Corey Sanders Interview From 3 Days Ago...


All American
Gold Member
Nov 16, 2002
Good watch, Corey's the man. Interesting comment if you jump to the 7:38 mark he says if he could do it all over again, he would've returned for his senior year at Rutgers. Here's the link to the full interview. He talks about Lakeland, attending several diff. high schools, of course Rutgers, playing overseas, etc. etc. His kids get some brief air time, too, ha:

Still miss Corey - he was a great, electrifying player who did his best to carry RU during some dark times. His gutsy performance in that triple OT loss to Illinois and of course the memorable show against Indiana in the Big Ten Tournament will never be forgotten.

I'm sure the minute he realized he wasn't making the NBA, he wished he would've come back.
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Good watch, Corey's the man. Interesting comment if you jump to the 7:38 mark he says if he could do it all over again, he would've returned for his senior year at Rutgers. Here's the link to the full interview. He talks about Lakeland, attending several diff. high schools, of course Rutgers, playing overseas, etc. etc. His kids get some brief air time, too, ha:

It’s crazy because in the era of NIL he probably would have returned for his senior year.

Corey was a piece in the revival of the modern RU program.

Corey is actually the guy who got me to the point I could actually watch an RU game again without me going crazy in frustration. There was one cross-over move he put on someone in a tournament game (I still try to find video for it at times), the poor guy is probably still trying to find his jock after all this time lol. The guy just stood there looking like the definition of having his ankles broken. I always feel that there are some guys that the game actually needs to speed up for them because they are not capable of slowing themselves down, getting under control...if that makes any sense. Corey made me feel like that. Sometimes, Cliff makes me feel like that. GO Corey! GO RU!
Corey = Brian Leonard .. was there at the start of bringing us out of the dark times. Got Geo in and handed him the keys to the RAC when he left, and the rest was history
Brian Leonard was there for the peak though and it’s been basically all downhill ever since. Corey missed all the good times.
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Brian Leonard was there for the peak though and it’s been basically all downhill ever since. Corey missed all the good times.
I get your point, but I’d argue Corey in that 2018 Big Ten Tournament was the start of the good times. Helped generate the first tangible buzz around RU basketball in over a decade and energized a dormant fanbase with that 3-day run. Of course Geo and co. took that momentum and ran with it, but I like to think of Corey as the harbinger of winning RU hoops
Even though we did not win a lot while he was here, he provided enough spark to allow Steve to sell the program.

One of the craziest takes on this board, which really says something, was that Steve should have pushed out Corey and Freeman when he arrived in order to start from scratch.