C. Vivian Stringer Announces Retirement from Coaching Basketball

Glad we can move along now. What could have been done 5-6 weeks ago is just getting started. Ok Hobb’s you are on the clock get us a solid D1 WBB coach who can recruit some great women.
Glad we can move along now. What could have been done 5-6 weeks ago is just getting started. Ok Hobb’s you are on the clock get us a solid D1 WBB coach who can recruit some great women.
Yes she definitely didn't do the program any favors towards finding a replacement given how long this has dragged out. Will be harder and probably more costly to get someone who is currently an HC to move at this point on the calendar.
Yes she definitely didn't do the program any favors towards finding a replacement given how long this has dragged out. Will be harder and probably more costly to get someone who is currently an HC to move at this point on the calendar.
like many that need to retire CVS might not have wanted to and waited till she found out health issues would keep her from continuing her career.
As for not doing the program any favors, maybe those in charge of the program wanted her back and were willing to wait and see if she could.
Cost might not be a factor and there are good quality candidates available even now for Hobbs to try and bring in.
OK. Don't see it being any more interesting than any other coach search.

While the team suffered this year, a silver lining is we know who will not be a candidate. Sorry if that is harsh. Make lemonade out of lemons.
I am still smarting by how Hobbs was fooled by Chris Ash. Hobbsbboasts how the Ash interview was the very best he experienced! Even gave Ash a big extension before he proved anything!
"Murky" is a good way to describe the last few years bac, though to be fair, one could describe the entire world a "murky" since COVID arrived.

The legacy CVS left at RU is unparalleled. She was a coaching legend when she arrived on the banks and her legend only grew. She is an historic coach on so many levels, and was a tremendous representative of the university for decades.

Her former players refer to themselves as "CVS kids" and you can tell how much mutual love there is between them. Our alums are all over the WNBA: Kahleah, Betnijah, Epiphany, Kia, Arella, Erica. Cappie was named one of the top 25 players in the WNBA's 25 year history. That's not to mention other legends like Tammy Sutton Brown, Tasha Pointer, Essence Carson, Chelsea Newton, and more.

We'll miss you coach.
Well said.
So is Rutgers still on the hook for the $$$$$Millions over the next few years?
Why would Staley leave South Carolina? She's building an empire there, and those fans actually appreciate a successful coach when they see one.
Dawn makes 3 million plus and is not leaving.

Banghart is not interested.

Arico was when Tim was around because they were very close.

Stony Brook coach should be a no go.

Reese intrigued me.

Berube is very happy at Princeton and has a huge class coming in and returns everyone but Meyers. Might she listen?Perhaps. Will she come? Very doubtful but she is the absolute homerun hire of all.

The former Stony Brook coach,now at GW is an excellent fall back,but Reese would certainly take the job in the 550000 range.
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Does Arico still have family in this area that might pull her to RU?
"Murky" is a good way to describe the last few years bac, though to be fair, one could describe the entire world a "murky" since COVID arrived.

The legacy CVS left at RU is unparalleled. She was a coaching legend when she arrived on the banks and her legend only grew. She is an historic coach on so many levels, and was a tremendous representative of the university for decades.

Her former players refer to themselves as "CVS kids" and you can tell how much mutual love there is between them. Our alums are all over the WNBA: Kahleah, Betnijah, Epiphany, Kia, Arella, Erica. Cappie was named one of the top 25 players in the WNBA's 25 year history. That's not to mention other legends like Tammy Sutton Brown, Tasha Pointer, Essence Carson, Chelsea Newton, and more.

We'll miss you coach.

Well said! Chelsea Newton is an intriguing option to return as well.
No we need a complete overhaul. A new direction and philosophy is badly needed. Don’t allow yourselves to be disillusioned it’s 2022 not 2002. Live in the past is not the way forward. Very few schools do that…
No we need a complete overhaul. A new direction and philosophy is badly needed. Don’t allow yourselves to be disillusioned it’s 2022 not 2002. Live in the past is not the way forward. Very few schools do that…

Who were you talking to?
So is Rutgers still on the hook for the $$$$$Millions over the next few years?
according to some articles a financial retirement settlement was made and it was for less than one million.
Other programs spend millions to help a coach leave and their fans don't think that's wrong.
But RU fans seem to want to pinch pennies instead of thinking about if the move is in the best interest of the program's future and willing to pay the price for the betterment of program.

It seems like, if articles are right, CVS didn't try and squeeze every penny out of Rutgers in a financial settlement before retiring or move to an unneeded administration position, as contract allows, in an effort to grab every dollor her contract calls for when she decided to give up being the RU WBB HC..
But worked with Hobbs to do the right thing for the program and her family.

