Now that's funny.Every team has its family shtick.
Reporter to recruit: "So what made you chose Buggernutz State?"
Recruit: " I really liked the atmosphere here. It felt like family right away. Coach Chatshiz always said he focuses on that"
I've only read that a 100 times. It was Flood's gift to turn it into a parody. Of course with GS the FAMILY thing meant "forget about me I love you" and came around during media offensive of fall 2008. Now it means "forget about me I left yesterday".
Now it means "forget about me I left yesterday".
What in the name of all that's holy is this?
Is that the halftime show against a FCS team if Flood stayed another year?What in the name of all that's holy is this?
That's the guy some here were wetting their pants over. When he took over, he made the mantra of the WMU Broncos "row the boat". Horses rowing boats? He took it to a new level giving this demonstration video. He slips in row the boat at the end of every interview I have seen. What a jagaloon.What in the name of all that's holy is this?
Dunh dunh
When they put it on the back of the uniforms it was pathetic.
The keep chopping thing was cute for a short time. After Schiano copied if from someone else. But I guess it convinced someone to give him 3 million a year. Joke was on them.
Until the JAX punter chopped his own foot. Back in 2003.
How about just recruit and play better.
i thought it stood for Forget about me, I'm leaving you.Now it means "forget about me I left yesterday".
To be fair he has gotten them to consecutive 8 win seasons with Captain Kirk and Ed Pinkham as his coordinators, something their last boss failed to do. Not sure how having a grand mal seizure on the sideline helps though...That's the guy some here were wetting their pants over. When he took over, he made the mantra of the WMU Broncos "row the boat". Horses rowing boats? He took it to a new level giving this demonstration video. He slips in row the boat at the end of every interview I have seen. What a jagaloon.