Great news!!![banana][banana][banana][banana][banana][banana]Congrats men!
How are kids able to graduate HS early to enroll in January. Do they take summer classes anticipating this?
They get all of their required classes done without any electives so all graduation requirements are fulfilled. All math, history, langange arts, science, phys ed is complete. They just don't take any "fun" electives like acting, home ec, woodshop, or ceramics.
Ok that makes sense. My public HS didn't allow that so was curious how some kids early graduated.- and the have to be enrolled at a school that will work with them to make it possible - some schools do not support early graduation.
Listen it's good for us because it gets these kids in early . But man I wouldn't want to give up my last half of senior in high school. That's a great time that you only get once.
I don't know about Ash, but Schiano made them promise to go to their Senior Prom and attend the graduation ceremony with their classmates.
Listen it's good for us because it gets these kids in early . But man I wouldn't want to give up my last half of senior in high school. That's a great time that you only get once.
How are kids able to graduate HS early to enroll in January. Do they take summer classes anticipating this?
College is better.Listen it's good for us because it gets these kids in early . But man I wouldn't want to give up my last half of senior in high school. That's a great time that you only get once.
Ok that makes sense. My public HS didn't allow that so was curious how some kids early graduated.
I assume this is more of the private/catholic schools.
Welcome aboard gents. Am I correct that they do not count towards the amount of schollys we can offer on signing day in Feb?
Jerry Jones can be an ass clown but he really knew how to build a team after 20 years of mediocrity. With guys like this . .O-linemen..
But he didnt did he? And he signs off on every pick
You are a Jerry hater but he has built a potential championship team from the line out.If we had a line like that we would be bowling
The incoming Spring recruits count against the 85 total limit. Transfers too. That's the main number to keep in mind.