C. Vivian Stringer Announces Retirement from Coaching Basketball

Pleeease Pat—
Someone who has a map of New Jersey and lots of quarters.
Someone who is either from New Jersey or has proven as a head or assistant coach they can recruit the state.
Someone who will speak with the media and knows how to work with them.
Someone who has been a head coach or assistant at a major school.
Someone who realizes there is almost no fan base left and has to do community events, lots of interviews, Free clinics to create a Big Ten level fanbase. We are the State University of New Jersey in the Big Ten Conference and have crowds that resemble Towson.
Someone who will work with the NJSIAA to bring as many high school games, playoffs, All Star Games, and tournaments as possible to The RAC.
Someone who will have a style of play that people want to watch and 16 and 17 year olds are drawn to.
Pleeease Pat—
Someone who has a map of New Jersey and lots of quarters.
Someone who is either from New Jersey or has proven as a head or assistant coach they can recruit the state.
Someone who will speak with the media and knows how to work with them.
Someone who has been a head coach or assistant at a major school.
Someone who realizes there is almost no fan base left and has to do community events, lots of interviews, Free clinics to create a Big Ten level fanbase. We are the State University of New Jersey in the Big Ten Conference and have crowds that resemble Towson.
Someone who will work with the NJSIAA to bring as many high school games, playoffs, All Star Games, and tournaments as possible to The RAC.
Someone who will have a style of play that people want to watch and 16 and 17 year olds are drawn to.
And someone not from the CVS coaching tree we need a fresh start!!!
We don’t need a superstar type .We need a coach who has the energy, recruiting prowess and the ability to bring this program back within a few years. If I may “ a Steve Owens” type with a proven record even from a smaller school will do just fine. Hobb’s has so far been very good in selecting coaches.
Posted this in a separate thread. I apologize for knowing nothing about womens bball. A friend reached out this morning with a potential new coach name. I have no idea if this person is a good coach or would be a fit but the name I was told is Courtney banghart. I think she coaches unc so not sure if that would translate into be a good fit in nj.
Congrats Coach on an amazing career and for the many good things you did for Rutgers! I hope you enjoy a long, happy and healthy retirement.
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Posted this in a separate thread. I apologize for knowing nothing about womens bball. A friend reached out this morning with a potential new coach name. I have no idea if this person is a good coach or would be a fit but the name I was told is Courtney banghart. I think she coaches unc so not sure if that would translate into be a good fit in nj.
Do her players attend classes at UNC? The men’s team doesn’t according to reports posted by other sources.
Posted this in a separate thread. I apologize for knowing nothing about womens bball. A friend reached out this morning with a potential new coach name. I have no idea if this person is a good coach or would be a fit but the name I was told is Courtney banghart. I think she coaches unc so not sure if that would translate into be a good fit in nj.
I’ll stand by my initial statement 1 month ago. I am still being told the same name is interested. This active coach said they would consider the opportunity no matter what situation they were in with another entity/school if it ever came to fruition.
I’ll stand by my initial statement 1 month ago. I am still being told the same name is interested. This active coach said they would consider the opportunity no matter what situation they were in with another entity/school if it ever came to fruition.
Are you referring to the same coach I mentioned? If so, that would be pretty interesting that separate sources have cited the same target. I’d have to believe where there’s smoke…
Posted this in a separate thread. I apologize for knowing nothing about womens bball. A friend reached out this morning with a potential new coach name. I have no idea if this person is a good coach or would be a fit but the name I was told is Courtney banghart. I think she coaches unc so not sure if that would translate into be a good fit in nj.
I never thought Courtney would be a name that was interested or would be realistic. Has only been at UNC a couple of years and seemed like that was a place she would thrive and stay many years. I like her style of play and how she develops a program. We could do much worse. She would be a home run.
are we talking Dawn Staley, Courtney at UNC is pretty big.

of course you could be talking about Kim Barnes Arrico who I would love as head coach. Please
From rumors back in 2008 pre South Carolina Staley was the heir apparent. She was ready to join staff and take a coach in waiting 1 year transition. Don’t think we can beat her lifetime contract at USC.
yeah we sort of missed the boat with that one, she had such immense success down there it sort of made a return up east to be unlikely.
"Murky" is a good way to describe the last few years bac, though to be fair, one could describe the entire world a "murky" since COVID arrived.

The legacy CVS left at RU is unparalleled. She was a coaching legend when she arrived on the banks and her legend only grew. She is an historic coach on so many levels, and was a tremendous representative of the university for decades.

Her former players refer to themselves as "CVS kids" and you can tell how much mutual love there is between them. Our alums are all over the WNBA: Kahleah, Betnijah, Epiphany, Kia, Arella, Erica. Cappie was named one of the top 25 players in the WNBA's 25 year history. That's not to mention other legends like Tammy Sutton Brown, Tasha Pointer, Essence Carson, Chelsea Newton, and more.

We'll miss you coach.
Barnes Arrico born in NY and lived in NJ while coaching at St Johns. It might be a nice draw back for her. Obviously we would have to pay major bucks but we were paying major bucks anyhow for CVS
Barnes Arrico born in NY and lived in NJ while coaching at St Johns. It might be a nice draw back for her. Obviously we would have to pay major bucks but we were paying major bucks anyhow for CVS
She also played at and graduated from Montclair State. So definitely has NJ ties.
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To paraphrase the late, great Edward R. Murrow, “ Good bye and good luck.” Brighter days are ahead. The naming tribute is well deserved and her legacy at RU is secure. But, it was more than clear that it was time to go.
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Here's what Pat had to say in an e-mail to supporters:

Rutgers Athletic Supporters,
At this moment, how does one begin to describe the Hall of Fame career of C. Vivian Stringer and the impact she has had on thousands of people both inside and outside the world of sports. First, congratulations to Coach on one of the greatest careers of any coach in any sport. In time we will celebrate her illustrious career. Today all of us at Rutgers want to simply say, Thank You.

Thank you for giving all of yourself as a mother, a teacher, and a mentor to our student-athletes. Thank you for setting, shattering, and continuing to raise the standard of excellence through an unprecedented competitive drive and work ethic. Thank you for inspiring young women of color to chase their dreams and realize that a coal-miner's daughter from Pennsylvania can overcome all of life's obstacles and prejudices to win 1,055 collegiate games and go down as one of the greatest basketball coaches of all-time.

The wins, the historic resume, the accolades, the Halls of Fame will be immortally enshrined, and with similar indelibility, we will always remember the life-changing impact you have had on the lives of young women in and outside of basketball. As the game continues to be played, we have no doubt your influence will be prevalent for generations to come, both here "On the Banks" and across the country as the game takes on the unenviable task of finding the next C. Vivian Stringer.

We could not be more proud that you have been the epitome of a Scarlet Knight over the past quarter-century - winning and leading with excellence, integrity, respect, accountability, and grit. We are your fans for life, and we have the pleasure of knowing for a fact that you are far from done having a positive impact on this world.

On behalf of the Rutgers Athletics Family, congratulations on a one-of-a-kind career, thank you for helping us write the greatest chapter in Scarlet Knights history, and best wishes as you write your next chapter.

Pat Hobbs
Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
Hopefully C.Vivian Stringer will be healthy enough to enjoy her retirement and remain connected to the RUWBB Program as Head Coach Emeritus bridging the gap of past success under her to the future successful program headed by her successor.

To Ex RU HC Vivian Stringer from one who thinks you're one of the greats of the game now and will be considered one forever:
Thanks for the great memories your tenure brought all RU WBB fans and enjoy retiring as one of the most respected College Head Coaches ( men & women) that made a difference for all who played under on and off the court.
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