Geo Baker Tweet

Is it possible? Sure, I guess.

But come on. You don't actually think he should be watching condensed Clemson games on Youtube all day.
No he should be doing school work, keeping fit, eating and hydrating right AND watching Clemson games for tips on how to defend/attack specific players. They all should be doing that.
Who cares whether the players are likable or not . Athletes don’t care about me and I don’t care about them . What is likable is winning. I like winning. Big time college hoops is one of the dirtiest businesses around . Just win
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.
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I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.

Imagine being so blinded by politics that you stop caring about the first tournament game in 30 years because a player annoys you on Twitter.
Imagine being so blinded by politics that you stop caring about the first tournament game in 30 years because a player annoys you on Twitter.
This is politics now? I have to be dem or republican to now feel a certain way about this?

Yea that's why Geo's timing is so poor. But hey, it's his legacy. Can't wait to boo him when he comes back to the rac.
This is politics now? I have to be dem or republican to now feel a certain way about this?

Yea that's why Geo's timing is so poor. But hey, it's his legacy. Can't wait to boo him when he comes back to the rac.
You will be one of very few. The overall response to Geo’s tweets, outside of this forum, are overwhelmingly positive. The RAC will explode for him
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.
You’re an idiot rooting against your team because of what some other idiot tweets. .
You sound like an 8 year old that has posters of Eli Manning in his bedroom basement . One day you will grow up and realize many athletes are unlikable, and many more are entitled jerks that got hooked up with things in life due to sports . You wouldn’t like them and they would probably think even less of you.
Forget about what some immature kid puts on social media and pull for your damn team tonight
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.

Oh no. Not me. I’m rooting like hell for us regardless.

Believe it or not there’s still a pipe dream outcome to root for in this. We’re RU so it won’t happen but man - if we win and then Geo comes on in a well spoken interview and pleads with the NCAA begging them to please consider changing the rules. He says he can’t afford to give up another full year of potential to earn any money but would love nothing more than to return to RU for one more round. He feels like he should have the ability for both and that’s why he came out when he did to fight for his dream. NCAA puts in place modest NIL changes that allow Geo to make some money. He returns for a FF run forever know as the kid representing RU who took a stand to make a difference for all of college basketball.

Now that would be something lol.
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No he should be doing school work, keeping fit, eating and hydrating right AND watching Clemson games for tips on how to defend/attack specific players. They all should be doing that.

Says dozens of grown men on a Rutgers website at all hours who will swear it has no impact on their ability to do their job.

I'll be rooting hard for RU.
Geo and other players may have some legit points. The bad taste comes from the timing.

All four of my kids went to great schools and are well prepared for life. I wish just one of them had the skill and ability to be a D1 scholarship athlete so they wouldn't have the student debt that takes a big chunk out of their finances just as they start their chosen professions. Everyone of the kids who step on the court Friday night will never have that problem. That's pretty good compensation for their services.

Go RU!!
I'll be rooting hard for RU.
Geo and other players may have some legit points. The bad taste comes from the timing.

All four of my kids went to great schools and are well prepared for life. I wish just one of them had the skill and ability to be a D1 scholarship athlete so they wouldn't have the student debt that takes a big chunk out of their finances just as they start their chosen professions. Everyone of the kids who step on the court Friday night will never have that problem. That's pretty good compensation for their services.
Yeah, but here’s the thing if your kid was talented enough in sports to get a d1 scholarship he probably wasn’t as talented in the class room. It’s just what you prefer as the parent . (Note: I am limiting this school of thought to football and men’s basketball ).
Enjoy the game in your miserable pathetic life. Most of these kids have 3-4 years in the sun to make a few bucks then they will be out in the real world trying to make a life.

Why grown men mostly white males feel entitled to regulate the thoughts and actions of these mostly black athletes is a text book case of white privilege.
My life is miserable and pathetic because of how I will view one basketball game. I think you have that backwards.

Love how you made this a racist thing. As if anything remotely racist was posted. Typical. I don't agree with geo so therefore I must be racist. Good to see your racist take on white males though. Do you even know what race I am? Or just a general blanket statement against white males?

In closing, F off you racist.
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.
Cmon man. That’s messed up. I might have a concern about distractions for the team but Geo and the rest of the team will always have my support.
but here’s the thing if your kid was talented enough in sports to get a d1 scholarship he probably wasn’t as talented in the class room. It’s just what you prefer as the parent.

????? The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. My preference had nothing to do with anything.It was just the talents they had and didn't have.
I don't accept the premise that if you're talented in sports you "probably" aren't as talented in the classroom.
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????? The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. My preference had nothing to do with anything.It was just the talents they had and didn't have.
I don't accept the premise that if you're talented in sports you "probably" aren't as talented in the classroom.
Just look at the majors and high school Gpa’s , SAT scores of these athletes. Look at why admission standards are lower for them then gen. Pop
Cmon man. That’s messed up. I might have a concern about distractions for the team but Geo and the rest of the team will always have my support.
Yea I've watched all year. Between Geo's campaign,myles whining any time a foul does not go his way and carrying that attitude 2-3 games afterwards and sometimes onto social media, pikiell's "do whatever you want" approach, harpers transformation from all american to replacement level's just a hard team to stick up for. I will watch, Ill be relatively happy if they win, but the air has been let out of the balloon for me.
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Says dozens of grown men on a Rutgers website at all hours who will swear it has no impact on their ability to do their job.


I'm on your side but honestly this site has probably negatively impacted my job performance. Not by a lot, but still lol.
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.

If we win it will be great. Everyone will forget.

