Everybody step off the ledge and start supporting Rutgers and the football program


Gold Member
Jul 30, 2001
Belle Mead NJ
Stop your whining
Stop your chicken little sky is falling mantras

We have two separate issues going on. I see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Barchi or Julie to further their agenda. I also see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Kyle Flood to further their agenda.

Now is not the time to be divide. Entities like the Star Liar and guys on twitter love to divide the Rutgers fanbase with asinine tweets, snarky comments and calls for firing. Politi wanted Julie fired, now Kyle, he wanted Rice fired and Pernetti. This is what these aholes live for. Stop feeding these slimeballs and futhering their agenda.

The Star Liar didn't create these stories so I am not blaming them. However when I see posters Rutgers siding with them it makes me roll my eyes. The fact is Flood didn't commit these crimes. The players did. This happens at other schools. That's why I ABSOLUTELY HATE when our fans act high and mighty and say its different here at Rutgers and bring up all the arrests at other schools..its stupid because today is an example of why you don't do that crap.

Coaches do not fired over player arrests. Coaches do get fired if their team doesn't perform on the field but we will not know the effect of the loss of these players until the season is over.

Everyone knows that I was never one of Kyles biggest fans and I actually think pointing to him being this great guy blah blah blah matters little. Its about winning and recruiting. However Kyle gets my total support here until anything comes out that legitimately makes him look bad here. All Rutgers fans should be supporting him too...and the RU administration. Yes its circle the wagon times because that's what big time programs do. No one is hiding anything, this isn't a cult. This is called supporting your school and program and stop shitting on the people who work here or coach the football team. Stop the endless need to divide into factions

It sucks what happened. It will effect the team but we don't know how it will. Its up to Kyle to keep the boat afloat. Its up to Julie to keep the donors happy. Its up to the fans and posters on this message board to not turn this into an embarrassing crapfest for the next few months.
In the past Rutgers fans have turned on our own school (unlike places like Penn State and North Carolina). I certainly hope that things are different this time.
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I cannot remember Rutgers ever "circling the wagons". Even though this is not the first time we have had some kind of arrest/scandal, it is still a lot less than you are used to seeing from some of the football factories with checkered pasts. I do expect the administration to rally to the flag.
As for the fans reactions, again we are not hardened to this being somewhat ordinary. Tough learning curve with so little information available.
This is what ive been trying to say all day. You would think NJ stands for "NEE JERK". People need to chill. This situation isnt nearly as bad as the press is trying to make it seem (yet). The perps have already been dealt with. Just hang tough, it's a long season. We can't just lose it when the going gets tough, come on. As a fan you take the bad with the good. We're better than this. If we want to grow as a program, our fanbase needs to evolve as well. The big boy schools dont have fanbases that just melt down at the first hint of negativity.

This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .
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This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .

That it is...listen no one ever wants things like this to happen butno school is immune including ours...people need to accept that and they also need to circle wagons in tbese times
Chicken little fans need to STFU. Players need to keep chopping. Channel the energy and don't let other people's problems become your problems.
In the fire service, when we are fighting a fire, and a firefighter goes down and calls a mayday, operations don't stop. We rescue our brother/sister and keep fighting the fire. Focus on the task at hand. Don't be be a chicken little wuss.
Great post Bac. Everyone here should stop crying and dust this off like all the other big programs do. As we've seen other schools and coaches get away with much worse. So as the saying goes, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!?

This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .

I agree with Bac a lot on this post, but is a joke? You don't care that the school is embarrassed yet again by a bunch of idiots as long as we win a few games? Just deal with it?
Good post bac. It's amazing that people jump so quickly into the "will he be fired?" thing. Um, flood didn't do anything that we know of that would warrant a firing. Period. This team, despite the loses, will be good. Circle the wagons and support the kids bc flood ain't going nowhere right now.
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This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .
It does happen at a lot of places, BUT in NJ it is magnified 1000-fold. The place is a sewer on every issue small and large. This is a large issue, but is compounded by the roll up of smaller issues. NJ journalism thrives on it like e-coli on at a sewage outlet. No right minded coach should want a high profile Rutgers job. Lots of better opportunities for themselves and their families elsewhere.
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Stop your whining
Stop your chicken little sky is falling mantras

We have two separate issues going on. I see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Barchi or Julie to further their agenda. I also see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Kyle Flood to further their agenda.

Now is not the time to be divide. Entities like the Star Liar and guys on twitter love to divide the Rutgers fanbase with asinine tweets, snarky comments and calls for firing. Politi wanted Julie fired, now Kyle, he wanted Rice fired and Pernetti. This is what these aholes live for. Stop feeding these slimeballs and futhering their agenda.

The Star Liar didn't create these stories so I am not blaming them. However when I see posters Rutgers siding with them it makes me roll my eyes. The fact is Flood didn't commit these crimes. The players did. This happens at other schools. That's why I ABSOLUTELY HATE when our fans act high and mighty and say its different here at Rutgers and bring up all the arrests at other schools..its stupid because today is an example of why you don't do that crap.

