Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers Hoops vs. Michigan State

We play too loose when we think we’re better than the other team.
We look like we're just going thru the motions running plays and they are taking advantage with easy baskets. Not set on defense because of the pace.
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If I see one more Liberty commercial I'm going to choke someone out
Just admit you hate pike
I think this fan base overrated him. As ive said, he gives us a high floor but really low ceiling. Think of it like building a house on a hill with 6 foot ceilings.
We are definitely better than them, but man, sloppy play is going to kill us. Same as against Iowa. Time to get their heads outta their asses if they want to be for real.
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Love this team, but they have the potential to be great. They’re not currently great.
We all know they have to make layups and foul shots. It’s a mystery why they simply don’t improve in these areas.
If they do improve, they could be great. If they don’t, they will settle into mediocrity. It’s not too complicated.
WTF kind of pass was that Geo?

Geo is useless right now get him out.
They need to slow it down on offense and defend the 3 on defense.
This is the type of performance on the road that Rutgers has shown in previous years.Shooting bricks and no semblance of organization.
I think this fan base overrated him. As ive said, he gives us a high floor but really low ceiling. Think of it like building a house on a hill with 6 foot ceilings.
You think Pike is overrated? You don’t know Rutgers basketball then
Not sure what Paul was doing on S there but nice job by Myles