What really makes me wonder is the worry some ( not saying you ) have over money and not seem to be concerned if a major health issue , daughter or Stringer herself, has caused Vivian to give up the Ghost and retire.
My own opinion is :CVS wanted to continue coaching, but a health issue or issues make that impossible because continuing would be harmful to her heal;th or maybes daughter's health would distract her from doing the type of job RUWBB needs to compete in the B1G successfully .
I don't know the reason, but fear that it's not just Vivian Stringer deciding she coached long enough.
according to some articles a financial retirement settlement was made and it was for less than one million.
Other programs spend millions to help a coach leave and their fans don't think that's wrong.
But RU fans seem to want to pinch pennies instead of thinking about if the move is in the best interest of the program's future and willing to pay the price for the betterment of program.

It seems like, if articles are right, CVS didn't try and squeeze every penny out of Rutgers in a financial settlement before retiring or move to an unneeded administration position, as contract allows, in an effort to grab every dollor her contract calls for when she decided to give up being the RU WBB HC..
But worked with Hobbs to do the right thing for the program and her family.

What really makes me wonder is the worry some ( not saying you ) have over money and not seem to be concerned if a major health issue , daughter or Stringer herself, has caused Vivian to give up the Ghost and retire.
My own opinion is :CVS wanted to continue coaching, but a health issue or issues make that impossible because continuing would be harmful to her heal;th or maybes daughter's health would distract her from doing the type of job RUWBB needs to compete in the B1G successfully .
I don't know the reason, but fear that it's not just Vivian Stringer deciding she coached long enough.

Yup. Anyone objectively reading between the lines would understand that. The LOA wasn’t supposed to be for a year. The timeline just kept getting pushed until it was clear she wasn’t going to be healthy for the season. It’s unfortunate that her goodbye is so unceremonious. She’s not the first legend who wasn’t ready to leave behind her 5 decades of work.
Dawn makes 3 million plus and is not leaving.

Banghart is not interested.

Arico was when Tim was around because they were very close.

Stony Brook coach should be a no go.

Reese intrigued me.

Berube is very happy at Princeton and has a huge class coming in and returns everyone but Meyers. Might she listen?Perhaps. Will she come? Very doubtful but she is the absolute homerun hire of all.

The former Stony Brook coach,now at GW is an excellent fall back,but Reese would certainly take the job in the 550000 range.

Reese seems like a decent option if we strike out with any big names

Played in wnba and coached and has done pretty good job the last 2 years at URI which has little womens hoop success

We really missed the boat on Shauna
Why the $800k after the $1.25M for the year off?
Reese seems like a decent option if we strike out with any big names

Played in wnba and coached and has done pretty good job the last 2 years at URI which has little womens hoop success

We really missed the boat on Shauna

Who's Shauna bac? do you mean Staley? or are you talking about new Illinois coach Shauna Green (we'll see if she can finally make that program relevant again; they've had 3 winning seasons in past 15 years, and haven't made NCAA tournament since 2002).
Who's Shauna bac? do you mean Staley? or are you talking about new Illinois coach Shauna Green (we'll see if she can finally make that program relevant again; they've had 3 winning seasons in past 15 years, and haven't made NCAA tournament since 2002).

Yes Shauna Green...RU would have been way more attractive than Illinois
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Why the $800k after the $1.25M for the year off?
first of all the LOA she was on was not originally for 1 year, but wound up that after extensions granted.. ( could be health issues) and dumping her after all the years as RU's WBB HC would turn some excellent candidates to replace her from consider Rutgers as a good spot and regate it to a fall back position to be considered as a last resort to get a HC position in a major WBB conference
Don't sweat the small stuff when the gift ( retirement) most RU WBB ans were hoping for came out of nowhere and landed in our lap.
The contractual agreement called for Stringer to be able to move from being the head coach into an administrative position for the same money you are complaining about and she would have been on the payroll until 2026.
Instead of complaining, maybe we should be grateful Vivian didn't try to squeeze every penny out of the school that her contract entitles her to.

Rutgers is saving a bunch because CVS isn't going for all the gold she can get and made a retirement deal that's good for the program and gives her a few dollars for retiring now instead of remaining on the payroll till April of 2026
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Yup. Anyone objectively reading between the lines would understand that. The LOA wasn’t supposed to be for a year. The timeline just kept getting pushed until it was clear she wasn’t going to be healthy for the season. It’s unfortunate that her goodbye is so unceremonious. She’s not the first legend who wasn’t ready to leave behind her 5 decades of work.
Agreed. Maybe, just maybe, her goodbye does not have to be unceremonious. It would be wonderful if Coach Stringer and RU take a very high road to a fitting public goodbye at a well advertised and well planned official farewell ceremony built around an early season game this coming season. Invited guests would flock here, I think. Maybe Coach is even helping with a coaching search/transition...though I know there are people that would not actually like to see her involved in a coaching search. CVS has huge contacts in her would be great to actually see Coach and RU showing each other love as both sides move on. I'm hoping medical and confidentiality considerations have made the last few months seem unnecessarily adversarial. One can hope. Go CVS! Go RU!
first of all the LOA she was on was not originally for 1 year, but wound up that after extensions granted.. ( could be health issues) and dumping her after all the years as RU's WBB HC would turn some excellent candidates to replace her from consider Rutgers as a good spot and regate it to a fall back position to be considered as a last resort to get a HC position in a major WBB conference
Don't sweat the small stuff when the gift ( retirement) most RU WBB ans were hoping for came out of nowhere and landed in our lap.
The contractual agreement called for Stringer to be able to move from being the head coach into an administrative position for the same money you are complaining about and she would have been on the payroll until 2026.
Instead of complaining, maybe we should be grateful Vivian didn't try to squeeze every penny out of the school that her contract entitles her to.

