Yesterday I bought Athlon at Barnes & Noble as I do every September. I also glanced over Lindy's and Street & Smiths. As I expected we are picked 14th in Athlon and Lindy's but Street & Smith has us picked as 13th. We just have to get over the hump and surprise some teams and people. I love the job that Pikiell and our staff are doing. Many of us wish we could move up quicker but I firmly believe that Coach is doing things the right way. I have watched him closely and spoken with him often. I think this coming season we will be improved & better but like others it might not be seen in our record. I know that last year we had very little depth. Hopefully all 11 scholarship players that are eligible for this season will all be good contributors to our team and I think they will be. Best of luck to our staff and players for this coming season.