Ok, well.. you guys are all a bunch of ****ing tools. I'm Ms Rescigno? Lol. I actually use my REAL name unlike you cowards. I don't hide behind some stupid dumbass profile name like a pussy... If ya read my post, it said that the coaching sucks ass. PERIOD. Go ahead and debate that. Please.. tell me how AWESOME Ash and Drew are.. and how proud of them you are... and how unpredictable and surprising the playcalling was tonight! Please tell me what an amazing job our receivers and offensive line did tonight! I'm ALLL ears assholes.
OK Gary Bredow- hundreds of football fans reading this now know that Gary Bredow isn't the brightest light for not realizing that Flood left the program in shambles. It also takes 4+ solid recruiting classes to make a big difference on the field.
If you read the preseason magazines (if you really needed to do THAT) Rutgers was predicted to finish LAST in the division and win maybe 4 games. the Vegas preseason line (over/under wins) was 4.5. That included the 3 gimmes to start the season.
Please wait 3+ years to start complaining about Ash-and you may well be right because malcontents such as yourself in NJ give Rutgers and the state (like it needs help) a bad reputation. In that sense you might be right in saying Rutgers might never be good consistently-but you didn't say that.
By the way Mehringer was considered an offensive guru when we hired him. Isn't is His "guys" who scored a sheetload of points last year for Houston-and beat Louisville Thursday.
Mehringer and other coaches can't run their offense-or even try unless the cubbard is stocked with top players. Often with teams that have a lack of depth players need to play out of position for the benefit of the team.
You can have a great coach. However in the B1G any team that expects to content will need 4-5 4 star players plus on both sides of the ball. Rutgers has maybe 3-5 TOTAL if that. That was also WITH Grant and 1-2 others playing who we lost. Even a defense with many top players can't perform well if they are on the field all day.
When I attended UNC a down program hired a coach dubbed "the next big thing in college football-Mack Brown. Proven track record. Won 1 whole game against a 0-3 win Virginia. A few years later the team was much better. North Carolina yeehas also hung Dean Smith n effigy after his first year-there's a reason people are referred to as "yeehas".
At Rutgers we R competing against the best. I turned on the NFL last Sunday and within minutes heard of two Ohio state players dominating their games in the PROs. One was a rookie!