With appeals the execution might not take place for 3-5 years.
With appeals the execution might not take place for 15-20 years.
Totally shocked that this happened in Mass. That said, he may never actually get executed with all of the legal crap that will surely follow. Now if we were talking Texas...
I suppose it's only fitting that one barbaric act should be punished by another.
Isn't this federal and not state level?
No we should give him a Qoran, all the hummus he can eat and belly dancers in his cell until the ACLU or some Human rights group can
prove that he is "truly sorry" for his acts. That should do it, right?
What utter horseshit...I don't want my tax dollars to keep this worhless misanthrope alive while his cohorts destroy ancient history (statures, cities, excavations etc.) as well as behead anyone
who doesn't convert , kill cartoonists who dare to draw a prophet named Mohamed. Then of course there's still the support within Sharia law of honor killing, the denial women's rights and denial of anyone to promote ANY other religion except Islam(isbad) while threatening to kill families of those who dare to question them on any level.
In other words, just kill this POS / let's move on.
Yes. It was a Federal trial on purpose so that he could receive the death penalty as a sentence & it would actually be carried out.
Timothy McVeigh got put to death 4 years after his conviction but he dropped his appeals saying he'd rather die than spend the rest of his life in prison. Maybe we get lucky that way a second time.
Agree wholeheartedly.Good. Now expedite the appeals process and carry it out as soon as possible.
I will always support the death penalty In certain murder cases for two simple reasons:
-Death is the only sure-fire way to ensure that they are never able to repeat the same act(s) again.
-I am not interested in financially supporting them, no matter how miserable of an imprisonment, for the rest of their undeserving lives.
About as thick as you skull.