Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers Hoops vs. Illinois

He turned his body and didn't maintain position. Should have been an easy charge there. Close.
Then how was that one a charge. The guy was constantly moving and stepped in the way of McConnell while back peddling? I give up I don't know what a charge is anymore according to B1G refs.
Tez with an amazing shot, Myles with a great block, ref calls a bogus charge on Caleb when Frazier was not set. The score should be closer.
Never played basketball and don’t pretend to know all the rules here...but I’m pretty sure you have to be set and not moving on defense to draw a charge call right? Cause if so than wtf is that call
Against a top tier opponent the absence of players that can create and make shots off the dribble is readily apparent.
If you thought the refs were calling this game evenly you haven’t been following the big ten. It’s big business. I’m sure Pike gameplaned for that, like no drives the way we just did.
I hate to play the 'blame the ref' game .. but the bias is so pathetic and obvious
Geo or Kofi: whoever wakes up first, will run his team away with the game