Football stadium


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2015
Does anyone have any concept photos of an expansion on the football stadium? Curious to see..
Definitely in the long-term plans. South end zone deck to be added by 2025, as long as the program doesn't go in the tank during the course of the next decade.
That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.
That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.
Generally agree with this sentiment. Scarcity creates demand, excess destroys demand. We need to demonstrate that the stadium we have is too small before we look to expand it. Obviously when PSU, Michigan, and Ohio State roll through, we could stand to have greater capacity, but we should be, at minimum, selling out against Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, and other Big Ten foes before we think about expansion.

Where we are by 2025, though, is beyond my maybe by then, we would be ready.
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That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.

i agree...

Don't think we should be thinking expansion just yet.
That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.
Adding a deck on one end zone is a max of 10k seats (probably less) and 9 years is a long time from now. Before the last expansion RU wasn't selling out and then overnight the place was sold out. Never say never.
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That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.

I agree with this completely. There is no need for us to expand the football stadium right now when that money can be put to use elsewhere in the Athletic department. Thankfully the people in our athletics department share my thinking.
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Lets start winning, get all of nj behind first before we think expansion. Stadium doesn't fill out as it is unless its like UM, OHIO ST, PENN ST in the house.
Definitely in the long-term plans. South end zone deck to be added by 2025, as long as the program doesn't go in the tank during the course of the next decade.

My this is optimism.
1) First we must make some big upset games beat ranked B10 teams at a rate of +2 a year between2016-2000
2) Must sell out stadium will happen if 1 is done religiously between 2016-20.
3) religious top 25 2018-2020 ranking which will result in #4
4) Major TV draw i.e. move "big" games to meadowlands =draw +80K maybe between 2020 -2024. It would start at 1 per year then go to maybe 2 a year
5) B10 revenue solvent ~2022 pay down debt and bootstrap all sports out of our financial hole 2022-25
6) all #1-5 occur then dear ole Rutgers will open their rusted closed pocketbooks and even then with "Jersey construction cost" Double to triple real costs, so expect 2030 to 2035 if we catch all the lights above MAYBE if we are lucky
I love RU too; been here too long to see the preverbal Turtle turning into the Hare
Coach Ash & staff would have to shake the world
Adding a deck on one end zone is a max of 10k seats (probably less) and 9 years is a long time from now. Before the last expansion RU wasn't selling out and then overnight the place was sold out. Never say never.
And where did all those fans go when things turn bad? There no point to expending if you have to give away those seats to fill them. My point is fiscally it is better to use demand to drive up price for five or so years before expanding. Even if Ash turns out to be the right hire it going to take 5 years to build a consistent team that will sell out the stadium. The poor recruiting of the past 3 years will continue to hurt the team no matter how good ash is.
And where did all those fans go when things turn bad? There no point to expending if you have to give away those seats to fill them. My point is fiscally it is better to use demand to drive up price for five or so years before expanding. Even if Ash turns out to be the right hire it going to take 5 years to build a consistent team that will sell out the stadium. The poor recruiting of the past 3 years will continue to hurt the team no matter how good ash is.
For as bad as the team was last year, RU still sold out 2 games. I don't care who you are, if you only win 4 games, fans will stay home. I don't think we are far off from our examples. If RU wins they stadium WILL sell out. My guess is that you think Ash won't win in years 2-4 while I think he will.
They will add club seats to the West side and maybe re-grade the North end zone. That will happen within 5 years I would say and probably give us a small bump of about 2500. It's all about supply and demand right now.
That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025. I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.
I agree that we should not expand till there is a waiting list, but disagree that we should not have expanded when we did.

The expansion made us more attractive to the big ten, and we do sell out games against Penn state, Ohio state, etc.... We are also close to a full house for several other games....... I think our stadium size is appropriate for our draw, but of course we hope it increases over time.
And where did all those fans go when things turn bad? There no point to expending if you have to give away those seats to fill them. My point is fiscally it is better to use demand to drive up price for five or so years before expanding. Even if Ash turns out to be the right hire it going to take 5 years to build a consistent team that will sell out the stadium. The poor recruiting of the past 3 years will continue to hurt the team no matter how good ash is.
Since the last expansion our average attendance has exceeded the capacity of the stadium prior to the expansion.
I agree that we should not expand till there is a waiting list, but disagree that we should not have expanded when we did.

