Eating in your car.

Only when it's an emergency. I have three little ones, when they are hungry, it's either feed them or fight them. My car is in need of a vacume on a weekly basis.
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Is there anyone else on here that does not allow their young children to eat in the car. wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV.
I think most of us can say the same.

Although when we were dating hers was in pretty good shape for a girl.
I was going to create a food tray to help the driver eat while they drive. It happens all the time and food gets on the seat. I was also going to create one for the passenger.
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Lil guy absolutely wrecks wife's car with his snacks/drink.

While I wished he wouldn't do that, my wife told me sometimes it's the only way to maintain sanity on the way home and if I had a problem with it to pick him up and drop him off myself.

Needless to say, I just lived with it.

Now that he's four, I make him sit in his car seat whenever I wash/vacuum the car and make sure he knows how much work and time it takes to get it thoroughly clean inside and out.

He's been doing a lot better at keeping things neater...
When my sons were kids, yes they ate in the car. Now they're men and have their own cars and nobody, including me, eats or drinks in my vehicle.
I was going to create a food tray to help the driver eat while they drive. It happens all the time and food gets on the seat. I was also going to create one for the passenger.
I can't eat anything other than candy when I'm driving, twizlers or sweet tarts. If I drop a fry or spill ketchup it causes major chaos to me, I will attempt to find it or clean the area while driving 75…not good.
Of course when I was a kid I didn't have a parent following me around with snacks and bottled water.
Our water came from the garden hose of who's ever back yard we were playing in and we had to wait for dinner to eat.

Ahhhh the ol' "garden hose" following endless hours of hoops in mid-summer! Hopefully the sprinkler had been on earlier so the 1st guy to the hose didn't get a mouthful of heat lol!
I stopped at a local deli and got a sandwich wrapped in paper with tape. I was driving while eating with the sandwich in my lap and didn't see the tape glue to the bottom of the steering wheel. I made a turn and the sandwich went flying and I damn near caused an accident. Good reason not to eat in a car.
My best friend had ants that lived in his car when were in college. He was not known for keeping a clean car, or much of anything clean for that matter. That was many a moon ago.....oh the good old days.
People that have phobias about eating in their car probably were smoking bongs, joints and pipes in their car about 30 years ago, not to mention the empty , spilled beer cans, and occasional used trojan under the seat, lol.

And I'm almost as guilty, I don't even drink coffee in the car during work as I inevitable spill a drop or 2 on my dress shirt or tie.
Of course when I was a kid I didn't have a parent following me around with snacks and bottled water.
Our water came from the garden hose of who's ever back yard we were playing in and we had to wait for dinner to eat.
Boy, ain't that the truth. :fistbump:
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When I used to go hunting and fishing with my dad we would eat in the car after we called it a day. Most of the times it was to cold outside to sit in damp cloths to eat. Other than that never.
Come to think if it, some of my best memories of dad were those drinking a hot drink in his car and talking about hunts back in the day.
I do not remember eating in the car as a child, but that's probably because I am Zappaa's age or so. I still don't eat in the car. My fiancee does eat in her car, which is messy. But she has to travel fairly long distances to visit her mother in assisted living, and so I can understand it.
I remember a funny story. We went hunting in dad's brand new car, and it was a wet muddy affair in the woods and fields that day. When we quit and went back to the car, dad opens the car door and someone's hunting dog, soaked and muddy, comes out of nowhere and jumps into the car. In an instant the entire interior was wet and muddy. Wow dad got mad. It is very funny in retrospect.
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I don't ever remember anyone eating in my current leased car, but then again I wouldn't care since with 2 months left on the lease it has never
been vacuumed or washed.
Is there anyone else on here that does not allow their young children to eat in the car. wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^this is all you need to know..."her Buick"
Nothing to worry about with eating in your car down in So.Fl. The ants will clean it up for you.Only problem is that they stay ,anticipating the next feeding session.
Nothing to worry about with eating in your car down in So.Fl. The ants will clean it up for you.Only problem is that they stay ,anticipating the next feeding session.

Man I know there's a good joke about you and the time before cars but I can't put one together!

I kid, I kid, nothin' but luv' for ya' beaced!
Is there anyone else on here that does not allow their young children to eat in the car. wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV.
Zap - I know you are involved with travel softball. Maybe you don't travel as much as I did with my girls but eating in the car to and from games was a given. Leather seats make clean up easier.

FYI - The Michelle Fund Tournament is May 5-7 this year. At least 1 team from your home town has particpated every year since 2008.
my wife eats her breakfast in the car every morning..then wonders why we have field mice getting in a chewing up the wires!
my wife eats her breakfast in the car every morning..then wonders why we have field mice getting in a chewing up the wires!
God, that's awful. Really? Mice are bad enough without the crumb invitation.
People that have phobias about eating in their car probably were smoking bongs, joints and pipes in their car about 30 years ago, not to mention the empty , spilled beer cans, and occasional used trojan under the seat, lol.

And I'm almost as guilty, I don't even drink coffee in the car during work as I inevitable spill a drop or 2 on my dress shirt or tie.

People still wear ties to work?
I remember a funny story. We went hunting in dad's brand new car, and it was a wet muddy affair in the woods and fields that day. When we quit and went back to the car, dad opens the car door and someone's hunting dog, soaked and muddy, comes out of nowhere and jumps into the car. In an instant the entire interior was wet and muddy. Wow dad got mad. It is very funny in retrospect.
Yup ! These days its a towel for the driver to sit on, a blanket for the dog to lounge on & a plastic floor mat for wet boots, wading shoes or sneakers. The really wet stuff gets tossed in the truck bed to, at least, air out. Pond scum still manages to add a swampy fragrance to the interior every now & then in the summer.
Zap - I know you are involved with travel softball. Maybe you don't travel as much as I did with my girls but eating in the car to and from games was a given. Leather seats make clean up easier.

FYI - The Michelle Fund Tournament is May 5-7 this year. At least 1 team from your home town has particpated every year since 2008.
I'm 12 U A travel team…we didn't play last year, we did a few tournaments.