bat as it has to pay for housing and everything else assuming I'll still receive food assistance. Even if I survive the former how do I accumulate savings?
Camden-already met with my township person and county this week. Though I need a job by May see below) I was told my priorities by Jan 10th R: 1)Meet with a program rep (did that Thursday AM), 2)Appeal my social security disability decision and 3) get my initial medical visit (and then referrals) as there's nothing wrong upstairs while the rest of the body is frankly a 53 year old mess (though I jog/walk as much as 6.1 miles per session at the gym) and I've said all along IF I was to get ss it wll be due to physical issues (not mental).

If you want to help PLEASE use your resources and contacts to get me the name/number of the INCREDIBLY STUPID I ASSUME STATE LAW I WAS JUST TOLD ABOUT!!! that take away housing of the "homeless" (and General Assistance-no problem with) at $210 a month (2-3 days of work per month) RIGHT AWAY. This means:

1) I can't work part time (thank God I haven't)
2) Can't take a risky job and frankly have to plan for all while accepting a job (ie.
Flexibility for Friday nights and Saturdays for RU football).
3) Have to ht a "home run" in maximzing pay (and out long term my 2 masters degrees are pretty much worthless for now at least politically) right off the bat as it has to pay for housing and everything else assuming I'll still receive food assistance. Even if I survive the former how do I accumulate savings?

Rutgers football is not that important that you should let it interfere with your efforts to find a job.
Rutgers football is not that important that you should let it interfere with your efforts to find a job.

At this point maybe not if I don't mention because it's 9 months away. However I also go to church Saturday evenings and (until the past 6 days and it will change again) getting up and to church by noon (oft 11:30AM in summers- and that's without myself going to the beach if able) is impossible without messing up my sleep cycle. Also who's to say I won't be working early or early afternoon Sundays?

What you say is easy for you to say as you likely have a family if not close relatives. I don't. At this point (until I have enough monies) my Rutgers football and tailgating is my only social life and family. My father passed December 26, 2005 and I haven't celebrated
Christmas and Thanksgiving with anyone since November of 2004 (Dad couldn't make it to the table in 2005. I deserve something and such is important to my mental health.

Also my involvement in Rutgers sports and tailgating has served as my primary source of networking. I met two of my best contacts (2-3 top donors the third contact also wound up being two of my professors) ever getting and being involved as a pseudo officer of the Court Club. This year at my tailgates I learned a bit about a long standing company that has hired RU grads in the past. I also met RUForrester who used to run the National Forests in a few western states. I have a BS in Biology from Cook (MSPS from UNC) and my MBA and he might be a nice contact if I wanted to look at careers down that route.

One of my major problems is that I've never had a lot of contacts or references (after my academic physical letters at RU as an undergrad.). My season ticket is worth the prior alone just for the networking/tailgating (and haven't even started to use my new kitchen electrics yet).

Having just lost all I learned that (while I do need much monies) that I don't need a lot of material things. I work out (mental and physical health) for less than $22 a month, have a TV w cable ( a few years ago only a 9 inch over the air TV), my car, some clothes and some new kitchen electrics I hope to keep for cooking. Not TOO much I NEED. However, having a social life and friends are always of utmost importance.
Also saw #Signthebridgewaterkicker on the van.

Cicero, YesRutgers and Knightshift-though I saw a few Bridgewater students today is was no cheerleaders (I think-see #1) but possibly "celebrity evening"

1) First I go to church in Raritan and get there late as usual. I always stay in the floyer as its breezy and had a comfortable set of stairs I can sit on if the first there-or at worst sit on top of stairs leading to the downstairs.

Anyways I get to church late enough so that the foyer is full. My nice comfy stairs to upstairs were taken. However there was room if I sat on the stairs going downstairs.

Anyways I'm sitting (as it's tough to kneel there and I had already run 3.1 miles at the gym) during the literagy? and proceeded to stand up. There RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE WAS the perfect but (as if by devine intervention). The young girl had beautiful clean blonde hair. After looking up some pictures I think it possibly COULD have been Elana Kampouris (the daughter in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2"). I do know she's a Bridgewater grad and works out at my old gym.

2) Speaking of my old gym I was a Shop-Rite and ran into an old gym member.
This young lady (a local teacher) just placed 5th in her division at Mrs. Olympia! I guess I had never seen her in street clothes but my jaws dropped and I was left speechless-and frankly had to admit such to avoid further embarrassment. So cute and her blonde hair looked so clean and great (great hair day),

This was a girl that I checked out when I met (~2007) and actually been a tad turned off by as her competition pic made her look like a guy because she was so cut up and had so little body fat. I had also once been in a clothing shop where she was trying on bikinis (I assume for competition) and part of me didn't want to witness that. However tonight (and also I think with her Ms Olympia pictures) WOW!

A GREAT month or so for running into some beautiful women (not including the cheerleaders in October)!
To play devil's advocate both can punt and kick. However the "Lowest common denominator"/rating of the two between both punting and kicking is Day as a kicker (3.5 stars). However the one service has him as the best punter in the country. remember davidowicz is a local guy who was leaning RU from the start. Day has (so far) 1-2 more "logical" offers than Davidowicz (has to serve if Navy and Harvard is seemingly too expensive for the family) who has been a RU lean (at worse) from the start)) and has yet to take an official visit.

Where did you see that RU would not be interested in bringing in Davidowicz as PWO if they get Day.
Where did you see that RU would not be interested in bringing in Davidowicz as PWO if they get Day.

I NEVER DID OR IMPLIED SUCH. To me, my interest has been (as I stated and am going to try to find out), what Davidowicz' reaction was (if any) to Ash offering Day but not himself. The last I heard, a Bridgewater player told me (weeks ago-before Day was offered) that Davidowicz was "listening to other offers" (but I assume still interested in RU).
I NEVER DID OR IMPLIED SUCH. To me, (as I stated and am going to try to find out), what Davidowicz' reaction was (if any) to Ash offering Day but not himself. The last I heard, a Bridgewater player told me (weeks ago-before Day was offered) that Davidowicz was "listening to other offers" (but I assume still interested in RU).

The staff likes Day better. Simple as that.

Still like to get both.

If Davidowicz gets a scholarship offer from another school maybe the staff changes their stand on him. Right now there is no reason to bid against themselves.
A BIT OF A DAVIDOWICZ "UPDATE". Today I talked with a Bridgewater High School athlete (noon football) who knows Davidowicz but admittedly doesn't ask him for a daily update like others do..

According to the student athlete Davidowicz has now been offered by both Princeton and Brown. He's also supposedly taking a visit to Temple. he student athlete says he hadn't heard of an offer from Maine like some have reported here. take it for what it's worth.