Biggest football related pet peeve

The way they handle replay. It's not a timeout they should make the players stand in the middle of the field and when the replay is over pick it up from their. I'm not an Alabama fan the Auburn was allowed to get their FG unit on the field with 2 seconds left at the end of the first half because they had to review if it was a catch or not. This should not have been allowed.
For me...

1. Posing after first downs
1a. The loose flapping gloves.. I mean just cut off the flaps if you feel you need to leave them undone. Don't get it
1b. Dropping the ball while crossing the goaline... I mean dumb shits really when it costs you a td

2. Anything OBJ does... Especially his excessive attempts at one handed catches
OK, here's mine for many years.
Why delay the game for a 'Delay of Game" penalty??
Let them continue to play and penalize them 10 yards from the original spot after the play is completed.
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All of the penalties and replays. The over the top touchdown celebrations. Should be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.
If you want to celebrate a TD in college, do it behind your bench, penalty or not.
Calling a fair catch on a KO when the ball doesn't reach the end zone. Let it go into the end zone or return it. Don't spot it on the 25.
Adding yardage to a penalty instead of accepting or rejecting the call and the rule that goes with it. Happens a lot on KO s aside from personal fouls.
If you want to celebrate a TD in college, do it behind your bench, penalty or not.
Calling a fair catch on a KO when the ball doesn't reach the end zone. Let it go into the end zone or return it. Don't spot it on the 25.
Adding yardage to a penalty instead of accepting or rejecting the call and the rule that goes with it. Happens a lot on KO s aside from personal fouls.
You better fair catch or catch the KO because it's a free ball. If it doesn't go into the end zone the kicking team can recover it. I saw this happen twice in a game
against Syracuse years ago at the stadium. Windy day. Syracuse return men just let he ball drop and we recovered. Twice.
1) 20 minute halftimes in college. Pros are just 12 minutes. Half time should be 15 minutes. Games are too long
2) stopping clock after first downs in college. Games are just too long on college.
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I HATE IT when a QB takes a sack on 4th down late in the game instead of just throwing up a prayer towards a receiver.

Just happened in the Eagles game.

You have to tell yourself before the 4th down play, DO NOT TAKE A SACK!!!!

Why the heck does this happen so often???
Agree, but in this particular instance I think McCown was trying to exit the pocket and run for the first down, and was tackled on the way out.
College overtime rules. The entire game is a strategy regarding field position, and in overtime they just give you the ball in field goal range?
Agree, but I also agree that in the NFL the coin toss is too important, as we saw today.

I prefer the NFL rule, but eliminate sudden death. Play the full 15 minute quarter (10 is too short if the first team has a time consuming drive). If tied at the end of the quarter, let it end in a tie.
WR has 3 steps on the DB and QB overthrows the receiver and then DB reacts like he made the play of the decade.
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I really hate the college pass interference. If a catch was interfered with 30 yds downfield, well, that is where it should be.
Also- the celebrations by defensive players, actually, LB's/DL who literally get beat by the OL at least 80% of the time and the one time they stuff a run or get a sack, and they start acting like a child. Same with the announcers, would love to hear them once say- well, that defensive player finally made a
- the 2 minute warning
- icing the kicker
- stupid clock rules (...inside 2 minutes...receiver was going out of bounds but defender pushed him sideways...etc)
- DBs who grab a handful of jersey for the entire route, then start making the "no good" gesture when the ball isn't caught, and get surprised by the 4 flags thrown at them
- holding penalty or illegal block in the back penalty called away from the play that negates a big kick return
I really hate the college pass interference. If a catch was interfered with 30 yds downfield, well, that is where it should be.
Also- the celebrations by defensive players, actually, LB's/DL who literally get beat by the OL at least 80% of the time and the one time they stuff a run or get a sack, and they start acting like a child. Same with the announcers, would love to hear them once say- well, that defensive player finally made a
I forgot about college pass interference penalty. It's terrible.
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My biggest pet peeve is that the games are over 3 hours long but only 12-15 minutes of that time involves actual plays. This only became a pet peeve over time as game times--meaning the passage of real time from kickoff to final whistle--have lengthened and lengthened but the number of plays occurring during the game has not increased. It's the price of TV, ads, big business, better salaries for players, and the sheer profitability of the sport.
You better fair catch or catch the KO because it's a free ball. If it doesn't go into the end zone the kicking team can recover it. I saw this happen twice in a game
against Syracuse years ago at the stadium. Windy day. Syracuse return men just let he ball drop and we recovered. Twice.
Of course you catch it if it's around the 10-15 YL. I'm talking about the ball around the 5 or so. If you call for a fair catch, you don't get it at the 25.
Commercials both before AND after a kickoff (which is most often a non-play). And too many commercials in general. If international soccer (EPL etc) can make billions of dollars without interrupting their games at all, the NFL and college football can reduce the number of commercials.
Commercials both before AND after a kickoff (which is most often a non-play). And too many commercials in general. If international soccer (EPL etc) can make billions of dollars without interrupting their games at all, the NFL and college football can reduce the number of commercials.
Most international soccer is PPV/by subscription (even in the home countries I believe, definitely in UK). As a big soccer fan, it is glorious not to have any interruptions for 45 minutes straight so I feel it is money well spent. Not sure if the American football business market could support such a model- I would love to see them try.
Block in the back on punts. I dont really have a solution for this but it needs to stop as it is on almost every punt and undoes some really exciting plays. Either legalize it (probably a bad idea) or make the penalty for it so bad, no one will ever do it (15 yard?)

