Chris Christie on the Gas Mask Bong:

Go back and think about what McGreevey did. And Whitman. And Corzine. And give me a real assessment of Christie. Remember, your silly statement was saying he is the most embarrassing. So you need to use the 3 cited as the benchmark.
dont forget the "toilet paper tax" florio wanted
agree that Christie has been less than a stellar gov, but I could somewhat understand his position after he viewed the video...

.first you have to accept the
fact that he was a prosecutor and anti-drug, including pot..... not only was this player inhaling pot, he was doing it in a manner that
was even more inflammatory to a prosecutor..... his instincts there will not change.

not saying this as someone for or against the smoking personally, just trying to see it from Christie's side.....legalizing pot, that is a way different issue... something Christie personally would not agree with, but the majority out there would.

It was one of the stupidest statements that I have seen by a politician. It doesn't matter if he was still a Prosecutor or not. There is no way Tunsil will have his stash with him at the draft so any arrest there would be for show.

That picture was of him in High School. It was an old picture. Still, how is Christie going to prove that he was actually smoking pot? Certainly not from the picture of smoke. That could have been cigarette smoke. Even if everyone thinks they know exactly what that smoke was there is no way to prove it.