First 4K get an Exit 9 towel vs. PSU tonight

okay im confused..we are doing a red/white stripe out and now incorporating green towels..yikes
Italian (K)night!

okay im confused..we are doing a red/white stripe out and now incorporating green towels..yikes

Same thought.

Also, are they really going to check ticket section and shirt color before giving them out?
"Want a towel? Show me your ticket. Take off your jacket. Oh sorry you are wearing Red but your section is designated White. No towel. Keep it moving."
Same thought.

Also, are they really going to check ticket section and shirt color before giving them out?
"Want a towel? Show me your ticket. Take off your jacket. Oh sorry you are wearing Red but your section is designated White. No towel. Keep it moving."
They have all these ideas, which would be fine if executed properly. This is just silly.
They have all these ideas, which would be fine if executed properly. This is just silly.

I am wearing a white shirt so you can't yell at me about not complying, but we have an elite home court advantage. We don't need this stuff

And why against Penn State of all teams?
Like @bac2therac I am confused too.

But in a different way…

Is this one step forward, two back?


Two steps forward and one back?
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I am wearing a white shirt so you can't yell at me about not complying, but we have an elite home court advantage. We don't need this stuff

And why against Penn State of all teams?

My thinking for "why Penn State?" is do a test/dry run in a game that doesn't really need it.
Get the fanbase introduced to the concept.
Work out some kinks.

Then when we eventually do it on national tv against #2 Purdue or someone, it will look good and not be the first time/total disaster.
Thinking the conspiracy theorists have credibility. Maybe just maybe the head of marketing PSU grad wants to create chaos and distraction (not in a positive way) when the cult comes to town.
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Thinking the conspiracy theorists have credibility. Maybe just maybe the head of marketing PSU grad wants to create chaos and distraction (not in a positive way) when the cult comes to town.
Is PJ involved in basketball? I thought when he initially took the job at Rutgers, it was focused on football.
Thinking the conspiracy theorists have credibility. Maybe just maybe the head of marketing PSU grad wants to create chaos and distraction (not in a positive way) when the cult comes to town.
Good observation that this guy from PSU likely came up with this promotion. One of his colleagues that went to school here should have squashed it.
Is PJ involved in basketball? I thought when he initially took the job at Rutgers, it was focused on football.
No idea. Saw it mentioned in the other thread a couple of times. But from his Twitter posts it looks like he is involved.
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No idea. Saw it mentioned in the other thread a couple of times. But from his Twitter posts it looks like he is involved.
I see a bunch of retweets of basketball stuff from him, but nothing original, so wasn't sure. If I see him tonight, I'll ask him.

Regardless, he's a solid guy that's doing his best I'm sure, and his loyalty is to marketing Rutgers sports at this point. Thinking that he's going to intentionally do something to harm Rutgers (and his job) is a ridiculous conspiracy.
I am wearing a white shirt so you can't yell at me about not complying, but we have an elite home court advantage. We don't need this stuff

And why against Penn State of all teams?

that's the part that makes zero sense.

Why white against a team whose colors are literally blue and WHITE. It is just going to make it look like there are a bunch of psu fans in the arena instead of a sea of scarlet RU fans.

semi good idea, absolutely wrong team to do it against.
I see a bunch of retweets of basketball stuff from him, but nothing original, so wasn't sure. If I see him tonight, I'll ask him.

Regardless, he's a solid guy that's doing his best I'm sure, and his loyalty is to marketing Rutgers sports at this point. Thinking that he's going to intentionally do something to harm Rutgers (and his job) is a ridiculous conspiracy.
Meant to type aware not involved.

Otherwise striping sounds like a good idea on paper. But as others have said that’s a PSU thing. Now adding green towels to the equation is just plain idiotic. Adds to the conspiracy though.
So they placed the dumb green towels on every seat in the lower level.

I feel like that money would’ve been better spent simply placing appropriately colored tee shirts in the 100s, to ensure that the stripeout is successful.
Not too shabby. The OCD may wants me to go across the court and move all the red wearers into the red section in the white wearers into the white section... But overall not too bad.

The students were given T-shirts that say what exit in red or white depending on the section they were in.

There is no question whatsoever that we have the whiniest fan base in the nation lol….

(yes, from time to time, I will include myself in this group lol….)
It may have something to do with our fanbase being tortured for decades on end! While things are going ok for our fanbase today all things considered - somebody who has been an RU fan for 20, 30, 40 ,50 plus years is going to be walking around with some major scarring knowing in the back of their mind that 20 years of potential darkness is always right around the corner.
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