Stiffarms to the face mask. Shroud be a penalty. Doesn't seem right that the offensive player can snap a defenders head back.
We can literally vaporize a terrorist via unmanned drones from hundreds of miles away, but we are still using chains to measure first downs in football.
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Good list, I’d add:

3. Elaborate TD celebration when your team is down by 3 scores with under a minute left in the game.

1. I'm tired of the jumping in the air and bumping after a TD- act like you've been there before- cause in most cases you have.
2. Extremely tired of announcers who start raising their voices as the play develops ...culminating with the always
unique (not) "Touchdown "Name of Team"!
3. Announcers who claim the last play was unbelievable every freekin' week?
4. The use of the words "it's too easy" ( it's really not that easy....the other team is gassed, inept or both)
5. The use of slashing pantomime around the neck when the D stops a play...only to have the team score on the next play or series . Should they pantomime
slash their wrists when they've been made to bleed (scored on)?

-The lack of imagination in end zone celebrations recently (must everyone score result in this?)


-ESPN MNF can't get a decent in-booth analyst (The last good booth crew on ESPN was Mike Patrick, Theismann and Paul Maguire)

-I have yet to see a punt team break out the pretend curling brooms on a punt to get maximum field position for the ball in a blowout game. It would be worth the unsportsmanlike penalty.
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I really hate the college pass interference. If a catch was interfered with 30 yds downfield, well, that is where it should be.

I go the other way on this one. I hate giving a team a 1st and goal at the 1 based on a judgement call. I understand the argument against it but by the same token a team getting bailed out on a 3rd and 30 doesn't sit well with me either.
Also hate the automation 1st down for defensive holding. Same reasoning.
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Aside from officials etc mentioned above, my main problem is with big data and gambling "industry" moving into the center of football.

People don't realize how much the NFL is collaborating with data collection/processing outfits and gambling enterprises. How many people realize player's shoulder pads, helmets and balls have sensors? The NFL sends data to FanDuel. NFL and owners are in biz with gambling outfits. NFL owners invested heavily in DraftKings. NFL in partnership deal with Sportsradar

The media is in on it too of course and that's why you have people like Joe Tessitore constantly breaking into games with silly statistical factoids nobody really cares about. The focus isn't just "entertainment." The NFL and book joints want to cultivate junkies for data/gambling. They see fans as akin to bacteria they can cultivate in a Petri dish, and recruit them for "revenue streams." They'll turn kids into junkies no problem

N.F.L.’s Deal Over Data Blurs a Line on Gambling

Meet The Tiny Sensors Hidden In Every NFL Game
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I HATE IT when a QB takes a sack on 4th down late in the game instead of just throwing up a prayer towards a receiver.

Just happened in the Eagles game.

You have to tell yourself before the 4th down play, DO NOT TAKE A SACK!!!!

Why the heck does this happen so often???
It was explained and diagrammed later that McCown had a huge opening to the endzone and was going to run for it. If he wasn't 75 years old, he would have walked in. Unfortunately, he got caught from behind. It came out today that he played the 2nd half with a torn hamstring, FWIW.
Agree, but I also agree that in the NFL the coin toss is too important, as we saw today.

I prefer the NFL rule, but eliminate sudden death. Play the full 15 minute quarter (10 is too short if the first team has a time consuming drive). If tied at the end of the quarter, let it end in a tie.
Actually, teams that win the coin toss only win the game 52.7% of the time, so it's barely relevant.
Despite playing HS football and being a football fan for a good portion of my life, I still apparently don't know what a "catch" is according to the NFL rules.
Actually, teams that win the coin toss only win the game 52.7% of the time, so it's barely relevant.
The day that a team wins the toss and elects to kick, is the day that I will agree with you about relevance.

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