Cam Spencer # 53 to the Pistons.

I agree there is no chance in hell he gets drafted if he stayed at RU. He won a national championship and got drafted to the NBA. His decision to transfer couldn't have worked out any better for him.

Sucks for us but you can't say he didn't make a fantastic decision for himself.
Which if we take this as a fact(granted it isn't) no one in there right mind would stay at RU at that point. I'd encourage any kid to take that opportunity.

Still I'm more in the "eff Cam" camp, not that he gives a shit. But saul goodman, its' just the silliness of fandom.
Honestly, if he even makes it onto a roster, NBA fans won't really think twice about his college ever again.

Other than the Knicks-Villanova thing, most fans couldn't tell you what schools NBA super stars went to. Let alone 2nd round picks.

Sadly, considering Ace/Harper, fans don't really care.
It's not even like SNF or MNF where players announce their college.
I guess during player introductions live at a game but that's a passing mention only for starters.
Fans don’t care, but Steve can still sell that to recruits.
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And that’s how he should be judged. Looking out for #1 is inarguably the right thing for anyone to do. He owed Rutgers and the fans nothing beyond his scholarship year. The timing and manner of his move is irrelevant.

it’s like a guy who strings along his girlfriend for 8 months with his eye on bunch of other girls he’d prefer to score instead. But he isn’t quite ready to make his move and doesnt want to get left with nothing so he holds onto the girlfriend for security.

In my book this isn’t “fine” in the same way it wasn’t fine for Cam to fool everyone into believing he was locked into an R grad program.
Sojo with the Hurley flex. Booooo....
instead of giving it the attention it seeks, ignore the comments it makes in an effort to piss off Rutgers fans.
As for Spencer, Rutgers got what it paid for, when he dumped LOM for Rutgers and lost out when he found a better deal.
Spencer helped RU win while he was on the roster and used Rutgers like he used LOM, but both programs benefited from his play while he was on their roster so he did what he was hired for at both programs and the same at his 3rd and last program in which Spencer got to be a part of a national championship team
I agree. In fact why do people here care where Cam Spencer was drafted? He was a guy that passed through Rutgers for a single season and will very likely have a basketball affiliation to UConn and not Rutgers going forward. Not sure why some here seem obsessed with him.
It's almost as silly as caring about whether or not other people care about it.

The only thing dumber than that is caring about whether other people care about what what other people care about.
it’s like a guy who strings along his girlfriend for 8 months with his eye on bunch of other girls he’d prefer to score instead. But he isn’t quite ready to make his move and doesnt want to get left with nothing so he holds onto the girlfriend for security.

In my book this isn’t “fine” in the same way it wasn’t fine for Cam to fool everyone into believing he was locked into an R grad program.
it’s like a guy who strings along his girlfriend for 8 months with his eye on bunch of other girls he’d prefer to score instead. But he isn’t quite ready to make his move and doesnt want to get left with nothing so he holds onto the girlfriend for security.

In my book this isn’t “fine” in the same way it wasn’t fine for Cam to fool everyone into believing he was locked into an R grad program.
No, not like that. The scholarship is essentially a 1 year contract. Business. Nothing is owed by either side.
when he’s playing in the NBA and occasionally Rutgers gets mentioned as the place he broke out, it won’t be bad for us. Long term gain.

This past season was headed for dumpster fire with or without him.
I have nothing against Cam Spencer. He will be a G League guy for a year or two.

If you think he struggled in college with man to man defense imagine when he goes against the best athletes in the world. NBA guards will go right around him like a hot knife thru butter.
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it’s like a guy who strings along his girlfriend for 8 months with his eye on bunch of other girls he’d prefer to score instead. But he isn’t quite ready to make his move and doesnt want to get left with nothing so he holds onto the girlfriend for security.

In my book this isn’t “fine” in the same way it wasn’t fine for Cam to fool everyone into believing he was locked into an R grad program.

Exactly. Perfect analogy.

He ****ed RU over with his timing. Which is why I find it kinda pathetic that we have some SUPPOSED Rutgers fans wishing him well.

Under your analogy it’s like the girl who got dumped, right before prom, being happy for her ex for finding someone he likes better

And , yes, the timing DOES matter. It’s EVERYTHING actually. Few (including me) blame him for transferring (that’s just the world today).

But there is a right and wrong way to do things and Cam did it about as WRONG as he could possibly have done it.

Of course he had the right to do it the way he did

but we have the right to think he’s a mush-mouthed douche bag for doing it that way
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