The expansion made us more attractive to the big ten, and we do sell out games against Penn state, Ohio state, etc.... We are also close to a full house for several other games....... I think our stadium size is appropriate for our draw, but of course we hope it increases over time.
Correct. We had a waiting list before the last expansion and it was a great decision.
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They will add club seats to the West side and maybe re-grade the North end zone. That will happen within 5 years I would say and probably give us a small bump of about 2500. It's all about supply and demand right now.
Why in the world do you think they would regrade the north endzone? Your going to spend millions on a project with little or no monetary gain. It would be one of the waste of money ever.
No games at met life. All home games on campus. Win 8 + games a year for 10 years in a row. Sell out all games for 5 years in a row before expanding.
this is a non issue unless we can sell out EVERY GAME for a few years and have a large waiting list for tickets, the waiting list should match the number of new seats for expansion. At the very least.
I agree that we should not expand till there is a waiting list, but disagree that we should not have expanded when we did.

The expansion made us more attractive to the big ten, and we do sell out games against Penn state, Ohio state, etc.... We are also close to a full house for several other games....... I think our stadium size is appropriate for our draw, but of course we hope it increases over time.
Expansion had 0 effect on Big Ten. It was all about TV market. Rutger could have been playing in a 30k seat stadium and would still have been invited. The B1G passed on many schools with larger stadium for Rutgers.
For as bad as the team was last year, RU still sold out 2 games. I don't care who you are, if you only win 4 games, fans will stay home. I don't think we are far off from our examples. If RU wins they stadium WILL sell out. My guess is that you think Ash won't win in years 2-4 while I think he will.
Wait for the novelty wears off of playing schools like Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio State. Everyone knew those games would be huge draws because it new and those teams haven't played in the area or ever.
Wait for the novelty wears off of playing schools like Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio State. Everyone knew those games would be huge draws because it new and those teams haven't played in the area or ever.
I comes down to winning or not. Believe it or not, RU actual sold out games before the Big 10. Shocking! RU will sell out if they win consistently. Then they will expand.
PSU Nuts...

Regrading the north endzone will add 3500 seats and make it a tighter quarters and more of a home field advantage

More would allow for some reinforcing of some of the underpinnings in that areas to allow for the building up of a north deck someday

Expansion at the stadium would go like this
1.) Luxury boxes (53,000)
2.) South endzone (63,000)
3.) Regrade north endzone (66,500)
4.) North endzone (76,500)

Always heard the number was 77,000
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Expansion had 0 effect on Big Ten. It was all about TV market. Rutger could have been playing in a 30k seat stadium and would still have been invited. The B1G passed on many schools with larger stadium for Rutgers.

This is 100000000% incorrect

While the move was about TV market, they WERE not inviting RU if it did not make the expansion and, more importantly, showed the school was committed to playing at a higher than Big East level. Bob Mulchay knew this....
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Expansion had 0 effect on Big Ten. It was all about TV market. Rutger could have been playing in a 30k seat stadium and would still have been invited. The B1G passed on many schools with larger stadium for Rutgers.
I realize we may have been chosen anyway, but it has been reported that the big 10 commish inquired if we could build a new stadium, to which we said no.

If you are going to contend that RU should have stayed at a 30 thou stadium when we have shown that we can sell out a couple of times a year, and come close in others..... Well, you are way off base.

Stick with the argument that we should not expand again, the previous expansion has worked out perfectly
Wait for the novelty wears off of playing schools like Michigan, Nebraska and Ohio State. Everyone knew those games would be huge draws because it new and those teams haven't played in the area or ever.
The novelty wears off if we get pummeled each big game at home.... If we win a few, we start turning people away..... Winning brings fans out.
Definitely in the long-term plans. South end zone deck to be added by 2025, as long as the program doesn't go in the tank during the course of the next decade.
That would be incredibly stupid move. Considering you aren't even selling out now. The first thing to do is building a waiting list and have ticket prices and donation levels at level comparable to the rest of the B1G. After several years of that then expand. No way that happens by 2025.
There has been a plan in place since the early 2000's, and it's all based on demand. So this is something the administration already knows, and once demand again exceeds supply for a reasonable period of time, then we'll see the next round of expansion.
I think the first expansions shows that you can expand to soon.
If you're saying the 2008 expansion was too soon, then you are dead wrong. The prior capacity was 41.5K, and in 2006 we had to put in temporary bleachers in the south endzone to accommodate the demand. Even then that wasn't enough. In 2007 they put a wall of bleachers in the south endzone that held 2500, which boosted our capacity to 44K. And that wasn't enough. We had a season ticket waiting list at around 12K at that point. So they went ahead with the expansion in 2008 which opened in 2009.
Since the last expansion our average attendance has exceeded the capacity of the stadium prior to the expansion.
Yep, and here are the numbers to prove it for the years since that expansion was complete:

Year Avg. G/Total
2015 47723 7/334061
2014 50632 6/303791
2013 46549 7/325846
2012 49188 6/295129
2011 43761 7/306327
2010 46195 7/323368
2009 49113 7/343788

Every year, even 2011 when Eric LeGrand's injury cast a pall over the program, we've exceeded the capacity of the original stadium.

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