Carino Talks Practice

Gettys stats in the BIG 10 were 20 games played which included 18 regular season games plus two in the BIG Tournament. He scored a total of 142 points for 7.1 points per game in all of the BIG 10 games.
Ok thanks.
Not sure about PPG being as much as minutes played with Souf this year, vs Gettys last year....Gettys played a leadership role coming into the program late in August....Souf might be the guy that is first in sprints in practice, the one who helps others stay late after practice to work....every program needs a work ethic guy off the bench that is team oriented.

With Souf, it may be more of what is done behind the scenes challenging Sanders in practice to improve etc....Sanders could generate points off the dribble in practice against anyone last year and now he has a dedicated resource that will simulate more of a live game in conference, without that player having to be Nigel Johnson or Mike Williams.

The roster is better across the board (more experienced in Year two) and stronger physically as well. PPG is the easiest way to improve....I think taking the defense up another notch is easier to coach and where Souf may slow down another teams offensive guards. Sanders was asked to generate the offense and be the teams best defensive guard on the ball (Williams was a strong 2nd)....Souf, while on the court, should generate stops on defense to earn minutes.
Depends how everyone is defining huge contribution. I would say a solid backup point who can push the pace and play lock down D is a pretty huge contribution especially considering the lack of a true pass first PG it fills a role. Now do I wish he was a lights out 3 point shooter too? Of course but every player has their strengths and Souf brings a lot to this team
I never said "huge" contributor. Candido averaged close to 15 minutes per game - I consider that significant. You can disagree. (I'd be happy if we got a solid 15 mpg from Souf). Daniels started at UM, but came from ASA JUCO, so that makes him a JUCO by any definition.....

If your definition of “big contributor” are players like Sa and Daniels then I believe you will be happy/satisfied with Mensah

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