Game day parking without a pass


Nov 19, 2005
I've been parking at the RAC but don't want to do that anymore. Are there any cash lots on Busch where I can park? I used to be in Silver but got bumped this year so seeing if there is a way I can get back there. Thanks.
I've been parking at the RAC but don't want to do that anymore. Are there any cash lots on Busch where I can park? I used to be in Silver but got bumped this year so seeing if there is a way I can get back there. Thanks.
Go on the ticket and parking pass exchange. Several parking passes available for today's game.
Go on the ticket and parking pass exchange. Several parking passes available for today's game.
I was checking that for a visiting friend. All passes seemed to linked to buying tickets as well. Must be bought as a package.


• Game Day Cash Parking Lots can be found on the Livingston, College Avenue, and Biomedical and Health Sciences Campus (formerly UMDNJ) Campuses, as well as the Saint George Greek Church Lot on a first-come, first-served basis.

Livingston Campus/RAC: RAC parking lots can be accessed via Suttons Lane or Avenue E. Take the FREE shuttle bus from in front of the RAC ($20 per vehicle).

College Avenue Campus: Parking is available in the College Avenue Parking Deck and Lot 30 located behind the College Avenue Gymnasium. These lots can be accessed via Route 18 North or South. Take the FREE shuttle bus from in front of the Rutgers Student Center ($20 per vehicle).

Biomedical and Health Sciences Campus (formerly UMDNJ): Parking lots can be accessed via Hoes Lane West. Located within close proximity to the Stadium ($20 per vehicle).

Saint George Greek Church Lot: Parking will be available, rain or shine, for all home games. Within walking distance from High Point Solutions Stadium, the lot is located at 1101 River Rd. Route 18 North and South - River Road exit, half mile from the stadium. Guaranteed season parking passes are available at for $250. ($35 per vehicle on gamedays, based on availability).

Johnson Park: Parking will be available, weather permitting, in Johnson Park, across from High Point Solutions Stadium on River Rd, on a game by game basis. Route 18 North and South - River Road exit, follow stadium signs ($30 per vehicle).
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Up the side street from the Greek church are about 10 houses selling space in their yard for about $20 and the walk to the Green & Scarlet lot is even closer than the Church, about 5-10 minutes. Pretty quick exit too.