Can Ash game coach?

Ash can't game coach, it is not even debatable. EMU started right in with the hurry up because they knew the team would be unprepared and this would cause confusion. The question should be can he learn to game coach.
So, is it fair to say that we're paying upwards of 2 million to a coach who is learning? We demonized, fired and killed a good man's reputation because of a few bad apples on a team but we are going to tolerate paying almost 2 million dollars to a guy that is in way over his head. Wow, just wow.
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So, is it fair to say that we're paying upwards of 2 million to a coach who is learning? We demonized, fired and killed a good man's reputation because of a few bad apples on a team but we are going to tolerate paying almost 2 million dollars to a guy that is in way over his head. Wow, just wow.
Your selective memory of Flood is wow, just wow.
So, is it fair to say that we're paying upwards of 1.5 million to a coach who is learning?
that's the going rate and doubt would get a top mid-major HC for what Ash is being paid.
Rutgers turned into a program that needs talent and discipline along with improving it's reputation with the recruits it goes after and those who advise recruits on what programs to consider and the ones to be used as a back-up plan.
Salary isn't the only reason those trying to improve their careers look at, its also how much the program needs and if the administration is willing to go the extra mile to help their HC succeed.
What Rutgers looked like was a gamble for anyone who took over and could be a career killer if not successful.
So I don't think there was a mad dash by top mid major HCs to take the RU position at what RU was willing to pay.
But that's only a guess by me
yes he can coach. Too many well respected guys at major programs have hired him. The idea he can't coach is silly. You can show all the analytics you want....most coaches still punt on 4th down. I personally don't like the decision but it's not uncommon and I think you need to take each individual situation into account. For example, against Washington we were playing not to get blown out. Ash wanted to play the filed position game and thinks of his punter as a weapon. EMU I think he felt we would eventually wake up or the D would hold and we'd have great field position. I'm not saying I agree just my gut.

He has proved he can be a position Coach or a Defensive Coordinator. Nothing he has done at RU remotely shows he can be a effective P5 Head Coach. Let's see how the team responds the rest of 2017 before saying otherwise.
he has he has not shown that he can position coach. He was co-head of a defense filled with the top players in the country. That doesn't tell me he can coach. These kids that he had it Ohio State anybody could coach. He has not shown us he can coach at all and we're paying him to learn on the job. There is no comparison to ashes beginning and schiano's beginning
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that's what happens when you hire a first time coach. Other programs are paying 4 million a year to find this out.

And some very successful programs are paying their Head Coaches in our $$ range.
David Shaw at Stanford makes $2.2 million per year and Durkin at Maryland makes $2.5 million per year.
Don't waste your breath guys, just remember that Rutgers is a tale of two fan bases and as long as it remains that way the Institution will keep hiring co-DC.
yes he can coach. Too many well respected guys at major programs have hired him. The idea he can't coach is silly. You can show all the analytics you want....most coaches still punt on 4th down. I personally don't like the decision but it's not uncommon and I think you need to take each individual situation into account. For example, against Washington we were playing not to get blown out. Ash wanted to play the filed position game and thinks of his punter as a weapon. EMU I think he felt we would eventually wake up or the D would hold and we'd have great field position. I'm not saying I agree just my gut.
Big difference between he can coach a D as a coordinator & he can be an effective head coach on game day. Everything else he does outside of game day is great, but he needs to stop throwing away wins with all of the bad game day decisions. He also needs a more exciting style of play to keep fans interested.
Our talent level is still abysmal. Better than last year, slightly, but still bad.

You HAVE to play this way against teams when you're as bad as we are.

You want us to take risks, be prepared to lose that Washington game by 40 points.
Our talent level didn't lose the game vs EMU.
Another thread title that we read in 2002....stunning the familiarity of the board right now lol!
Except this is quite different than 2002, as we have far more talent, infrastructure, support & $.
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