Coaches do not fired over player arrests. Coaches do get fired if their team doesn't perform on the field but we will not know the effect of the loss of these players until the season is over.

Everyone knows that I was never one of Kyles biggest fans and I actually think pointing to him being this great guy blah blah blah matters little. Its about winning and recruiting. However Kyle gets my total support here until anything comes out that legitimately makes him look bad here. All Rutgers fans should be supporting him too...and the RU administration. Yes its circle the wagon times because that's what big time programs do. No one is hiding anything, this isn't a cult. This is called supporting your school and program and stop shitting on the people who work here or coach the football team. Stop the endless need to divide into factions

It sucks what happened. It will effect the team but we don't know how it will. Its up to Kyle to keep the boat afloat. Its up to Julie to keep the donors happy. Its up to the fans and posters on this message board to not turn this into an embarrassing crapfest for the next few months.

I agree with everything you wrote, except, Rutgers desperately needs strong leadership, and Barchi is not providing it. I won't and haven't specifically criticized him this week, but overall, We need Better and stronger leadership, and I think RU could withstand some of this controversy better.
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Stop your whining
Stop your chicken little sky is falling mantras

We have two separate issues going on. I see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Barchi or Julie to further their agenda. I also see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Kyle Flood to further their agenda.

Now is not the time to be divide. Entities like the Star Liar and guys on twitter love to divide the Rutgers fanbase with asinine tweets, snarky comments and calls for firing. Politi wanted Julie fired, now Kyle, he wanted Rice fired and Pernetti. This is what these aholes live for. Stop feeding these slimeballs and futhering their agenda.

The Star Liar didn't create these stories so I am not blaming them. However when I see posters Rutgers siding with them it makes me roll my eyes. The fact is Flood didn't commit these crimes. The players did. This happens at other schools. That's why I ABSOLUTELY HATE when our fans act high and mighty and say its different here at Rutgers and bring up all the arrests at other schools..its stupid because today is an example of why you don't do that crap.

Coaches do not fired over player arrests. Coaches do get fired if their team doesn't perform on the field but we will not know the effect of the loss of these players until the season is over.

Everyone knows that I was never one of Kyles biggest fans and I actually think pointing to him being this great guy blah blah blah matters little. Its about winning and recruiting. However Kyle gets my total support here until anything comes out that legitimately makes him look bad here. All Rutgers fans should be supporting him too...and the RU administration. Yes its circle the wagon times because that's what big time programs do. No one is hiding anything, this isn't a cult. This is called supporting your school and program and stop shitting on the people who work here or coach the football team. Stop the endless need to divide into factions

It sucks what happened. It will effect the team but we don't know how it will. Its up to Kyle to keep the boat afloat. Its up to Julie to keep the donors happy. Its up to the fans and posters on this message board to not turn this into an embarrassing crapfest for the next few months.

Probably the most Pollyanna post that I've read here in some time. Pay no attention to the man behind the screen. All is well.

What exactly are RU fans to take pride in today ? This is a new low point for RU FB. It's not just the SL reporting this. This one is likely to leave a stain for some time on the program. As if opposing coaches didn't have enough ammunition recruiting against RU.

This story is not done. What did Kyle and Julie know about this situation and when did they know it ?
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Why should Barchi or JH stick their neck out in a situation like this? Today proves why they have to bud out because Flood either runs a loose or blind ship.
3 months from now when Flood wins the Orange Bowl, recruiting is going great, we'll all have a little chuckle over Sept 3.
Probably the most Pollyanna post that I've read here in some time. Pay no attention to the man behind the screen. All is well.

What exactly are RU fans to take pride in today ? This is a new low point for RU FB. It's not just the SL reporting this. This one is likely to leave a stain for some time on the program. As if opposing coaches didn't have enough ammunition recruiting against RU.

This story is not done. What did Kyle and Julie know about this situation and when did they know it ?

no its not a day to be proud, no one says ignore it. We cant change what happened today but we can do our part not to contribute to the media circus but jumping ship and calling for Flood to be fired. As far as stain on the program, not so sure about that...this literally happens at every Power 5 get into trouble everywhere some more serious than others. The lesson to take is our fanbase has to stop with the giddiness when other schools encounter trouble.

We do not know what Kyle knows and I don't see how Julie even fits into this story at all. I do know that Kyle Flood is a man of integrity and despite being lukewarm to his tenure here I do not doubt that at all.

What happened to today isn't going to kill the program unless the fanbase, alums and donors let it. We control how we react with our wallets and donations. The Star Liar can write any narrative they want but they are not in control of this school or the fans reactions
I agree with everything you wrote, except, Rutgers desperately needs strong leadership, and Barchi is not providing it. I won't and haven't specifically criticized him this week, but overall, We need Better and stronger leadership, and I think RU could withstand some of this controversy better.

Barchi has nothing to do with this, a lot of people using his past issue with TP/Rice to judge him now. He stood up to the press when they all wanted Julie shitcanned. I don't know what you wanted him to say on the email or this issue. He is not creating these issues. Not talking about you but I still see the faction of anti Barchi/Julie people on twitter and facebook blaming them for all kinds of stuff.....get over it...that's not how you support a school
Good post, Bac.

