I can see wanting to try to be the best... beat the best.
But you "want notoriety"? Why?
I think the vast majority of this "trading up" phenomena stems from fear. Football is a team sport and they fear being on losing teams. And you get some kids who want and really NEED to get away from New Jersey. For some, being close to home and your home town crew is a danger. Better to get some distance.
On the HS level in New Jersey you have kids flocking to the parochial schools. When you pair winning programs with better education and the condition of some NJ HSs.. I can see that. But you also have kids moving from perfectly fine suburban regional schools to parochials... and not for the religious training. They show no attachment to their communities, the friends they grew up playing with. They are too good for their hometown high school football teams.
Parents think its okay for their kids to commute over an hour, 1-way, to high school... or to go live with their coaches. Its nuts.