Rutgers is saving a bunch because CVS isn't going for all the gold she can get and made a retirement deal that's good for the program and gives her a few dollars for retiring now instead of remaining on the payroll till April of 2026

Its entirely possible the payout was for more days of accumulated time off. She could have left for greener pastures a long time ago. Some of our fans could learn about loyalty from CViv.
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Dawn makes 3 million plus and is not leaving.

Banghart is not interested.

Arico was when Tim was around because they were very close.

Stony Brook coach should be a no go.

Reese intrigued me.

Berube is very happy at Princeton and has a huge class coming in and returns everyone but Meyers. Might she listen?Perhaps. Will she come? Very doubtful but she is the absolute homerun hire of all.

The former Stony Brook coach,now at GW is an excellent fall back,but Reese would certainly take the job in the 550000 range.

Just read that Dawn is being considered in NBA circles.
How many DAYS after she signed that contract did she put in for LOA?
Have not seen an exact date for the LOA start date. Only that the contract was finalized on April 10 and her LOA started in April. So that's a max of 20 days. As others have said, the LOA was not originally for 1 year, it was extended a few times.
Have not seen an exact date for the LOA start date. Only that the contract was finalized on April 10 and her LOA started in April. So that's a max of 20 days. As others have said, the LOA was not originally for 1 year, it was extended a few times.

did she collect her $200k "rentention bonus" on July 1/2021? you bet your ass she did. interesting it's not easy to find the exact date of when her first LOA started.
did she collect her $200k "rentention bonus" on July 1/2021? you bet your ass she did. interesting it's not easy to find the exact date of when her first LOA started.
It was in a much earlier thread this season. Very soon after the contract was signed. It doesn't matter - Rutgers made the choice to allow her to take the LOA. As others said, it was not originally for a year.
Its entirely possible the payout was for more days of accumulated time off. She could have left for greener pastures a long time ago. Some of our fans could learn about loyalty from CViv.
Loyalty!! LOLOL!!! $200k retention bonus when she was on leave!!! knowingly signed a 5 year contract worth like $6 million that stated she would collect same salary doing nothing after the first couple years when obviously she would not be able to coach anymore. Signed that contract and week later put in for LOA which she was obviously already in the works. over $1m and another $850k later here we are. $2M for absolutely ****ing nothing in the past two years. Not to mention the inevitable destruction of the team that will take at least 5 years to recover.
Hobbs should have called the Rape Hotline after she fleeced him so badly.
remember to nit-pick over the bucks Vivian received, but forget to consider the millions she gave not holding RU to their end of the deal and force Hobbs to put her in a ( probably) meaningless administrative position , per contract terms, collecting her full salary until the contract expired in 2026

When talking money , let's not forget that.
remember to nit-pick over the bucks Vivian received, but forget to consider the millions she gave not holding RU to their end of the deal and force Hobbs to put her in a ( probably) meaningless administrative position , per contract terms, collecting her full salary until the contract expired in 2026

When talking money , let's not forget that.
Agreed but are you giving her credit for that? that's like saying the guys that stole luxury watches in a hollywood showroom didn't also drive away in a stolen Lamborghini, so it wasn't THAT bad.

I have bided my time and waited to express my opinion about Coach Stringer's retirement and the timeline from her contract extension until her retirement. I have always been a huge CVS supporter and I wish her all the best going forward. I think she was a fabulous asset for RU over her tenure. That being said, I also think she waited too long to make her decision to retire and left RU in a very difficult position for the 2022-2023 season. Her retirement announcement came so late after the end of the season, that the vast majority of the coaches who were going to move on to a new job had already done so. The fact that RU just announced today that they had hired an outside search firm (6 days after CVS's announcement) leads me to believe that Hobbs has already approached several candidates on his list and has been turned down. (Mel Greenburg has said that Chris Dailey was approached and said no,) so I can't believe she was the only one he would have approached. At this point, I think we would be lucky to get Chelsea Newton or Courtney Locke, both with coaching experience, but not anywhere at the level of what we should be expected to be able to get for a job at a university with great academics, facilities and a great history in our women's basketball program.
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