Stop your whining
Stop your chicken little sky is falling mantras
We have two separate issues going on. I see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Barchi or Julie to further their agenda. I also see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Kyle Flood to further their agenda.
Now is not the time to be divide. Entities like the Star Liar and guys on twitter love to divide the Rutgers fanbase with asinine tweets, snarky comments and calls for firing. Politi wanted Julie fired, now Kyle, he wanted Rice fired and Pernetti. This is what these aholes live for. Stop feeding these slimeballs and futhering their agenda.
The Star Liar didn't create these stories so I am not blaming them. However when I see posters Rutgers siding with them it makes me roll my eyes. The fact is Flood didn't commit these crimes. The players did. This happens at other schools. That's why I ABSOLUTELY HATE when our fans act high and mighty and say its different here at Rutgers and bring up all the arrests at other schools..its stupid because today is an example of why you don't do that crap.
Coaches do not fired over player arrests. Coaches do get fired if their team doesn't perform on the field but we will not know the effect of the loss of these players until the season is over.
Everyone knows that I was never one of Kyles biggest fans and I actually think pointing to him being this great guy blah blah blah matters little. Its about winning and recruiting. However Kyle gets my total support here until anything comes out that legitimately makes him look bad here. All Rutgers fans should be supporting him too...and the RU administration. Yes its circle the wagon times because that's what big time programs do. No one is hiding anything, this isn't a cult. This is called supporting your school and program and stop shitting on the people who work here or coach the football team. Stop the endless need to divide into factions
It sucks what happened. It will effect the team but we don't know how it will. Its up to Kyle to keep the boat afloat. Its up to Julie to keep the donors happy. Its up to the fans and posters on this message board to not turn this into an embarrassing crapfest for the next few months.
Stop your chicken little sky is falling mantras
We have two separate issues going on. I see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Barchi or Julie to further their agenda. I also see ALOT of posters using their dislike of Kyle Flood to further their agenda.
Now is not the time to be divide. Entities like the Star Liar and guys on twitter love to divide the Rutgers fanbase with asinine tweets, snarky comments and calls for firing. Politi wanted Julie fired, now Kyle, he wanted Rice fired and Pernetti. This is what these aholes live for. Stop feeding these slimeballs and futhering their agenda.
The Star Liar didn't create these stories so I am not blaming them. However when I see posters Rutgers siding with them it makes me roll my eyes. The fact is Flood didn't commit these crimes. The players did. This happens at other schools. That's why I ABSOLUTELY HATE when our fans act high and mighty and say its different here at Rutgers and bring up all the arrests at other schools..its stupid because today is an example of why you don't do that crap.
Coaches do not fired over player arrests. Coaches do get fired if their team doesn't perform on the field but we will not know the effect of the loss of these players until the season is over.
Everyone knows that I was never one of Kyles biggest fans and I actually think pointing to him being this great guy blah blah blah matters little. Its about winning and recruiting. However Kyle gets my total support here until anything comes out that legitimately makes him look bad here. All Rutgers fans should be supporting him too...and the RU administration. Yes its circle the wagon times because that's what big time programs do. No one is hiding anything, this isn't a cult. This is called supporting your school and program and stop shitting on the people who work here or coach the football team. Stop the endless need to divide into factions
It sucks what happened. It will effect the team but we don't know how it will. Its up to Kyle to keep the boat afloat. Its up to Julie to keep the donors happy. Its up to the fans and posters on this message board to not turn this into an embarrassing crapfest for the next few months.