Change how?
The conferences, the NCAA, the schools can change some things, perhaps. But they cannot inhibit player's ability to get paid unless they somehow get the player's to agree to it. And they cannot force players to agree or it'll be challenged in court and the player's will win (again).
This is why some of us keep bringing up the idea of a player's union. With a player's union, there's a potential pathway to gaining broad player agreement with certain pay or transfer restrictions that the courts can support. Without it, it's the wild wild west and there's no legal incentive for player's to accept any type of restrictions.
The critical thing to understand is that material changes that impact pay, or restrict transfers that any other student can do, cannot be imposed on the players without their consent.
Or are you saying the conferences will eliminate any association with colleges altogether and just form a farm league? That is legally feasible, I guess. Although, once again, there would likely wind up being a player's union in order to make it to work (similar to the NFL player's union).
Problem with that approach is, if you remove that college association, viewership and attendance will almost certainly drop quite a lot. Minor league sports doesn't have the same pull that college sports do. So TV contract money will evaporate, endorsements will evaporate, etc.
The money will stop flowing. Can't imagine anybody wants that (not the players, the schools, the conferences, the NCAA, or the networks).