And people on this board used to say only Millenials wanted everything handed to them!!
Don't know about the Millenials thing, but how do you figure it's a hand out ?
I'm only talking about what I feel I'm entitled to when it comes to credit for my years as a season ticket holder. Maybe the bonus point scale should be higher the longer you've been a loyal fan and not a 2 point difference. The donation part is always going to be what it is and will probably only go up, fine.
Look across the scarlet lot from the green and figure out the age of the majority of people excluding the older alumms up front. Can't be 50 and lots of young kids too. They can't be there by themselves without buying their way in or getting tickets from family, not enough years. If they have $$$$ to spend then the University is in better shape than we think.
A lot of the older fans have other issues that affect them:
1) might not want or are not able to afford to buy extra points.
2) have a mobility issue and need a closer lot because of the transport setup.
Parking at the RAC doesn't remedy the situation, not the price, but distance from drop off point and maybe standing too long.
3. What are the these people going to see from RU in the future that they can benefit from now ?
You probably have many years ahead of you and hopefully so, but the older fans don't have that luxury so why not treat them with a little respect.
My family and myself are not RU grads and have no affiliation to the school which says a lot more about the support of their programs.
So be it.