Eating in your car.

Years ago I was on my way to a meeting with the big money guys at Dime Savings Bank. So the day before I bought a fresh shirt and a new tie, an expensive new tie. This goes back when the big power tie was yellow or gold silk ties with dark paisleys. No traffic going in so I stop get a hot dog close by and drive around looking for parking spot. I take one bite and the remaining hot dog with mustard squirts out the back of the bun. Still had quick hands and caught it before it landed on my new shirt and my suit pants. Sadly in the process my tie got caught into the catch.
I walk into the meeting sans tie and the only other person without a tie is the president. After the meeting I told him my story. His laughing one word reply on why he didn't have one was "pizza"
Since than no eating anything that can ruin your clothes in my car.

" wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV".
If she refuses to listen to your rules keep the kids and get rid of her!
I like to eat sloppy Joes and cheetos.

In also always shake my soda so I get extra bubbles.
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My wife would drive the neighborhood kids to soccer games all over the place. McDonalds was a favorite chow stop. The secret to keeping the car relatively clean was our fox terrier, he could dislodge a french fry wedged between a seat and the center console. He was tenacious. But he missed a cheeseburger. Apparently one of the neighbor kids wasn't hungry so he stuffed a cheeseburger in its wrapper in a backseat storage bin. When we found it a few months later it looked like a green poker chip. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Is there anyone else on here that does not allow their young children to eat in the car. wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV.
My wife does not allow kids to eat in car for choking hazards with bumps
Eating in our cars are like a stranger allowing their dog crap or piss in our lawn.
On long trips, yes, coffee is permitted. Snacks and sandwiches as well but all are put in a garbage bigand thrown out at the next stop.
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Of course when I was a kid I didn't have a parent following me around with snacks and bottled water.
Our water came from the garden hose of who's ever back yard we were playing in and we had to wait for dinner to eat.
Hated the rubber taste of that garden hose water.
Years ago I was on my way to a meeting with the big money guys at Dime Savings Bank. So the day before I bought a fresh shirt and a new tie, an expensive new tie. This goes back when the big power tie was yellow or gold silk ties with dark paisleys. No traffic going in so I stop get a hot dog close by and drive around looking for parking spot. I take one bite and the remaining hot dog with mustard squirts out the back of the bun. Still had quick hands and caught it before it landed on my new shirt and my suit pants. Sadly in the process my tie got caught into the catch.
I walk into the meeting sans tie and the only other person without a tie is the president. After the meeting I told him my story. His laughing one word reply on why he didn't have one was "pizza"
Since than no eating anything that can ruin your clothes in my car.
I think Pernetti had a similar story...
Is there anyone else on here that does not allow their young children to eat in the car. wife's car is an absolute disgrace, she refuses to adhere or apply my rule to her Buick SUV.

I have one rule for eating on the car: NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I have one rule for beverages in the car: WATER ONLY. I've had to clean up wayyyy too many residue-covered cup holders thanks to my wife's coffee and health shakes to have it otherwise.

Joe P.
The little drones would eat, then we'd get pissed off, clean the car and have a "no eating rule", then get in a bind and be driving through dinner, they'd eat, we'd relax the rule and start the whole cycle all over again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

And now that the drones are driving the cars themselves the car is even messier.
Not sure the big deal about eating in the car. For short trips there's not much need to eat in the car and for long trips, we'd usually stop and eat in a fast food joint, gas up and take bio breaks. We'd usually have snacks in the car, too, which are hard to mess up too much. When driving alone on long trips, I almost always hit a drive through and eat in the car to save time. At least once a week, I go somewhere local and eat in my car while I relax and catch up on music.

When I used to golf a lot, I had a bad habit of hitting a drive-through and then eating, while changing into my shorts and golf shirt (and driving a stick shift) on the way to the course. No accidents, thankfully.
Not sure the big deal about eating in the car. For short trips there's not much need to eat in the car and for long trips, we'd usually stop and eat in a fast food joint, gas up and take bio breaks. We'd usually have snacks in the car, too, which are hard to mess up too much. When driving alone on long trips, I almost always hit a drive through and eat in the car to save time. At least once a week, I go somewhere local and eat in my car while I relax and catch up on music.

