Background checks on recruits


Dec 11, 2015
I see that Korab Idrizi mentioned that RU said they would need to do background checks before making a scholarship offer.....does anyone know what this consists of for a football recruit? is this new?

I know that the NFL does it, but I don't think I've ever heard it mentioned in college recruiting
One would think some ino is limited being that several recruits might be under 18 and any negative info would be juvenile in nature and might be unreported or protected. On a another note if there exists some positive info such as charitable and community or school service involvement that would be a plus in having quality character people on the team. The type Ash has often mentioned.
They definitely want to make sure he has a good credit history.
Maybe it is not a formal background check, but more along the line of checking references. Make contact with school, friends, neighbors, teachers to assess the type of person he is. To avoid potential behavior problems etc. With all the bad press the Rutgers got last year due to off field issues, it is not surprising they would be doing something. You probably get more accurate information from talking to people who know the kid than from a police report anyway. Plenty of people get into all kinds of shady situations in high school (and in life) that don't result in a police report.
All schools do this. They talk with coaches and teachers at the school. Check out the recruit's social media account. It's part of doing your due diligence on a recruit.