I don't understand the point of those saying "we can't sweep this under the rug". The players were arrested. The media is, somewhat gleefully, reporting on the details of the situation. What exactly has been swept under the rug?

What is it that the coach supposedly did wrong that he should be fired for? Did he help plan the robberies or the the assault? Did he cover it up? The players are responsible.

He just suspended players for being late to get back in their rooms. So it's not like he's being too nice a coach. Maybe if he had them flogged, that will prevent future problems? It's not like he's not running a disciplined team.

Flood is not these players' mommy or daddy. But like their mommies and daddies, he can only do his best to keep them on the right path. But they are players, not prisoners, and if they make mistakes in their free time away from team activities, then it's not Floods responsibility.
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Great post bac. Now let's watch the team let loose on NSU. I'll bet there are a few guys that are just itching to get physical out on the field.
All of you, get your asses to the stadium early on Saturday and cheer like there is no tomorrow. This team needs your support.

And tell everyone you know the same.
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Can someone people tell me at what other school various members of the secondary and a player/coach were involved in multiple criminal events over the course of a single week? I'm not blaming Flood but this doesn't happen everywhere.
Here here Bac. Step up people. Be real alums. We don't know anything that flood did wrong.
no its not a day to be proud, no one says ignore it. We cant change what happened today but we can do our part not to contribute to the media circus but jumping ship and calling for Flood to be fired. As far as stain on the program, not so sure about that...this literally happens at every Power 5 get into trouble everywhere some more serious than others. The lesson to take is our fanbase has to stop with the giddiness when other schools encounter trouble.

We do not know what Kyle knows and I don't see how Julie even fits into this story at all. I do know that Kyle Flood is a man of integrity and despite being lukewarm to his tenure here I do not doubt that at all.

What happened to today isn't going to kill the program unless the fanbase, alums and donors let it. We control how we react with our wallets and donations. The Star Liar can write any narrative they want but they are not in control of this school or the fans reactions

I still support the program and always will, but let's not sugarcoat what happened today. The questions have just begun about what Flood knew, when he knew it and why he and the AD didn't act sooner about it. Don't forget that there are players who are no longer with the team who were around last April and the media are sure to question them about what the team and coaching staff knew about these players and incidents.

I'm not calling for Flood or the AD's head but the general public is likely to be quite negative towards RU FB as a result of this. Agree that RU fans should stick together for the benefit of the FB program but we are on shaky ground at this point. If the team tanks this season then we are likely to be looking at the real possibility of a coaching change at a time when it will be very difficult to get a winning coach to be interested in the HC position.
It just shows that Rutgers is no better than anyone else. Thousands of young punks are getting free college because they play football. Ain't fair to all the clean students paying their way. The NCAA need t o do more--yeah and pigs will fly.
Rutgers unfortunately is now an equal to joePas PSU. It takes 250 players over 10 yrs to build a good reputation off the field. It took 5 to destroy it. It's that simple. Proving that we are not thug U starts tomorrow. Check back in 10 yrs for the result. Interesting that this came from our most underperforming position group.
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This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .
Tell me you're not an alumnus. If widespread criminal activity is an acceptable byproduct of "big time athletics", I'd prefer to compete in the Patriot League.
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Rutgers unfortunately is now an equal to joePas PSU. It takes 250 players over 10 yrs to build a good reputation off the field. It took 5 to destroy it. It's that simple. Proving that we are not thug U starts tomorrow. Check back in 10 yrs for the result. Interesting that this came from our most underperforming position group.

really dude? get over yourself. You sound like a little girl, comparing this to covering up child rape? You don't even know the details, if Flood knew or not. EVERY TEAM in the NCAA has kids who got arrested and or into fights.
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no its not a day to be proud, no one says ignore it. We cant change what happened today but we can do our part not to contribute to the media circus but jumping ship and calling for Flood to be fired. As far as stain on the program, not so sure about that...this literally happens at every Power 5 get into trouble everywhere some more serious than others. The lesson to take is our fanbase has to stop with the giddiness when other schools encounter trouble.

We do not know what Kyle knows and I don't see how Julie even fits into this story at all. I do know that Kyle Flood is a man of integrity and despite being lukewarm to his tenure here I do not doubt that at all.

What happened to today isn't going to kill the program unless the fanbase, alums and donors let it. We control how we react with our wallets and donations. The Star Liar can write any narrative they want but they are not in control of this school or the fans reactions[/QUOTE

I read a number of post today this is perhaps the best one I've read I will continue to support the team and Coach Flood

This is a great post . You're totally right . This happens everywhere and the only thing I care about is what happens on the field . This is big-time athletics folks . Deal with it .
Let's play the games .

No this doesn't happen at all schools? Other schools don't have packs of their players robbing drug dealers and students in multiple pre-mediated pack attacks including breaking a regular student's jaw for no reason other than to just to kick his ass and rob him? No that is the sign of a SERIOUS problem in your program! You have thugs running your program! When police have to show up to your practice to arrest five of your players THAT IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM!!!!
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