When I used to golf a lot, I had a bad habit of hitting a drive-through and then eating, while changing into my shorts and golf shirt (and driving a stick shift) on the way to the course. No accidents, thankfully.

This guy! Dumped an entire "value meal" onto, next to, and under the passenger seat, as we were trying - desperately - to leave the greater Orlando area following The Champs Sports Bowl LOL! Our "3rd" from the drive, down, was flying out but not back to Jersey and we had to get him to the airport which, from where we stayed (downtown IIRC), was a PITA. We finally get to stop for food and aren't even 2 lights up the highway when all hell breaks loose in the seat next to me hahaha I almost forgot about that!

Ride down - perfect and fast despite 3 hours of snow
Ride back - awful, awful, awful, from the get go
This guy! Dumped an entire "value meal" onto, next to, and under the passenger seat, as we were trying - desperately - to leave the greater Orlando area following The Champs Sports Bowl LOL! Our "3rd" from the drive, down, was flying out but not back to Jersey and we had to get him to the airport which, from where we stayed (downtown IIRC), was a PITA. We finally get to stop for food and aren't even 2 lights up the highway when all hell breaks loose in the seat next to me hahaha I almost forgot about that!

Ride down - perfect and fast despite 3 hours of snow
Ride back - awful, awful, awful, from the get go

lol, I barely even remember that, but I do recall the annoyance of having to drop the other guy at the airport, which ended up getting us caught in traffic we wouldn't have been caught in. Yeah, much better drive down than back. If I spilled food, it was probably because I was fixated on trying to keep you from texting while driving (seriously, I hope that's a habit you've kicked - we need you around to plan more bowl parties).
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Not sure the big deal about eating in the car. For short trips there's not much need to eat in the car and for long trips, we'd usually stop and eat in a fast food joint, gas up and take bio breaks. We'd usually have snacks in the car, too, which are hard to mess up too much. When driving alone on long trips, I almost always hit a drive through and eat in the car to save time. At least once a week, I go somewhere local and eat in my car while I relax and catch up on music.

When I used to golf a lot, I had a bad habit of hitting a drive-through and then eating, while changing into my shorts and golf shirt (and driving a stick shift) on the way to the course. No accidents, thankfully.
I think it's a lot about personality, for someone like me who harps on turning lights off when you leave a room, putting dishes in the sink, cleaning you messes and always hang your coat's more about order and my OCD.
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I think it's a lot about personality, for someone like me who harps on turning lights off when you leave a room, putting dishes in the sink, cleaning you messes and always hang your coat's more about order and my OCD.
My wife's response to me when I mentioned this...had no idea you were such a good baseball player. And she is the one who wanted all the key/coat hooks just for this!

When I was dating my wife I was so surprised a plane never mistook her parent's house for EWR with all the lights on all the time.
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I lost this fight long ago. With 5 kids at ages 2,4,6,8 and 10, its an absolute mess in the minivan, and my suv.

Every other weekend, I use a gas powered leaf blower in the cars and my neighbors dog comes over and eats the scraps off the grass. The leafblower is very effective
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I have had some of my most delightful meals in cars.Until the arthritis set in.
Eat out. Why? It's cheaper
I imagine some options for self driving cars will be food trays, microwaves, wet nap dispensers, full wet bar with sinkerator and trash compactor
I think it's a lot about personality, for someone like me who harps on turning lights off when you leave a room, putting dishes in the sink, cleaning you messes and always hang your coat's more about order and my OCD.
We all have things like that. Personally, I'm kind of a nut about minimizing wasted effort and energy, i.e., turning off lights in rooms I'm not in, cleaning as you go, putting things in standard places (especially keys, money, phone, etc.), etc., but I also realize that not everybody has the same perspective on these things and I guess I'd rather not waste a lot of energy arguing over such things.
When I was working in Malaysia, I had a government issued car that had to be returned in pristine condition. Of course, I could use it for my family. My rule was, no eating in the car. Another reason was because my oldest tended to get motion sickness. Water was okay, because it was hot and sometimes trips were a bit long.

Now that we are in Hong Kong, we live on an island where there are no cars. You can eat on our island ferry, but on none of the other public transports. My kids have basically never developed the habit of eating and traveling. Before and after: Ok. During: No way.