College football territories maps


Dec 11, 2015

here's a bonus image, more about seemingly natural regional territories of FBS programs.....
Do you have a source for these maps? The first one looks like the "Facebook Likes" map. I don't recognize the second.

The "Facebook Likes" map is interesting because it shows the regional nature of college sports fans. But it is also incredibly flawed. There is no differentiation for a Facebook like that is caused by the football or basketball team (so you can't tell if the Syracuse likes are people who are Syracuse football or basketball fans). There is no timeframe for the likes, so someone who hit like 5 years ago when a team was making a run is still counted as a like today, even if the person no longer has interest in the team. And of course, schools with Facebook promotions (e.g., running contests which require hitting "like") will have a much higher like count than schools that don't run Facebook promotions.
Two things I notice:

1. City schools and country schools. Most states are dominated by landmass area by one school, with the other being centered on what is often the largest city. Iowa, Texas and Alabama bear this out. Whoever gets to fill in the empty farmland appears to have a much stronger fan base. Reminiscent of the red and blue maps that show presidential elections by county. Its deceptive.

2. Nevada. Because, why? Also notice Minnesota for the opposite reason. You would think they love Minny up there, instead it seems as though its just too damn cold to care.

here's a bonus image, more about seemingly natural regional territories of FBS programs.....
The top map has been debunked on here for a while. Upstream more or less covered it - its very specific to the time when lots of people were new to facebook and liking lots of things - i.e. 2008 and 2009. In some cases it doesnt differentiate (some teams have separate FB and BB pages, some dont')
I think the second one is more about someone's guestimates. I've seen versions of it that feature FCS teams like NDSU. I don't think anyone would claim Long Island is Rutgers territory.

Notre Dame and Penn State have always been default popular choices for northeastern football fans.