If we lose tonight I agree geo will have soured the experience because we will all be saying “what if” geo was focused, did it effect him, did it effect the team, is he too selfish.... again if we win no one will care.
If we win it will be great. Everyone will forget.

If we lose tonight I agree geo will have soured the experience because we will all be saying “what if” geo was focused, did it effect him, did it effect the team, is he too selfish.... again if we win no one will care.
Agreed. That’s how it always is
This is politics now? I have to be dem or republican to now feel a certain way about this?

Yea that's why Geo's timing is so poor. But hey, it's his legacy. Can't wait to boo him when he comes back to the rac.

Yes, it's politics. FYI, things can be political without one of the major US political parties telling you how to think about it. They even have politics in other countries!

That said, the correlation between people's thoughts on this issue and U.S. political party preference also appears to be very high.
As the champion of Geos legacy being wayyyyyy overrated by this board for years I am kind of upset that this is what it took for you to change your stances because it shouldn’t have anything to do with his legacy.
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Yes, it's politics. FYI, things can be political without one of the major US political parties telling you how to think about it. They even have politics in other countries!

That said, the correlation between people's thoughts on this issue and U.S. political party preference also appears to be very high.
Bro you're the only one making this political. Please don't spoon feed me horseshit
Just for some perspective, almost no one outside of these message boards cares about his tweet. In fact, most don't even know it happened because normal adults don't check twitter every day and they certainly don't follow college kids on there. We are the exception. If Geo comes back next year and you do boo him, 90% of the fans in the arena will have no idea why you're booing.
I will watch, Ill be relatively happy if they win, but the air has been let out of the balloon for me.

I think this was the intention. Miserable people want everyone else to be miserable too. These kids are miserable; it's obvious. They aren't happy and they want everyone else to be as unhappy - that's the point of being divisive and creating strife on the eve of the happiest night in thirty years for the program and the fanbase. I said it in the other thread ... I feel bad for them.
The TWEET will have zero, nothing, nada to do with the outcome of tonight’s game.
That doesn't matter. It very well may have zero to do with it, but geo will 100% be blamed if he doesn't have a good game. He created this situation for himself. Hopefully he can find a way out of it with a win tonight.
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Isn't this exactly already the situation in CFB and CBB?
I never understand the "if players get paid I'm done! All the name schools will just buy the best players!"

As if this isn't already the case - and everyone is still watching.

May I direct you to the near weekly "recruiting scandal" thread about high-profile programs paying off players.
Yes, that is exactly what happens now.
I think this was the intention. Miserable people want everyone else to be miserable too. These kids are miserable; it's obvious. They aren't happy and they want everyone else to be as unhappy - that's the point of being divisive and creating strife on the eve of the happiest night in thirty years for the program and the fanbase. I said it in the other thread ... I feel bad for them.
Nailed it. Their pain will be over soon enough and they can go and make commercials and sell their likeness for all the riches that await.
I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.
That might be the saddest post I have ever read.
You don't seem to understand what the word political means. I can't say I'm surprised.
He apparently sees all politics as American party politics. A distressingly common misconception, at least among Americans.

My position on the issue is pretty neutral. I wouldn’t complain about a CEO, currently earning $4.5M, asking for a raise to $5M. I also wouldn’t complain about a cop or teacher seeking higher pay even though that impacts the rest of us via taxes. And I see nothing wrong with NCAA athletes seeking more control and/or pay for their likenesses and names.

I don’t involve myself in other‘s financial affairs. I just take care of my own business.

Geo and other players think the rules should change. That’s between them and the league and schools.

The angry busybodies here have no valid reason for their anger because the issue isn’t about them at all. It’s none of their business. I guess some are envious. Some have adopted the silly, oft disproven, generally unrealistic view that a college athlete cannot perform unless they eschew all other aspects of life 24/7.

And we all know that, if the team loses tonight, the same angry guys will blame it on Geo and the “distraction“. They won’t allow themselves to be distracted from winning that particular logic-leap competition.

Ah well. It’s all good. This thread certainly highlights the “fan” in fanatic. 🙂
That doesn't matter. It very well may have zero to do with it, but geo will 100% be blamed if he doesn't have a good game. He created this situation for himself. Hopefully he can find a way out of it with a win tonight.

I couldn't care less if they win tomorrow. We have an incredibly unlikable team and part of me looks forward to booing geo each and every time he sets foot back in the rac if he loses this game for us. The only one I'm rooting for is Jacob young, a true man of business who keeps his stuff in check and plays hard every night

I hope he's prepared for his legacy to be one of the most despised RU players in our history. Hopefully he is aware that's what awaits him if we do not win after this shitstorm he cooked up.

IMO, Geo has soured this entire ncaa experience. I have liked teams that haven't gone to the ncaa much more than this one.

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Don't have time to read through 838 comments, most of which are probably complaining of the timing of Geo Baker's tweet, but for an intelligent young man with a lot of time on his hands while he waits, cooped up in a hotel room, to play in the NCAA tournament, there is no better time to do this. Obviously, this is the time when people are paying attention. After the tournament not so many people will be listening. I trust that he can prepare for the game and push his agenda at the same time.
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Don't have time to read through 838 comments, most of which are probably complaining of the timing of Geo Baker's tweet, but for an intelligent young man with a lot of time on his hands while he waits, cooped up in a hotel room, to play in the NCAA tournament, there is no better time to do this. Obviously, this is the time when people are paying. After the tournament not so many people will be listening. I trust that he can prepare for the game and push his agenda at the same time.
He’s got some added motivation there. If they lose nobody will care what he says except all the crazy people here.

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