Pretty sure I remember him doing so, but I could be mistaken.WOW! Quite rounded. Did he ever play for RU baseball?
I wouldn't say that. He might be in the best position of his career now. He stays on 40 man roster which is huge and probably in a good position to get a September call up as the Padres probably want to take a long look at him now. With no service time, he has a lot of value to teams who can pay him whatever they want as long as he is at or over the minimum so he a inexpensive option. Having good AAA power numbers also put him in position to play in Japan or Korea. Even if he comes off the roster, he can bounce around for a bunch of years and get a pretty decent split contract. He will get a chance at some point and he will need to produce. But he has a lot of baseball left where he can make a nice living.He was stuck behind top prospects at 3rd and 1st base in the Mariners system the 1st time around. With the age of players at his positions on big team he likely never had a chance. I believe that's why they tried him in the OF.
Don't want to be a downer but I'd have to think with this being his 3rd (4th if you count the Mariners twice) minor league system in around a year and his age, the handwriting may be on the wall.