Emotional Hofstra Postgame

Quite the 25 minutes. Hard not to root for these guys.

Somewhat surprised they didn't ask Paul about returning (tough to do in the moment, but I think they could have done it tactfully). I wonder if he's not coming back, what the reason would be?
I think as Pike said, they all need some time off to decompress before making any future decisions. The disappointment is too raw right now.
I wish I had a bunch of kids that were high major level players so I could send them to play for Coach Pikiell
A couple of our posting "fans" have already mentioned that negative Rutgers recruiting will be in vogue bigtime over the next few weeks, pointing to our poor ending to this season. If you could get a recruit (and his family!!) to watch this postgame interview, the recruit could see/hear what a quality program he could be signing onto by coming to RU. Great this program. GO RU!
Masterclass in deflecting criticism on the loss, which is a good skill to have when selling a program.
Also caleb admitted something obvious, which is they showed up for games that they had no interest in playing and couldn’t get up for, which for some reason a large portion of this board didn’t want to admit or accept as reality with every team.


Yes. Heard that too.
We are lucky and grateful to have players and coaches like that. Losing a game or a bid pales in It's importance. It's just sad to see the hurt but to see the affection and love you know what's really important and special.
Great wrap up to the season that shows what great people we have in RU BB. Caleb and Paul gave everything they have to RU BB. RU fans should always be thankful to have had them on our team.

Will @madchuck weigh in with his thoughts on this presser? After the loss last nite he immediately brought out the daggers for Coach Pike.
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Really really worth the watch. Pike is an amazing leader and overall great person. I have no doubt every parent of our players say “I trust you to take care of our son”
And the players. Great ambassadors of Rutgers. And they showed how much they have grown by being here. And at the end of the day, they are kids. We need to remember that
If Pike is not one of the most genuine people out there I don’t know who is. I just love that we have him and would love to meet him some day so I could say that in person.
He sure is. Stopped into his office in the Rack randomly one day in his first year just to say a quick hello. Didn't know me from Jack. Said come on in sit down. Was so real & so regular.
Have seen him on several random occasions since then. Always so friendly & down to earth. As you said so genuine.
Ran into Pikiell this past football season on the ramp in the stadium, I was heading down for some hot chocolate he was heading up. Said hey coach and he stopped and talked for like a minute. Had his son & family with him too. No coach speak, no putting on a happy face for the donors. Just real genuine amazing dude. We are so lucky to have him representing Rutgers